RPGM - Warlock and Boobs [v0.505] [boobsgames]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    The game itself is pretty basic and nothing special tbh. But the art is simply amazing and the scripts are fun! I hope this is gonna be completed, because it would be a waste, otherwise. Keep going, man! ;)
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    this game was the first 'NSFW' game i tried and is still the best i've played along with summertime saga, its great. Its mainly the art style that drew my attention, there isnt really much other games that have such a unique style which is also just very apealing, i personally dislike the 'anime' type art so this was really something i couldn't ignore. With the story, i do feel like there needs to be more instructions with the journel as it can get abit tedious looking through the guide online because you forget what to do and arent told fully in the quest description but other than that everything else is class, good luck with the future of this game.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    So this game is really something... there are many flaws, which may or may not be ever solved, however I’m gonna give this one 4* for hard work and art work.


    Amazing art, simple as that.

    Many fuckable characters, who aren’t drooling only over MC, but have fun on their own.

    Elves, Orcs, Minotaur, Goblins... all the good stuff.

    Even tho I don’t really enjoy futa/shemale/gay that art kept me interested to check out some scenes at least.

    Gameplay is pretty good imo. Learning spells, growing herbs, fun battle system, which suffers a bit due to heavy RNG, but I can get over that.

    Lovely RPGM music and voiced females, not all of them yet tho.


    Oh boy...

    Dev is obviously russian speaker. Translation is all over the place, sometimes is pretty good, sometimes is really bad.

    Very few animations, which isn’t that big of a deal for me but still...

    World doesn’t feel very big, could be much bigger.

    Seems like dev doesn’t understand difference between futa and shemale, despite including it heavily in his game. All the "futa" in game are actually shemale.

    Despite having good amount of content, it could be much more, since it is in development over four and half years... that art is really a lifesaver man...
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    amazing artwork, tons of content, some of it is not for me but there's something for everyone, that's for sure. has a lot of quests and a lot of "actual" gameplay to it as well, can't wait for this game to be developed further.
  5. 2.00 star(s)



    the grind makes this game barely playable. it's a relationship farm game simulator. in most scenes you can increase the relationship usually by 1. now that scene is usually day specific and time specific. and you have to power through the same boring animation and text for many many times. some scenes or repeatable quests you have to do certain tasks, which can take 2minute (chicken egg collecting) or more than 10 (sheep finding).. now one of the scenes unlock at 50 relationship..... imagine repeating it 50 times. you will die of boredom..

    the game's art is nice. i like that there are gay/futa scenes too... but it's all behind an atrocious grindwall... even with walkthrough it's too crazy amount of grind. the dev can't be serious that you need to repeat this task 50times...

    now there are other ways to increase relationship but most are equally as boring. especially since there is no skip messages button... so the game could be really good, but the grind makes it unplayable... what uses are hot scenes if you cannot unlock them lol.... so all in all it's a poor, 2/5 game.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    Amazing art, great writing, decent world design (not too big or empty).
    Awful RNG combat, atrocious combat(because of RNG), the worst combat out of any rpgm game on this site.
    Overall, I'd give this a 3/5. Maybe rework the leveling system so you can grind exp, or add craftable items that reduce miss chance and give immunities and stats and this would be a 4.5/5.
  7. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 426687

    Fun gameplay, awesome original art and characters and hours of gameplay with more to come.
    Good dialogue and combat mechanics the only thing I would love is a in game walkthrough but I'm sure that will come in time.

    Highly recommend you check it out
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Great art style, excellent range of fetishes and characters, appropriate use of RPGM, storyline is developing well, and dev updates quite regularly with good content additions. Notably not "grindy" either, in the sense that it is heavily packed with porn scenes, one every few mins feasibly; even the dungeon crawling gameplay provides sufficient and regular reward in this regard.
  9. 2.00 star(s)

    Golden Idiot

    Version: v0.401

    This game is as wide as an ocean, deep as a puddle. There are so many characters, scenes and images that its genuinely impressive, what is not impressive is the fact that it has sacrificed everything else to achieve this kind of amount of sexual scenes. It really feels like the dev is primary an artist, game dev second and coder third.

    The main thing that completely killed my desire to continue playing is the downright atrocious and slow grind and story progression. It feels like this game is actively trying to bore you to death with its abysmal combat and gameplay mechanics. Doesnt help the fact that the only way to get EXP and level up is to complete quests and see events. Its an interesting idea, if not for the fact that the few combat encounters you have win are almost always heavily RNG based, because to complete the main quest line, you sometimes need to defeat a boss or an enemy to get an item and you cannot grind for it, you have to use your shit ass level, barren skillset and no real equipment to defeat them and that means you WILL have to save scum not to lose your sanity.

    Another aspect of this game that kills my vibe is how you progress your relationships with other characters and if you guessed that you will need to mindlessly grind forever, you are in fact correct. You will need to find most characters in specific locations on specific day to help them and to get rewarded with measly amount of relationship points :cautious:.

