Others - Completed - Waifu Fighter [Final] [Happy monster co., ltd.]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    A game like the dankest of memes. It doesn't have staying power but it's really nice over its short length.

    Block enemy attacks by pressing the right direction at the right time. Beat them up once they are tired.
    There are different kinds of attacks that change it up a little but the core stays the same. This gets boring eventually. The game is short enough that I did not grow bored with it. The late game life steal can fuck off though.

    Your attacks break the enemy's clothes. Once you beat them you get a sex scene. Another one if you unlock their respective story.
    The scenes are nice and have voice acting. There is no animation. Just variations of one image per scene. Most scenes are basic dick in pussy.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    The game is pretty simple and straightforward, the gameplay is easy and the animations and clothing break mid-battle are nice. Also, the scenes are good, overall is a nice game to pass so time, but that's about it.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    Maaan i got my hope to up for this game it has a pretty fun gameplay and dialogues, its just like a Meme game but still it feels like a waste of an a idea.
    There is a abysmal lack of content , and lack of animations.
    Still pretty fun to play but not even fappable soo it shouldn't be on this page xdd. nha kidding but it has almost nothing of Hscenes. Also its soooo grindy to play and progress to get the Hscene of each girl.
    4/10 good game Bad wank (Sorry for my bad english)
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    A funny chinese game with somewhere between 20 minutes to an hour of content, and good art.

    Unfortunately the gameplay is designed around making the player grind/waste their time, if you don't cheat you're probably not going to enjoy the game much, since grinding in this game can get repititive fast, also the final fight's final phase even at max possible stats(without cheating) is just unfair.

    Fortunately it's super easy to cheat by editing your save file using notepad++ though, it's located at "C:\Users\Username\AppData\Roaming\WaifuFighter", you can only edit money upon just launching the game but once you've purchased atleast one of each skill level up, you can edit all of your skill levels to an amount beyond what the game allows too(super helpful against the final boss's final phase).
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Laughed my ass off.
    It's a great game, short and withouth much content, it doesn't get too grindy but getting the last 2 or 3 final story events is kinda boring.
    Great art and very simple yet pleasing gameplay. Solid 8/10
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    For what it is, it's not bad. But what it is, is not great.

    Story 3/10

    Some virus or something made all women super strong and they took over the world. The MC is part of the patriarchy who train in the mountains to... fight the women and take back over? I don't know, the story's not very interesting or relevant.

    There's 5 girls and they each kind of have a story thing with them, but they're also kind of shallow and not very fleshed out, as is the problem with story in these short games.

    Katie's a poor delinquent. Chun-Lan's a restaurant owner. Fuuka's a clutzy ninja. Danielle's a pampered vampire. Wummy's a carefree savage. Just a bunch of stereotypes and one-dimensional characters.

    Gameplay 4/10

    Kind of novel, not too fun. Fights consist of 3 phases. You match up/down/left/right with the right timing. 2 extra things are either no action, or reverse (so left when it's right).

    Fights earn you money which you spend to make your fighting better or unlock story. It's kind of grindy since fights aren't that fun.

    Kind of gameplay quality-of-life thing they're missing is faster dialog. There's no skip so it's just manual clicking with their default text speed, which is quite slow.

    Art 6/10

    Art's pretty solid but there's not a lot of it. The fights have some nice art as well, but they're just fight animations.

    Overall 4/10

    The quality is there and you can see the production value. But I want a bit more oomph. The story's shallow and forgettable. There's no character development, which I know is a weird criticism for an h-game but the characters are too one-dimensional otherwise.

    The gameplay was nice but also slow and grindy. Overall an okay experience but also not that fun.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    Short and simple game with simpler mechanics.
    The game has some good points to it
    + The voice acting is really good even though i don't understand Chinese, the voice in the H scenes is quite good.
    + The writing in the scenes is also decent and the game is sprinkled with some funny moments

    But overall, the cons outweigh the pros:
    - No skip buttons for the dialogue when needed. For example, if you lost story scenario, you will have to go through all the dialogue all over again while spamming the "next" button.
    - There are some moments where you will surely get hit by the opponent not because of you, but because of the flawed design of the game.
    After you given the chance to hit your opponent, you will obviously spam the hit buttons but then without any warning you will get back to defending and most probably you will push the wrong button while defending because you were still spamming the attack.
    Another scenario where this happens is when you go through the story scenes again and again and want just to skip the dialogue, you will spam the next key and at some point the fight will start and again you will miss the defense. This could easily be implemented better by showing the "FIGHT" screen when the fight actually starts gameplay-wise and not when there is still dialogue to be presented.
    - No animation in the H scenes which is misleading to TAG the game with the animation tag where you have no animated H-scenes
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    A great game wasted by pointless grind.

    It looks really good, the writing's consistently funny, the gameplay is simple but satisfying, and there's enough content for a good hour or two. But the majority of the content has to be purchased to unlock, and the prices quickly become absurd. This would be ok if there was more variety to the game, but there just isn't. The fights are a fun and funny challenge the first time around, but there's no justification for having to replay them a dozen times over.

    Overall, not worth your time. Such a waste of a good game.
  9. 4.00 star(s)

    Golden Idiot

    You play as a chad sigma male crackhead who has been training in the mountains for his whole life, never saw a woman until he was a grown man and he only exists to defeat the strongest women in the world. If that doesnt describe an amazing and goofy story, i dont know what will.

