The art is great, the story is good, because the game lacks of a story, the only objective is try to see and fuck everyone or even be fucked. But the grind is unsoportable, you can play for a one or more to get just a boobjob and kind of weird because if you play with the gay content enabled the guys fuck more easy than the girls, if you show your butt to the store owner he will fuck the MC in that moment, but for the girls you need to grind hours building a relationship, hours to get money, doing the garden, dungeons, cooking, etc. And the lack of a gallery is the worst thing, if you miss something you will never know, and even if you want to see again a scene that happen only one time, you can't.
The lack of a fullscreen support, if you play fullscreen the art will look weird or even pixellated, if you play in windowscreen the screen will be tiny if you make it bigger the art start to look pixellated.