RPGM - Warlock and Boobs [v0.505] [boobsgames]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    It is one of the best games I have ever played on this site, I have formatted my computer several times, and it is always present in my library, the art is very good, the characters, and above all the author is always updating

    Sorry for My Bad English, i speak portuguese
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    After a year or more of following this game, I just have to say, I completely do not understand it.

    It's almost like it's scientifically designed to be annoying and make the content not worth unlocking.

    Case in point: There are apparently scenes in the spa. In order to get to the spa I have to run through an area with several enemies. The enemies award no experience, there is no real equipment to buy, and I can't take party members for whatever reason, so at no point will this task become trivial.

    Moreover, there are three time "chunks" each day. 7 days. That means in order to catch the spa scene I may need to run through this area up to 21 times. Takes a few minutes each time, so it could take UPWARDS OF AN HOUR just to see this one scene. And that's assuming I never hit an enemy. If I hit an enemy, a few more minutes are added to my time. So it could take me anywhere from 1-3 hours to see the spa scene, theoretically.

    And here's the thing... I only know it's there 'cause I read the changelog. This would never get unlocked by the average person in a blind playthrough of this game. And many of the scenes are locked behind garbage mechanics like this.

    Other points of frustration. The GRIND. Jesus fuck, the grind. Watching affection tick up at 1 point per day doing the same event OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER. It's genuinely baffling. All I can say is "Thank fuck for the cheat room", because it's basically not worth playing without it. At this point I wish this game was just a scene gallery, because every part that qualifies this game as a game and not a collection of random sex scenes is basically awful.

    I keep waiting for the gameplay to incrementally improve with the updates, but it's actually going the opposite direction. All that ever gets added is a scene or two (which are good, mind you) but usually hidden behind a bunch of bullshit, RNG, fumbling around in the darkness, boredom and blueballing.

    I hope that significant changes are made that make this game less of a grindy, fucking frustrating to play snoozefest. Or just add a damned scene gallery already.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game, one of the best games I play, a little piece of heaven in earth, im a big fan of good storys and i love big boobs as well, all i can wish is that in the future this end with a glorious harem and a lot of childrens
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Been playing since it was first released, one of my favourite adult games. I love the art style and the world that boobsgames has created. Lots of little hidden things that make the game fun to explore
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    I saw a lot of people are not happy with this game and i can completly understand that.

    I really, REALLY wanted to like the game too but ... no, this is soo heavy grindy and without the walkthrough you have to play idk maybe 20 hours or something.

    - Combat is VERY unfair
    - To much enemies and to strong
    - Level up takes ages
    - Huge grind fest

    + Art style is good

    I played that game when it came out, between and now but no, i just can't play it anymore sorry.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    The game is just too directionless to be enjoyable. One of the pitfalls of RPGM is that it's very easy for a game to feel like a labyrinth of stuff. So much damn stuff everywhere and you don't know where to begin. This game falls into that problem, hard. You have to exhaust (aka click) at everything and anything to until you get to that one thing that works, and then you have to do it all over again, for tiny bits of progress. If an overarching story was more prominent to give some order to events or the main character had an inner monologue to push you in some direction, it might actually... be good. The characters are sort of dry and uninteresting as it stands. It has all sorts of other grindy parts which are not worth mentioning in detail but a key part of progress. The art in this game is so above average, nicely detailed and consistent throughout, and so it's really the other stuff that weighs down on it. Even with a guide, it is a black hole of time. There are cheats in the game if you want to get to the enticing adult art content but it's more like a glorified gallery at that point.
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    HAHAHA,man,i waste my time playing this boring...repetitive..no plot game(i feel dumb seriously,i dont get why i always download a wrong game-_-)


    -Boring and uninteresting plot
    -Very grindy(everyday you will do the same shit to raise 1 affection with the girls)
    -Fucking stupid combat
    -I will be honest,i like the art,but when all the character are big boob bimbo and futa,it will be boring,seriously..most of them are like this.-_-
    -Terrible game design
    -Too many variation for a day
    -Repetitive scene
    -Update take too much time,and the content usually unsatisfying.
    -Walkthrough are necessary and you can only do some event only in a specific time.
    -The game control you..You arent free to do event or mission anytime you want.

