VN - Ren'Py - We Are Lost [v0.4.13] [MaDDoG]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    remember the "Horse Drawing meme", in the meme the horse drawing keeps getting worse ans worse buy every slide, this game is that meme.

    this game started with great graphics, great story, and smooth gameplay, and maybe couple of update was decent, but after maybe 5 or 6 gb+ updates its getting worse and worse, 6gb/ 7gb/ 8gb/ and now 9gb+ update and content? fuck all, 5-10 minutes of gameplay per update and its so shit, story is gone, now its all yap yap yap yap, no interesting plot, man i wonder why they do this to so many wonderful games, smh
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    This game is giving me a real hard time.
    • On the one hand, the models are drop dead gorgeous and so incredibly my type that it's mind blowing
    • On the other, the sex scenes are so short and boring and the camera angles so bad that I can barely maintain an erection
    Fuck, I think I'm harder during the inbetween sex scenes.

    The game could be a masterpiece. Same models, same concept. But better writing and muuuuuuuuuuuuuch better camera work and muuuuuuuuuuch better sex scenes.

    As is, for me, this game is something I come, I screenshot for inspiration. And then ignore for months on end.

    I don't wait with bated breath for the next update. I'm not super happy when I play it.

    The models are just omega ultra hot and that's that.

    My secret wish is that a much better devs steals the models and the incest theme and makes a different game.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    1) Don't ask me to define the characters if I don't know who the characters are (I mean, give me a default so I have a clue)
    2) Okay, so you had me define all of the characters ( I picked her as my aunt) in the very first question on the Island you say, "Don't ask your mom such questions". So why are you asking me to define the characters if it means nothing and you've already defined them? It follows up the question: "Your mom begin to fiddle and look around" Again, not the character I selected and please fix your grammar!
    3) So instead of telling the Protagonist what question you are going to ask, you say, "Ask the RISKY question" am I supposed to know what that is? I'm supposedly this character, don't I know what the question is? Its just poor workmanship. I wouldn't ask anyone a question without knowing what it is, much less my Mom/Aunt.
    4) If someone decides to be naked on a public beach, they have no expectation of privacy, that's just the way it is. If someone takes a look, that doesn't make them a pervert or a stalker or anything else, it makes them human.
    5) There is a grading system for corruption but none for "love" which you say you will increase if you answer the "pink" questions

    1) Decent renders and textures 10/10

    2) Decent Scenery

    3) Scenes and environment actually change with the conversation and the narration. Most VM keep everything the same and just tell a story.
  4. 2.00 star(s)



    honestly, this game feels like it is made with this site as it's entire research.
    run-of-the-mill on many levels from the serious money focus being the top priority for the dev/s (see the FOUR yes FOUR buttons to money before the start button *shakes head*) all the way through the seen-it-all-before plot and design to the very predictable progress of sex scenes that are very much reminiscent of early internet porn-site sales formulas.

    even if this game was not already being created to the whims of some exec who earns from but never funds this game, it would still be nothing but pretty pictures to me as the rest, anything N related, is just dull.
    it does have hope as a slideshow to spank to....when it eventually gets to the end of the formula

    does nothing for me but it may please some
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Girls are hot and the gameplay is really good. A wonderful game but only problem for me are the animations are too short and nothing for the kissing scenes.
    During the kissing scenes it's zoomed on the lips nothing else that makes the scenes void and also there was no need for two separate paths in the game, this unnecessary causes more branches and time, but still I love this game, would wait for the next update.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    Releasing "updates" since years ago with less than 40 renders is laziness in the pure meaning of the word.

    It's not rated 1 star just because the CGIs are better than some other games.

    The story is the common / average incest family relationship. As there are few renders, can't tell about if the story has any deep meaning or background, there isn't really much more to say.

