VN Wanted: Proofreaders


Active Member
Aug 20, 2017

I am close to finishing my first chapter on my Virtual Novel at time of this post about 10 more renders.

To cut right to the chase i need help, i dont need a lot of help as i have the entire story layed out. Though there is alwayus room for improvement of course.

What do i need specifically: Proofreaders.

To start of, this will be a non paying task. I dont have patreon, and im not making any money out of it. Maybe this will change in the future i dont know yet.

What do i look in a proofreader:
- Check the work for bugs, nothing worse than a game stopping bug.
- Check the renders, see if i've missed something.
- Possibly some input on the story. Just no major plot changes.
- And last but not least Grammar. I'm Dutch so while my english is good its not perfect.

So basically 1 or 2 playtroughs should be good.

Questions post them here. If you want to help send me a pm.
If you send me a pm tell me why you want to help me. Your native language (this because of the grammar checking) if you have any experience in either Daz, Ren'Py and or Virtual Novels in general.

I expect to be ready somewhere in Januari after i have done some testings of my own first and when my main man has tested it.

I know its not a paying job However when you accept i requier commitment. I dont mean you have to commit to all x amount of chapters but if you do a certain chapter you commit to that and have it ready at the agreed upon time. (Of course stuff can happen i know but you get the idea) And last but certainly not least, secrecy. You do not talk about the plot untill that particularly chapter is launched. No spoilers in short.

Thanks in advance.


Active Member
Aug 20, 2017
Yes i have played a lot of ren'py games and i know i dont need a demo that takes 5 minutes to play. I do want to make a strong or at least a compelling start. (i think i have that)

But bad grammar have made me stop playing a few games.
Also im only 1 person, often when one person does something he is so deep in it that simple mistakes slip.
Also different computers can have different results.

Again i do think i have something good that may touch on used topics but i will give it a different approach in an attempt to keep it fresh.

So example:
Son peeks at mom in shower and goes wow i want to fuck her now. I will make this my life goal.

These type of overused clichés i want to avoid.

So yes, I can 'sense' if it is good or not but some extra input can never hurt.
The devil is in the details as they say.


Oct 29, 2017
The devil is in the details as they say.
holy moly dude just realease... seems like you have got a mental disorder of perfection (i speak out of first hand)
just realease it. you can improve it at anytime and get many many more hints and ideas bout your game by users here...
if you try to make this game "perfect" you can't you will mess it up, believe me... just realease it...
you have no patreon, you just make this game for you and us. you are not a pro developer, so just release it here. if you are still shy send me i will test it. good luck
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Active Member
Aug 20, 2017
Just did my first run trough the entire chapter. I think there are no more errors now. However i did notice i need a bit more renders as some of teh text felt off with the render. So i need a few more filler renders.

But finaly making some good progress.


So any info on what your VN is going to be? Dont need to know everything but Id help you out if you need testers.


Active Member
Aug 20, 2017
Well... The title will be: The unconventional love triangle
Below is a preview picture.

On the left is you and on the right is ..... your mother.
But a triangle implies a third person.... Is it a man... is it a woman... or something in between... :)
I'ts going to be a woman i can say that and it will be a few chapters befor she will be introduced.

Yes there will be sex scenes in it but its mostly about love and friendship. I like to take a more "realistic" approach so some things will go fast and some things simply won't.

Some fetishes i wrote down:
· 3DCG
· Incest M/S
· Anal (optional)
· Groping
· Lesbian (Optional)
· Voyeur
· M/FF (optional)
· Bondage (Light) (Optional)
· MF/MF 2 couples (Optional)
· Impregnation/Preggo (?)

But i like to stress out that not all of them are set in stone and a subject to change or outright removal.
And to approach one of the big elephants in the room... NTR
Its a bit tricky... However i do have one scene which may or may not be considerd NTR but given the strong opinions everyone has about this its optional. It's nothing big or major and will have no impact either way on the story. I think of that scene more as a slip up then NTR. More i can not say at this time.

Note to self: I really need to start working on a proper synopsis :)


Good call with NTR. Forced NTR will just give you a headache


Active Member
Aug 20, 2017
I did some research :)

I read a lot of comments to see what people like and what they dont like. I know i can't please everyone and i know some people may hate my VN but thats cool.

One of the major points i read on every new novel was time and content. In my first run (and im a prety fast reader) it took me about 30 mins to finish it. So i think this is good. Other chapters may be longer or shorter i do not know yet.

Chapter one will have lots of locations with less dialogue, i will change this a bit in chapter two with less locations but more story per location. I got a bit carried away on the first chapter. That being said i needed to set the stage for the story so i could not change it much.


Well 30 minutes, give or take, is a pretty good start. Most people want a couple of lewd scenes in the first update. Me I think the first update should give players an idea of what the story should be and leaves us wanting more. Best of luck and I look forward to playing your game.


Active Member
Aug 20, 2017
There will only be sex if it serves the story. That being said i know people want this so they will get what they want but it has to serve the story. And lets be honest a sex scene between the mother and son in the first chapter would be unrealistic. (unless you use it as a flash forward i guess) But given its only the first chapter i dont think people will be dissapointed. At least the majority ;)