Request Want To Start Working on making a game


Aug 20, 2017
hey guys ill keep this short and sweet i guess and if this is in the wrong section im so sorry.

ive been playing these porn games for years now and i love em and have always wanted to try and make one but it seems super overwhelming. but im in a spot in life where i got a ton of free time so why not try to learn, i know there are probs 100349398 diff threads explaining what to do but i was wondering if people could provide useful information to get started.

i have no knowledge of coding or making stuff in blender or daz 3d but im fully tempted to try and learn.

i think the types of games i wanna try and make are ones like Annas Exciting Affection, A Wife & Mother, ones with those type of character designs.

so yea if anyone could basically give a how to for dummys on how to make porn games that would be lovely thanks so much and once again sorry if this is the wrong spot
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