    If you ask me,no..i dont recommend it unless you like to grinding a lot and keep repeating the same scene.You deserve better.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best graphics and game mechanics for my personal taste. Still has to be fiished but this game has so much potential... 5 stars!
    I've really enjoyed the battle mechanics as well although I would make them more relevant in the experience gaining system.
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    I wanted to love this game, I really did, but it is extremely boring and grindy and not at all fun. games like the hunter and lust epidemic have a good balance between fun (sex) and engaging puzzles (or quests), but this doesn't have that. you have no idea what you have to do and at the same time the game is pretty scripted. Meaning the game allows you to do things the way you like, but you can only do them the way game wants you (for example you can meet this woman in the forest, but only at specific time, not anytime you want to go there). The world is big and you immediately have access to all of it, this overwhelms the player as where to go (something like "the hunter" is really good by closing off areas and opening them gradually). Day and night cycle is interesting, but there are too many variations of it, morning, dusk, dawn, night, midnight and etc. I can go on, but I think I made my point. The game has great potential, but ruined by terrible game design.
  10. D
    4.00 star(s)


    This a sim like game, you have to choose which character you want to fool around the day to fill the love meter and things like that, lots of big boobs, not so much fan of the gay content(can be skipped) and a good battle system. this is a easy good game to recommend
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    As a Big boobs lover, i can say this game has a great artstyle, but if you are looking for a game with a good grinds or fast progression, this game is not for you. 3 hours trying only with my intuition to unlock all.
    With the guide, 20 minutes.
    Btw, too much oral, need more Pussy action.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Art- I love the art style and how smooth it looks.
    Characters- Each one is their own person and unique. They are all likable in their own ways.
    Story - It's alright. Hard to stay focused on it with so many hot ladies around.
    Combat- lacking but is easy and makes the game less grindy. I personally don't mind grinding but many will.
    Overall- 9.5
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    Luv the graphics, like the story... absolutely HATE the grind and rediculous fighting.
    The repetitions are so over the top in quantity needed that you make 3 hour game into a hellhole of hours wasted FOR NOTHING. Absolutely nothing.
    Combat is broken, unbalanced and simply put, just bad.. from start to finish bad.

    On top of that... the updates are rare and very very very small. This game is almost two years old. And none of its issues have been attended to (not considering bugs) and there is barely any content that wasnt there when it started.

    This game is flat out NOT playable wihtout massive cheating. AND the cheat room is NOT enough cheating.

    The worst part is... These are such easy fixes. Turn down frequencies, turn down enemy damage, turn off 5+turn stuns, where loosing one turn makes you loose already.

    TLDR: Dont play this game, unless you like overthetop, needless and redundant repetition.
  14. 1.00 star(s)


    Why just one star you may ask?

    FIrst up, the animations and the Pictures, the setting and most of the game.. Most of it is good.

    There are 2 big problems tho that basically make this game unplayable.

    First, the combat is trash. Like ohboy it is bad.
    Looks like the one responsible for that doesnt play the game himself and has no idea how unbalanced and dumb some mechanics from certain quest-npc's are. That said - There are a lot of situations where you basically need to reload a save over and over and over again just to have that bit of luck to win. Thats not good. NOT GOOD.

    Second - The Grind for scenes.
    Same thing again. The one responsible for that has, most likelym never done the grind himself. It's tiring, boring and, yes, dumb. You lose interest even before you are halfway through the needed affection-level.

    I want to love the game, the story, the art.. But this is just .. no.
    If i'm basically forced to use a savegameeditor im out.
  15. 2.00 star(s)

    Ethereal Fox

    A good looking little game plagued with bad design choices.

    -The Good:
    The game quests although not numerous so far are intriguing and require a bit of thinking to be able to complete them. Great for people who want a challenge.

    The CGs are very pretty to look at (probably the sole reason I powered through the game even with all it's flaws) although some scene don't have any and you are left with shitty pixel art animations.

    -The bad
    Content wise this game can be finished in less than 2 hours. So guess what the devs did to compensate the lack of content? Make the entire game a tedious grind fest with the pace of a slug stuck in molasses. To unlock CG from the characters you got to increase your relationshit with them by doing daily tasks for them that increase your relationshit by +1 when the threshold can be 40 or 30.

    The combat in this game is purely based on luck since you don't get exp from defeating mobs but instead completing scenarios. This lead to your ass getting handed to you most of the time.

