Right off the bat I must say, the games artstyle is brilliant. Each character has a nice look and personality to match. The story is fairly standard but does the job at providing an interesting motivation to continue with the game. I am current playing this game at version v0.332 and have found the amount of content rather surprising for its version with more to come in the future of course.
While this game does have a lot of positives, a few flaws I ran into while playing that will most likely be fixed by the time the games ready for full release are.
The food mechanic. I found it tedious at times and often got in the way of whoever I was trying to bone, as it made me take time away from them. Saying this, the game does give a lot of time for you to get your food meter up, although I found once it dropped below halfway, it was rather painful to try and raise it to max again.
The expierence feature is intersting and did take me awhile to adjust to, basically the game rewards exp for finishing missions and quests rather then grinding, this is a nice feature although in the current version of the game it does make the story a little linear as some fights can be painful without the proper expierence meaning you have to follow a certain path through the story rather then doing quests in the order you prefer.
Overall these cons aren't dealbreakers and ones that I don't think everyone will find as big of an issue as I did. this games easily a 4 star atm and if it stays on track could even be 5 stars by the time its released.
While this game does have a lot of positives, a few flaws I ran into while playing that will most likely be fixed by the time the games ready for full release are.
The food mechanic. I found it tedious at times and often got in the way of whoever I was trying to bone, as it made me take time away from them. Saying this, the game does give a lot of time for you to get your food meter up, although I found once it dropped below halfway, it was rather painful to try and raise it to max again.
The expierence feature is intersting and did take me awhile to adjust to, basically the game rewards exp for finishing missions and quests rather then grinding, this is a nice feature although in the current version of the game it does make the story a little linear as some fights can be painful without the proper expierence meaning you have to follow a certain path through the story rather then doing quests in the order you prefer.
Overall these cons aren't dealbreakers and ones that I don't think everyone will find as big of an issue as I did. this games easily a 4 star atm and if it stays on track could even be 5 stars by the time its released.