    And the very last major thing that killed this game for me, is the fact that despite there being so many characters and scenes, there is barely any text, any conversation, any personality. This game could have been a comic and i would have rated that comic a 4.5/5. But considering this is a game, the lack of any real interaction and story is unforgivable.

    This download was worth only for the image files.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    My current favorite. It's got attractive art and caters to bisexual players who both want to fuck huge tit sluts and cute boy butts.

    A few glitches and translation issues, and kinda repetitive gameplay to try to find the right times and places for content, but that can be overlooked for the most part.
  11. 2.00 star(s)

    Eepy Poss

    It feels so hard to recommend this game with a low rating purely because the art itself is great and I really enjoy the way the game is laid out for you. From all the busty girls in the village you can get close with, a lot of open ended content for expansion, monsters and monster girls also getting content, there's a lot there and you're bound to find something to your tastes if big titty is what you like. It's so heavily titty oriented that a lot of the other dicks in the game are also attached to big titty and you yourself can get the big titty. What a world, am I right?

    That said this game is so unbelievably slow. It leans excessively on completing quests to gain experience to the point that every activity that gives experience only nets you about 1 on average with an occasional chunk of 3 to 5. Take into account that you might need around 50 to 100 to level up in the early game and up to 300 to 500 later on, you do the math. Would you want to do this grind? Add in the fact that battles do not give you experience, I repeat they do NOT give you experience, and with no option to run from battles you kinda just waste both HP and MP fighting things for drops you probably don't want or need yet. You get your shit kicked in so easily in the early game and the early game grind is just barely hanging on until you hit level 2 or 3 and are actually able to survive even just the slimes a bit better.

    The quest system is there to supplement this problem and while it is nice to get big chunks of experience from 10, 50, even 100 at times, it does create this problem where once you run out of quests to do and are trying to figure out your next task you're just kinda fucked when it comes to growth. It's not very viable to grind out 300 experience with the aforementioned really low experience gains over the course of literally weeks in game. This game basically hits you with huge boosts in experience and you can, with slightly more confidence, go a little further than you could before into the forest and such but ultimately still feel pretty weak against the stronger monsters.

    All of this combined with an equally as grindy relationship system and a day night cycle just comes together into this extremely slow game. You sit there and wait for like 2 minutes for chickens to fucking move out of the way to get eggs so you can get +2 relationship with one girl. You wait for the evening to dance with someone for +2, you help out the mayor once a day for +2, you go hunt with your buddy for +1-3 depending, they're all really low numbers and this shit takes weeks. In the case of the village nun it literally takes weeks since you can only attend sunday mass on, well, sunday.

    While the content is great the gameplay leaves so much more to be desired. You get bodied so easily in this game and the growth for the MC is so slow that you don't really have any choice but to sometimes save scum shit in order to progress in other quest. A good example is the jelly wall. If you forget the slime repellent you might not even have learned before fighting him he can just use a move that literally forces you to do nothing for up to 10+ turns and ultimately you get fucked from 100% to 0% in a few turns. That and huge hp, resists just about every ailment, and is required to do for a few quests, it's a pain in the ass to deal with. This game can easily wear down a lot of player's patience with it's game design.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    It s the story of a young walock in his village. There are lots of sexy mini events to explore, which I realy like. All the members of the village do different things depending on week day and day time normal things and of course also sexy things were you can spy or interact. The story is funny and imo are the graphics very nice!
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    W&B. That’s a difficult one. I both love and hate it at the same time.

    I played hours and hours when I discovered it. Now I only look at the ripped art once in a while.

    It’s a RPGM game. Why? Because Dev likes to create interesting game mechanics I think, like the expeditions with Eric or stuff like that. Sounds great, doesn’t it? Problem is, it’s a very bad RPG, and if the same amount of content was put together in another engine, you could see everything in 1-2 hours… The engine just gives the illusion on depth and quantity. But the fact that you can walk around is nice. It’s a highly welcomed change from all the VN around (yes I know, this old RPGM existed before the Renpy Tsunami).

    I think this is why so many people are praising it: it can be highly addictive. The efforts you need to invest to get the slightest event or art is so important that you can spend an entire day playing it without much result. The “good” old reward feeling of video games.

    Dev is a very talented artist, with a high level of knowledge of the human body (I’m not joking). Just look at the faces, hands, waists… It’s a pleasure to analyze his drawings. Sure he likes bimbo bodies, but he’s so good at it and masters anatomy so well that it still works.

    That being said, the art is unequal. For the same reason the sex scenes became boring after a while: Dev has a huge power fetish towards bimbos, anal and gay content. And MC being a Beta. Or at least Dev chooses to focus on.
    The result is that almost all characters look the same, and the few ones that are different can be turned into bimbos...

    Can't post any pictures here, but some petite characters suddenly get Botoxed bimbo lips in some scenes, because why not, right?

    I think Dev does all the art by himself, but it sometimes feels like it was done from different persons, with complete different taste for female bodies.
    But the road map is just "draw everybody as bimbos!" now.
    So even the few characters that are a bit different from the others end up looking the same.

    Others said it before, but everything requires a humongous amount of grind. I could get over it the first times I played it, now I won’t bother again.

