1. I'm no artist but imo the 3rd sprite's left arm looks wonky, maybe some more shading in the hand and elbow joints.
2. 2nd and 3rd sprite' nipples looks off perspective/center, if not both then definitely her right side's nipple.
Thats it as far as technical stuff i an notice right off the bat.
3. Her crotch slit might also be a bit high up by a pixel or 2 but it really depends on how it all looks and moves together etc in the animation. Also might be better left leave that way if the character size is super small on screen in the game.
4. Ditto for the eye and kneecaps. Looks weird to me but I'd leave it the way it is for now as it might look great in world of the game's style.
5. Leg design i think needs more definition in the calves.
Guys can jack off to just about anything as long as its presented right. Everybodies preferences are different anyways. Me for example, I'd like wider hips and/or a bigger butt and a bit of longer hair BUT your planning on animating it and doing small details like that for each frame for a chars first few drafts/designs might be overkill and/or to time consuming and skill wise. I'd like to see more of the world and a few more charaters before saying something that might throw off the whole game before it even starts, but thats me... and i dont have experience in this either so... yeah take my thoughts/advise with a large pinch of salt.
Again, not an artist.