The plot holds a strong story, and the subject matter is rather... Crude.
Tho i'd say the game is downright fetishist porn, it does have some good jokes, decently written character backgrounds and a lot of content.
Storywise, i'd say its interesting, with some twists and some obvious outcomes it still holds a story worth exploring. I'd still not recommend it tho, as the story takes a back seat for cheap faps (At least a decent amount of options to walk away). Focus on the story more, and let the sexual content spring more naturally, and not as some kind of plot progression. (Though thank you for not forcing people to farm points with repeatable bs)
Gameplay is like a visual novel, it doesn't have a lot of choices that matter (Yet, far as i understand), but enough to let you get a mild sense of control.
Overall look is pretty okay, cliche ren'py things.
I've seen worse animations, using the same engine(s). So 7/10 on that.
Play the game if you're bored, not a snowflake, have some humor and have your expectations in check.
I'd lend my voice to the project as a VA, if i were more into the whole... Graping people thing. But i am not. (Thank fuck for Filthy Frank, had i not grown up with that, i wouldn't be able to laugh at some of this)
Focus more on the story, and how the characters play a part in how it unfolds, as well as the consequences of it.
The characters aren't trauma-proof, dig into that aspect more, it'd add some much needed character development, story elements and a stronger sense of relatability to the game and characters.
The gameplay is lacking to put it mildly.
Throw some time into the side content, it'd bring out much more of a reaction from people, than the constant forced taking of damsels.
I can appreciate the mature subjects and content of the game, but have a little more tact about how it enters the story, and the intensity of it. Otherwise the whole ''Bang'' reaction i feel like the game is going for, vanishes. Don't desensitize the players by overdoing it, otherwise they get bored.