    Farming is a tedious chore that give very little money that you need to eat and buy potion,

    The character designs can be broken down to either cow titted bimbo or cow titted bimbo futa (Nothing wrong with that but when everyone is that type it gets boring real quick). Hell even your character can grow huge fucking tits.

    All in all this game could be easily fixed and I hope it is in future versions. But in it's current state it's only fun if you can whip out RPGM Save editor or use cheat engine to fix it yourself.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    If you want to fap without thinking or grinding get out
    Cheat room is welcome, a bit of save editor also

    This game has a great story, fights are quite the challenge, romance options are plenty and original. It sure is not perfect but i had a great time as both a gamer and a wanker, and that's the balance i need.
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    Amazing art, good dialogue, great characters and design, and runs smoothly.

    The greatest thing holding it back is that it's a chore to actually play anything in this game. There is a tedious amount of grinding for relationship stats, and shockingly fighting enemies does not grant you exp. Instead exp is gained by certain scenarios, however the amount of exp need to level up, or reach new scenes is so high, that it feels like you are gimped in almost every way for an unreasonably long time.

    Fighting enemies feels awful, so much of your attacks end up missing and hard hitting enemies, and no reward to even show for it. Raising other stats are tedious, and characters take forever to progress. Honestly wouldn't mind the grinding as much if the gameplay wasn't so awful, you are under powered in every way. Play this game with save editor, cheat room, and walkthrough. It's required.
  18. 3.00 star(s)

    Unknown Developer

    I had my share of fun with this, but it's no masterpiece by any mean.

    The graphics vary, sometimes they are quite good, sometimes they are quite bad, but mostly is good (if you are into giant disproportional boobs). The art style is nice, but they included even a big boobed grandmother, and sometimes it looks like the artist is more worried about the size of the breasts than with the face, and the face is the most important part of any character. The monster girls, in general, are pretty bad, that Slime is just terrible.

    The sex scenes are repeatable but really short. Sometimes it even shows a pixel art animation before showing the CGs which I consider pointless since it's far better to see the CG instead than an animation of 64/64 pixels.

    And worst of all, the game is grindy, really much. Even for scenes you already unlocked you have to acquire Lust to see them again. You have to farm affection with all the character, and a lot of it. With one of them, for example, you need to get 30 affection points, when you can get only 1 per ingame day, and after some time 3, but you can't increase her affection and the others at the same time. I only begin to actually have fun when I cheated using the cheat room in the basement.

    The combat is based pretty much on luck. A boss or a strong enemy can kill you in 3-4 hits, and you have no reliable ways of healing (ways that don't require you to pay at least, and money is another grindy thing), so you must get to the boss intact, save before facing it, and pray for all your attacks hit to kill it before it kills you, because if you miss one shot, you are done.

    I had my share of fun. The game has some cool CGs, but I don't think it deserves the high praise people are giving it.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    One of my favourite games ever. It has it all: Amazing art, huge tits, futa, a bit of the ol' incest, and it's not exclusively driven by combat.

    Some of the good stuff:
    • Lots of top quality, mostly consistent artwork.
    • Some combat required, but no game over on death
    • Quanit and relaxing game-world with lots of day-to-day lewdness.
    • The game tells you when you've seen it all done all the quests, so you don't waste too much time on looking for things/scenes/quests that aren't there.
    • Frequent updates, with a reasonable amount of new content.
    Some things that can (and surely will) be improved upon:
    • It's a bit of a grind, and there's not enough ways for you to gain affection with NPCs (without cheating) for the game not not become a bit tedious and repetitive.
    • All the NPCs generally do the same things every day, in the same places and with the same dialouge. I will note, however that this seems to be improving with almost every update.
    • When you loose battles you just get put to 1hp, which leads to you just getting chain-raped until you manage to walk all the way back to your home (or use the teleporting spell). It would be nice if you were brought home by someone else, or if the game made you return home automatically.
    • Cooking and farming is also very slow.
    • It's a minor thing, but I just want to say: When basically everyone has huge tits, they don't really have the same impact, for me at least. It would be nice with some contrasting body-types in the game.
    At it's current state (v0.334) I highly recommend it, and I can't wait for what's to come.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Decent amount of content that requires some thought and time to unlock. Perhaps most importantly, incredible art. If you like gigantic tits, the title won't lie to you. Can't wait to see more updates and eventually the game's completion. 5/5