    A game with this size and giving updates frequently with no more than 10 minutes of content, it's a pure insult to the viewers/patreons.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    by playing the game itself, the game in the forehead became even good, the plot seems to be normal, the female characters are very beautiful and high-quality made of the environment, it's a little strange when they are in the living room, there are different rooms, and about the bags that there is one thing and it's even funny
  8. 4.00 star(s)

    Miss Kobayashi's

    the game itself and the gameplay, which I have already watched 3 times, came to me that there are 2 branches of lust and love and the plot is kind of normal, but there are still krizh these are suitcases and things in them, and so in general I liked the game
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    What can I say... For anyone imagining building relationship (Bro-Sis), you can go fuck yourself.

    Relationships is lock on "Dad-Daughters", "Mom-Son", choices are almost anecdotal and don't really change much between the characters.

    Son side, you are on a very small island with sand, stones.. few palm trees... There also a secret part that I will not spoil. But for now. This side is the most boring.
    Father side, this is already much more interesting since we are trapped in a hotel, it opens up much more varieties for all the scenes.

    The basic idea is good, but why to separate the familly? If everyone would been at the hotel from the start by choosing the Father or Son, choices would have been more open, subtle and varied. Instead, this is locked. If I want to play the Son and go to Ashley route, what do I do? :cautious:

    Talking about characters, Velvet-Ashley are magnificent, Lauren is very cute, Scarlett.. is not bad. (Dimensions are completely disproportionate, but Scarlett is on another level.) :HideThePain:

    We Are Lost, deserves to have more options between the characters, but at the moment, there is not really much. 2/5
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    I don't often give a good rating but this game gets it for how it is going. Both MCs are realistic in the sense that they aren't some kid with a large dick. The women are hot too and more importantly not omni-sexual. The blond is especially hot. The option is there if you're one of those lesbo lovers but I appreciate the dev giving the option to not have the women being mindless sex toys. People never seem to get that lesbo family changes your harem into a sharem and any romance or charm in the game is destroyed instantly and you have an open relationship not a harem.

    The story is ok I guess. Kidnapping people who have shown too much love for their own family would be an infrequent business at best. It works but I'm not overwhelmed with interest to see more. For one the cameras don't seem to make the characters wary of doing naughty things with their own family which I find weird. It's like Big Brother but with your family so I would think they would at least give it some thought.

    Both stories work well enough though. Some people think the son/mom was worse than the dad/daughters but I think they are pretty equal. Mom gets more action while the dad is setting up for some sexy times with the very hot daughters.

    Anyway, great start to what looks to be a decent game. If you like sexy daughters and hot milfs this game is for you. One thing is for sure and that is the home movies of this vacation will be worth watching. 4 out of 5 stars for me. If it keeps going like this I can see 5 stars in the future.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Only played the father route and I loved it. I had downloaded v3.11 and just finished it. I know there have been a few updates since then (they seem to come out pretty quickly).
    Dad is a bit "chad" looking but not bad. With the options available on Daz this is probably about the best you can hope for for a middle age man. I'll definitely take it over another young MC. Daughters are super hot. Normally I'd say they are a little on the curvy side for my taste but either my tastes are changing or this game just really makes it work.
    Personalities for dad and daughters were very enjoyable to me. The daughters could have easily been bimbo and bitch but they aren't. Does everyone behave how real people would behave in this situation in real life? LOL probably not, but within the confines of porn logic it's perfectly acceptable. Of course on some level I'd love to see them fucking already but overall I think the pacing is really good. They don't just jump right on top of each other immediately but there's also not too much of the "omg, what's wrong with me, that's my daughter" type of faffing about that gets annoying when it's an incest game and that's clearly what's going to happen. Hopefully the pacing does not stall out when we get closer to the stage of actual fucking.
    Up to the point I played, there wasn't a lot of difference between taking all the red "corruption" choices or avoiding them completely. There was a little difference and maybe it will become more pronounced in time but as it was the girls were still pretty forward with the dad and he didn't really have much choice to turn them down.
    The bigger mystery story is pretty good. Seems fairly predictable but done well enough to not detract from the sexy parts and I'd even say is a net benefit. And of course it's possible the game could completely subvert my expectations and go in a different direction. I'm interested to see what happens with the detective; from the bits we've seen, she seems to be hot, well written, and have a good personality so another good thing going for this game.
    I actually went ahead and bought this on Steam. It was on sale for $6 when I finished the part I had downloaded and to me it's well worth it. Easily recommend giving it a download on here if you are interested in the father/daughter theme.
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    Like dopefisherking said in his reviews, While the idea and story are good, the storytelling is terrible.

