HTML - Waste Management Consultant [v0.02] [Sgt. Pepper]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    v0.01 Rewrite

    This version only contains the introductory chapter. It's got a medium length, which is nice - story-driven games are always appreciated.

    The pages are textwalls. That's not a bad thing by itself, but the UI/CSS could use some work, as that bold white font over a pitch black background can get tiresome (and I say this as a dark-mode user).

    The presentation of the dialogue could also be improved: maybe add different font or background colors to the lines of different characters, or a portrait. Even switching the quotation marks for italics with a different font would help.

    There are a few passages with code mixed in the text: $fn$ln, $HowardBeatUp. Nothing game-breaking.

    Since there's barely a couple of images, more attention needs to be paid to the text. There's frequent grammar issues.

    The following two sentences, for example:
    "Sorry Mom, I have to check in the Mayor."
    "Yeah, I got go Mom"

    "Mom", "dad", and "mayor" are always capitalized, and like in the examples above, you often find sentences with missing words. Commas before the closing of a quotation mark are also somewhat common.

    Those mistakes aren't the end of the world, but when a game is 99% text and 1% pictures and choices, they are way more noticeable.

    So yeah, my top recommendations would be to throw the text into a spell/grammar checking software, and to spend a weekend working on the presentation to make it easier on the eyes.

    So far there isn't much sexual content, so I wouldn't download it just yet if that's what you're looking for. You can download it if you enjoy story-driven games and want to see if this is a story that you may want to follow in the future.