    The game is great, even though i dont enjoy rythm games, i found it simple enough to enjoy it. The artstyle is great, with some real waifu potential. Sadly i cant give this game a 5/5, simply because there isnt enough of it. The game is too short (around 2 hours) to really invest yourself in either the gameplay, the story or the characters, if it was at least 2 hours longer, then it could have been easily a great game.

    But oh well, i enjoyed what i got either way, you should too.
  10. 3.00 star(s)

    Rex Blue

    Feminist F-ist is a quick-time event extended into an entire game. Combat consists of series of quick time events, requiring more or less of them based on the difficulty of your opponent and how much you've spent on character upgrades.

    This isn't the first game I've played of this type, and it's not inherently awful. Unfortunately, I have a problem with the scaffold around it. You can't skip dialogue on story battles even if you've already lost it before. This can get very tedious since there's no skip function to make the dialogue pass faster.

    In addition, there's so much needless grind. Each of the five girls story battle unlocks for free once you've beaten the previous girl, but then you have to buy their date with money earned from grinding the combat system and then pay twice as much to buy fucking them. This is on top of the upgrades you will likely need to beat the girls at all. I don't dislike the battle system, but I also don't want to play it twenty or thirty times to unlock all the content.

    The story makes the game at least mildly amusing as you grind your face into it. But it's just too damn much.

    Feminist F-ist isn't a bad game if you like QTE style fighters, but there's only so long anyone can tolerate them before getting bored. You'll hit that point on this game long before the game ends.
  11. 5.00 star(s)

    Bob Bee

    Overall 4.5/5, Game with satisfying combat, dumb fun story, and AMAZING art

    Gameplay 4/5, very basic "rhythm?" style gameplay with little depth but still satisfying. Game takes around 2-3 hrs to finish along with the little bit of grind

    Story 4/5, Surprisingly enjoyable it is quite simply "dumb fun", it does however get less interesting as you go, the story is also incomplete the game just ends

    Characters 4/5, Characters feel more unique than usual, I enjoyed the short time spent with each of them

    Art 5+/5, The art is just amazing, completely different league than most I have seen.

    H Scene 3/5, 1 picture per H Scene, its an amazingly drawn picture but that's all there is to it.
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    Rhythm games with some H contents. ~1.5 hours for all the contents.

    Having fun for like the first ~10 minutes because of the writing.
    However, the game gets boring as it requires some grind to unlock H contents. Also, the writing becomes more predictable and less exciting as I progress.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    This game has great writing. I often found myself laugfing instead of fapping
    The art is great.
    I like the parody of it.
    The female characters are also interesting.
    Gameplay is short and simple but for me it was really fun.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    I was honestly gonna pass this over until I read the description which had me laughing my ass off.

    I can honestly say that giving it a shot was one of the best things I ever did. Now, it's not something amazing that'll knock your socks off, but it is very fun. The premise of this whole thing had me splitting my sides.

    The girls are really hot and the scenes can get you going. The controls actually aren't that difficult. If you practice for like 3-5 mins, then you'll get it down without much difficulty.

    Now, the game is kinda short. Shorter than I would have liked. I would have liked to face other girls and get them to submit to my fists, but it is what it is. A good hentai game to pass the time.

    If you're looking for a hentai game with some depth, this isn't for you.
    If you just wanna ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA! to victory and have a laugh, then knock yourself out with this.

    I'd give it a 9.1/10 for the fun. Would have been a straight 10 if it were longer.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Just finished playing this fun game.
    It's short and entertaining.

    - Down with the f.emi.nism ¡¡¡
    - Comedic premise and characters.
    - Very good art.
    - Very fun game to play.
    - Good mechanics.
    - Good design.
    - Excellent soundtracks.

    - Short. Too short for a very good game like this one.

    I can recommend to support this game on Steam. It is a worthy game.

    Very good for a short gameplay between doing your daily things on your PC. XD
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    Feminist F-ist [Final]

    The game is excellent in all aspects, good amount of hours of gameplay, fun, good story and original, the graphics are good and technically there are no flaws.

    Unfortunately, in the Hentai aspect it could have been improved a lot. The game consists of good quality uncensored images, but has little variety and quantity of images, as well as lack of animations, having improved this aspect the truth would have been a perfet game.

    I give this game an 8.3 out of 10.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Easily one of the most entertaining game among it's genre.
    The humour, the music, the art, the gameplay, all of it is soo good, and so fun. Usually, that's what matters, fun.

    I've thought that it's not quite challenging, which would be fine, since the main focus here isn't to be sadistically hard, but entertaining, goofy and sexy. That is until i've reached the 3rd fight. It is a bit more challenging than the previous two, which is actually great. I reckon the last two fights are similar, since I haven't finished it yet.

    I'm not even qualified to review this game.
    However, what i've seen so far already convinced me that this game is freakin A+ material so far.

    10 out of 10 would laugh my ass off again.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    This game have no right to have such great dialogues, even if they were a bit butchered by translation and the fact that they have chinese parody as a core in the first place

    The gameplay itself is "reaction game" which is quite easy for veterans of the genre, especially if you level up your "dynamic vision" skill in the game.
  19. 3.00 star(s)


    It's a fun parody game that's pretty short to go through. There is potential with the gameplay but there's some technical features lacking. One is autoplay for text and the game will crash suddenly at times. If optimized and developed further, a sequel could have good potential
  20. 3.00 star(s)


    Everyone's already said everything that needs to be said, but I have to point out it's a game that looks like there would be a ton of ryona in it and there isn't. There's like a single CG that fits the bill and that's it.