    I've played the young MC. The characters' behaviour is not human-like. For example,
    The mother is not concerned about her daughters at all, even though they think the plane crashed?! They think of locating the aircraft and getting the valuable stuff, but not looking for their family?! Also, in this dire situation, they play games with alcohol?!

    The story does not follow a normal thought process and feels rushed, even though the game is long.

    However, the Models are hot, and the animations are moderately good.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    Writing: 6/10
    Imagery: 9/10
    Gameplay: 4/10
    Kinks: 5/10
    Overall: 7/10

    The mother-son couple got the short end of the vacation stick.

    Right off the bat, let's knock this out, this is a heavy story-driven VN with very few choices that actually change things. You get to pick either the son or the father, you get to name them, and you get to change all the relationships (for the usual Patreon cop dodging reasons), and then are thrust into the reading assignment.

    This is not a game, this is a book, so that VN tag is very accurate. Keep that in mind.

    The story itself is also split, with the son ending up on an uninhabited island with his mother, leading to them eventually banging. Hazaa! The father winds up with his two daughters in a very posh looking hotel, leading to them eventually banging. Hazaa! Yes, that is a pretty crude way of breaking it down, but unless you are a fan of Lost (that old TV show) or another show called Watch the Wilds, then you'll probably be skipping most of it.

    And hey, the models are hot, the women are peak sexy 3D CG, very refined, and the guys don't look like slouches either. This is a very well-to-do family, very white bread, very rich, and when you have all those things combine you end up with some very pretty characters. And apparently, left alone, they'll end up fucking each other. Go figure.

    Anyways, because of the sex scenes, the few per path you get, I still give this a thumbs up for being pretty hot.
  14. 4.00 star(s)



    I really like half this VN.
    The notFather/notDaughters story is fascinating and really well done.
    The notMother/notSon side was kind of bland.

    A creepy hotel puzzle was rather interesting to read and the images made the place feel fleshed out rather well.

    I enjoyed 90% of the dialogue (meaning only a little too much fluff here and there) and the characters quite a bit.
    I do feel like there should have been some kind of aphrodisiac drugging going on to make more sense of their actions but otherwise loved it.

    I recommend finish completing the better story (dadd daughter route) then coming back to work on the amusing but much less interesting mom/son side.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    I typically hate slow burns, b/c they often contain way too much story and not enough content, but WaL is great.

    The two stories are well paralleled, and the renders are really really nice. The eyes are not an issue at all - in fact, they are very erotic and I dig it a lot. I couldn't care less about choices either ; we are all here for the same thing.
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    I wanted to like this game but I couldn't because of a 2 major problem.
    1. Everything looks plasticy.. the hair, the house, the grass... you get what I mean?
    2. Some renders really stood out but most of them ruined by the "weird eye issue" that kills many titles.

    The average f95er would probably like it though.
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    So far, We Are Lost (0.2.13 version) got me on the line, divided between the good and the bad. The story is the perfect example: on one hand it has some interesting ideas and it is decently written, on the other it comes to points that feel completely rushed and unbelievable. Then the choices: there are none. I mean, there are, but you basically choose between having incestual sex (you can define the relatoinships but they are very clearly a family) or not, and if you are playing an erotic game it's clear what path you'll probably choose. Which means that, so far, choices are rather pointless. And, so far, even though it's been worked on for quite some time, it's still has quite little amount of content.

    Character models and renders are pretty good, but the game would need some more images and the animations are a bit basic. I played with the sound off so I can't talk about it. And at least in my playthrough I didn't find any bugs.

    So, all in all, as I said I'm divided. I'll continue following it for now, but I can see it going both ways: either improving to become a good game or falling down to a mediocre one. Time will tell.