    It’s interesting to see a mediocre game with such niche fetish to become so popular. I guess good art will always beat even the best 3D in the world. It’s just more lively, more organic.

    If only for its art, boobsgames is worth a glance, but the game as a whole product… I just can’t recommend it.
    Only the art is good, but the engine is bad for showing quality pictures, there is no gallery, not everything is repeatable… It’s just not worth it.

    Just go enjoy the Cgs if you are receptive to drawing technique.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Played v 0.401

    Quite challenging at the beginning untill I start using walkthrough and potions. Game is interesting and playable, I find this very immersive game

    + large map with commendably variation
    + numerous characters, something for everyone
    + lots of fucking
    + big asses
    + new characters often enough
    + quests are doable, but
    + fun

    +- UI could be better

    - quests need wt, some are impossible to solve without hints
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    An actual high quality game. Everything is good about it!
    Right amount of dialoge, just enough that if you care you get a story and if you don't you can skip it fast.
    Amazing art! We need more of this for sure.
    Gameplay: optional combat (you can use the cheat attack)
    I'm sure these will be added later but the big load potion should have more effect on more characters and also should add the clothing system to more characters.
    Perfect game!
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Love the art and the game direction. It gets updated a bunch and it has a lot different content to partake in. Having the optional toggles is a great feature and I love the characters and design. 5/5 always gots me coming back for more and always checking it out whenever it receives updates.
  17. 1.00 star(s)


    Taking hours of grinding to get enough affection for 1 characters 1 or 2 lewd scenes is horrible. It also takes ages to get gold to buy health potions and it takes even longer to level up. At level 1, you barely have enough hp to take on more than 2 or 3 slimes before losing. zzzzoh, and if you get caught by bandits with eric during training, you will almost certainly lose since they spam blind and attack down. Lost all of my gold like that. Fuck this game, its unbalanced and takes too long to get anywhere
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    My only gripe is that the game can be really hard or even annoying sometimes, unless you know how to play it. However, art is amazing, content fits my personal tastes greatly (I would love more orc action though) and when you get a hang of things it goes fine, some grind reduction would go a long way though.
  19. 3.00 star(s)


    Far too grindy. That and the lack of direction are the only real faults, but they're big enough to provent it being above average. Its simply asking far too much repition for how little actual content there is to see (the lucky girls will have 1 boobjob scene then anal or oral and very rarely both and like 3 girls have a few scenes that happen on certain days/when you wake up you have little control over; mostly your sister).
    Quite a few will have just 1 scene.

    You just walk out, talk to whoever you want to bang, then find her when time moves forward and do it again. Sometimes you can't do any interaction that moves time or gives points, so you need to find someone else. You have no way to tell where anyone is beyond physically exploring the map for every time period, with like 6 per day. You don't move very fast. The town has a lot of doors with black out transitions that add up.

    The sex:
    The dev is very hyper-focussed on tit jobs and anal. Sometimes blowjobs. Maybe like 4 vaginal scenes and I feel like that's actually being too generous and that's when including characters other than the mc fucking.
    You have a lot of women with more or less the same body doing more or less the same acts with more or less the same attitude (extremely casual sex). The one singular girl who doesn't fit this is just super tsundere to you for no apparent reason. There's very little backstory given for anyone so you really have no idea why she acts like this to you and not the towns only other guy who actually fucks.
    If you like this body type (massive tits) and those acts, its pretty good. Especially anal. MC will cum like 5x as much with anal than anything else.
    If you don't like big tits, anal, titjobs and blowjobs, ie you are here for vaginal, the game is straight up not worth playing. There's very little here for you to see.
    Some other characters fuck and you can voyeur. They do that vaguely ntr-ish thing where everyone who fucks has a bigger dick or cums more than the mc. Its not an NTR game, but I'm still not a fan, its weird when characters talk about how big the mc's dick is when he has the apparent smallest in the town, with one girl being a few inches bigger and another having a spell to summon 'a horse dick '(a human dick but its much bigger than mc's) .

    This stands out since the mc is supposed to be some kind of magic man and should be able to fix this with his magic which he says at the start of the game is specifically sexually, but he just never does. His backstory is pointless. All the writing is. Everyone is so casual and blase about everything, there's no urgency to anything, no one cares who fucks who (except that one singular girl who gets all tsundere), a mom will casually force her daughter to suck you off and then in another scene say she was planning to fuck her own kid and her kids reaction is to do a sexy face.
    Personally this atmosphere is my favorite part of the game. A world where everyone is a casual swinger would be nice. Its the main reason this game stands out from all the mc is the only guy harem fuck games out there.


    Inconvinient overly intense gind.
    Decent sex scenes/character design if you are into big tits, anal and outercourse.
    Very bland and lazy characterization and world building, but I like that about it.
    Somewhat disappoingly small dicked mc (despite having a big dick, since it still manages to be smaller than anyone else).
  20. 2.00 star(s)


    Atrocious grind, mediocre gameplay, bad writing, no gallery viewer, and all the women have the same body type.

    How does anybody even rate this higher than 3 stars? The only good thing about it is the artwork.