2D Want to make an h-game. Critique me.


New Member
Oct 20, 2019
Money is tight so I'm thinking about starting development on an h-game. I've spent a few hours spriting a character concept and threw together an animation. This is my first time trying to sprite or animate any kind of h-content so I have a lot of improving to do. I could really use some feedback on if this quality is good enough to sell within a point and click adventure game.
Sprite-0004.png Sprite-0005.gif
Thoughts? Critiques? Thanks for taking a look.


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2018
If this is your first time making a game, be ready for the learning curve and the very slow progress. That aside, you art and animation look really god. Like, really, really good, as about as good as most professionals can get (I'm jealous). Did you have a template on hand or do this kind of art before?


New Member
Oct 20, 2019
I had some references I used for the initial proportions for the character but that's all. I've been dabbling in game development so I'm confident on the programming side of things. I'm a little worried I'll put in all this effort and no one want to buy it.


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2018
the youtuber "underground dev," talks alot about marketing projects and games, so that may help, as marketing will be a major factor, just as major as the game you may make.
Aug 30, 2017
My 5 cents: there are easier and more reliable ways of making money so if you need secondary income, try something else first. Gamedev requires an initial investment and a learning curve, just like any other business. You would have to spend time and money before you make any money from it, and then an income is far from guaranteed. Most importantly, ask yourself if you like game development: if you do, go for it, if you don't do something else. And don't expect that you'll make much: most games don't produce that much income for the creators, compared to investments they make. Think of it as a hobby not as a job.
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