    Edit: and, in the end, the line fell on the not-worth side. Content is not good enough, story has ended up losing the little interest it had and sexual content, especially with the daughters is meh. Dropped.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    spoilers below:

    this game is really intersting and in my opinion has a lot of potaneil, the story is quite immersive and the mystry element is great, it was a bold desicion to split the family up and not letting the player decide who will be with who, but i think it pays off and not only it prevents contradictions from happening but also adds to the immersion (as the players can relate to the charcters more).
    the models are quite nice and the personallities quite suit the charcters as of 0.211 it dosent have many scenes but the story make up for it in my opinion.
  19. 2.00 star(s)


    Good Points
    + Women/Girls looks hot.
    + Sex scenes has animations.

    Bad Points
    - The story is bit weird, as far we know from things happening we are getting experimented on by some unknown people, some kind of cult. Son & Mother are on a small island, meanwhile, Dad & Daughters are in a hotel, and it seems there are some clients watching them via a site and waiting for them to do things together. While these are happening, those people watching them getting intimate and even wanting them to join them, etc, detectives are working to find our characters.
    - Where are the save page numbers? We only have current page number and it's not enough. And having prev or next button far from the current page number is not good either.
    - Pictures and build-up of sex scenes are better than animations, and that's a big con, sex scene animations need lots of improvements. First of all animation physics needs improvements. Secondly, more positions/angles for sex scenes are needed, some sex scenes have second position/angle, but not all.
    - There are some visual bugs here and there like in animations hairs moving weirdly, etc.
    - The game is quite slow-burn, and gets very little content with every update, in fact, we have only one vaginal and anal sex with the mother and no real sex scene with other girls, considering this is a nearly 3 years old game, that's bit too much...

    For The End
    Aside from women/girls looking hot, there is nothing special about this game, I wish at least the animations were good, so I could give 3-star rating, so until the animations become better I will be giving 2 stars.
  20. 4.00 star(s)

    Harem Trooper

    If you are worried/uninterested/deterred by the “multiple protagonist” tag, I can safely reassure you it's not. It's “male protag” with the difference what you want to play as. As the Father OR the Son. BUT -> and that's the big difference here (and hence I like it) -> None of the others (Dad or Son) will pursue the other girls if you picked one of them. So even if you think while the son is having fun with his mother on the island, the dad WON'T pursue his daughters. And if you picked the Dad your son WON'T pursue his mom.

    That's being mentioned in the Developer Notes but also in the very beginning of the game. So its a safe game which gives you the player the option to pick your preference what you want to play as:
    -> Dad corrupting his daughters first and then his wife or
    -> Son corrupting his mother first and then his sisters

    However as for v0.2.11 the path you picked is still locked onto these specific LI as it's not that far into the story. I played both sides to see if it was true what the developer said (it's true), but also to see how far each other's path is and how they differ from each other.

    Won't spoil too much into it, from the preview pics it's obvious what you will encounter on each one's path but despite I prefer the “Son” path, it didn't feel awesome. Don't get me wrong, this corruption is there, the lewd scenes with the reading are there, we even have the beginning for some lewd scenes too. But it reads like the “Son” path is an afterthought then everything else. But I still enjoyed it and if you like to play as a Son who corrupts his mom to bang him (and soon his sisters too) it's serviceable and I would recommend this game/path.

    With that said, I was surprised I enjoyed the “Dad” path more as the teasing from the daughters, the inner conflicts of the MC(Dad), the slight corruption of them but also how they try to corrupt the MC(Dad) despite knowing the son + mom is away feel…good? I can't really describe it as it's described in the game. Something bad happens, but you and the daughters can't help each other as they see this as an opportunity to get closer with the MC(Dad). On this Path there are sadly no Sex scenes, but good amount of romance and teasing.

    So it will depend what type of MC you want to play, how good or bad it is, and despite my having my doubts in the beginning, it delivered I must say. But honestly speaking just sticking with one MC would have been better no matter which one it was.

    The story is interesting, and it seems this whole “project” of the shady cabal only works for ONE of the MC. Hence once you picked your MC, it didn't work with the other so the eyes are on you. Can't say much as the majority of the plot is still unexplored, but it delivers for what is currently there is of content.

    Models are good, very good and so are some of the animations, though there aren't many of them.