Unity - Abandoned - Warriors of Legend [Library Update] [Gurdin Alehammer]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    Did not finish. I stopped playing around the ruins fight. The gameplay just isn't fun enough to keep me engaged throughout the game.

    The UI is buggy and unpolished, using the default Unity assets, the gameplay is your typical RPG fighting game without any of the quirks that make that kind of game fun; it might as well just be a classic RPGMaker game and it would be the same. Navigating between levels is slow and uninteresting, and the leves themselves hardly have anything I could call "content", as the story is uninspired and pretty badly told for what little I have seen of it.

    For a game project started 4 years ago, it's really devoid of content, and what is already there is really poor. I would have recommended giving this game a chance if the dev was still active on it, but it seems abandoned, so it's better to leave it where it is.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Good promising game with great art. Liked it and hopping for more in the future. It's always a shame to see such a project with almost no puplicity. Wished the devs would work a bit faster, but without enough support form patreon you still have to make your money im a berad job I guess.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    Despite three stars, I recommend downloading and trying the game for yourself. This game has potential to be VERY good, but IMO, it was too difficult and too grindy, which makes it not good for fapping.

    FEMDOM: There's one hot scene with Fuh, she does femdom on you and forces you to lick her pussy until climax, then leaves you with an erection, it's a huge tease. However, unlocking this scene took so long, it was a nightmare and wasn't worth the grind. Still, it was pretty hot! There isn't enough femdom in most games.

    ONI RED SKINNED GIRL: After defeating her, you can have sex with her, it's pretty decent, she takes you by force.

    ASS LICKING: One of the girls will lick your ass, then you fuck her and cum inside her, then you see cum dripping out.

    SEX WITH DRYAD: You can have sex with the dryad, although the blowjob scene is not erotic, it's more terrifying, the sex scene is okay.

    I got as far as recruiting Muriel, Rugee, Fuh and Cecilia. I defeated the Dryad and got her essence. It was difficult. The game requires all your attention in order to win battles, it's like a mainstream RPG game, it's too much. I'd prefer an easy mode, because I don't want to fight forever before getting to erotic sex scenes. I wasn't able to unlock the cow girl sex scene, if there is one, because you can't go back to the starting area.

    ART 5/5 - The art is great.

    Game play 2/5 - Too difficult. It ruins the experience. There should be a built in cheat or easy mode. Too grindy. It's fun, but there's too much grind and too much demand, in a way that's not good for an erotic game.

    Programming & Design 4/5 -Would be nice to have a key we can press to skip dialogue, instead of spamming left click. I read the text, but if I have to reload, I have to spam left click through it again. Everything else is programmed well, with a few minor bugs that won't prevent you from playing.

    Only try this game if you're ready to give the combat all your attention, and if you're ready for a long grind before getting any sex scenes. I regret having played through it, it took to long to unlock those sex scenes. I'll try the game again in like six months.