VN - Others - Completed - We Love Master! [Score]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    The following review is based off my personal experience with playing this Game/Visual Novel... I try to be as brutally honest and detailed as I can, and these are my own opinions and thoughts, from one or more play throughs... The version this review is based on is Complete...

    This is a visual novel with only a few choices now and then, with lots and lots of erotic scenes...

    The visuals are all Henai, which is not something I'm usually into... But I decided to give it a try, based off a suggestion from a friend... During erotic encounters the pictures do not change a whole lot to follow the text exactly, but they do change now and then to match the text...

    The script was pretty dead on, as I didn't run into hardly any spelling/grammar errors... The text box is a bit odd though, regardless if windowed or fullscreen, the text sometimes compresses the letters together, making it somewhat difficult to read now and then... But I was able to muddle through it... There is a lot of noise text (as well as full audio), but be careful not to skip through it too quickly as it is sometimes mixed with dialogue/monologue as the characters try to speak during the noise text, and you could miss something if you skip...

    The plot revolves around a male protagonist that is rich and runs a big company handed down to him from his father (after the father died)... But there is a family tradition that stipulates that an heir who is single/fatherless must marry or bare children within 2 years of taking control... Otherwise the company switches to a different family member...

    From there the protagonist decides to bring in 3 new maid, chosen from students he is going to school with... Needless to say, he is a very perverted guy with some small sexual-sadist tendencies... He basically forces them into this position through their families, by taking care of all their debts... Here is the kicker, as he is now their master and begins to train/corrupt them into being his ideal sexual women, before selecting one or more for his brides/mistresses... And the story goes from there, with the occasional twist now and then... But primarily this VN is filled with lots of sexual encounters/erotic events, most of which involve BJ's and HJ's, but there are lots of other deviant sexual things he also does to/with them... Eventually they all fall in love with him, and him with them...

    The text for the sexual encounters are very descriptive and full of dialogue, and may require special attention, when the characters have a hard time talking due to the activity they are doing... Because the visuals do not change too often during sexual encounters, you'll have to rely on the text for the true descriptions of what is going on...

    As a warning, in the beginning there is mostly just a lot of BJ's, primarily because that is the protagonists favorite thing to have done to him... But as time progresses the scenes will vary depending on the women being interacted with... With the two different endings being longer scenes, with a couple repeated visuals (not many)from earlier in the VN... And you really have to disregard the fact that it would be impossible for a guy to ejaculate as much as this guy can... I also recommend saving (not Q.Save, but the actual Save screen) every once in a while, in case you accidentally hit the Q.Load button... I had been reading for an hour when I accidentally did that, and went back to a really old Q.Save location, and ended up having to spend a bunch of time skipping to get back to where I was...

    Overall, this is mostly a VN chopped full of sexual and erotic encounters... Not many choices are presented that make a difference in the main story, with most presented choices revolving around selecting which woman/women to do sexual activities with (recommend saving during any and all choices, so you can go back and check out the other scenes)... Depending on choices, you will get to at least 4 different endings that I saw... All of them involve all 4 women, so it stays a harem theme all the way to the end, no matter what...

    All in all, I did enjoy my play through, even though I had to break it up over a several day period due to it's length... There is story buried under all that sex stuff... As it does rear it's head every once and a while... And there really is no reason to revisit it, as it is a completed VN, unless you just need some masturbation material, or want to see the different ends (they don't vary a huge amount from one another as all 4 women end with the protagonist no matter what)...