Weird personal rituals you employ on a game.


Jan 14, 2018
1. In the first playthrough, I always play the Main Character as the nicest person possible.
2. If it's a game with several love interests, and there's the portrait of the girls in the main menu, the intro or whatever, that girl becomes the principal girl and the route with her is my canon route.


Active Member
Sep 9, 2018
  1. Always savescum through RNG or multiple choice scenarios.
  2. If a "corruption" game allows it, grind lewdness ASAP then pretend those goblin rapes never happened.
  3. Conversely if there is no way of turning encounters "consensual" go virgin for the gallery unlock.
  4. Similar to your first point, for games themed around romance actually try to make everyone happy both sexually and otherwise.
  5. Portable nukes and apocalypse-level magic are adequate responses to attempted rape. Use them early and liberally.
  6. Test all potential lingering effects and NPC reactions to them. Cum inside and outside, pregnancy, eggs, nipple parasites...
  7. It's just a game. No matter how sick and twisted the content it hurts no one. The correct response to anything objectionable is to quit, delete and forget.
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Resident Lesbian
Aug 22, 2018
I tend to play games with multiple love interests, not into much else.

First thing I do is check who has romance routes and if I like any of them.

Played a few where I liked the side girls more than the main ones and had to stop playing cos side girls don't get endings. Looking at you BADIK with you bland choice of main girls and no Quinn LI option.


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2018
If there is something like main girls and side girls I will always do the main girls first BUT if the thing is main girls and main story (like in A Town Uncovered) I will always do the main girls first and then the story

u z i

Nov 9, 2018
the only ritual i follow is to be prepared to nut, so that i don't make any mess. i like keeping things clean.


Game Developer
Feb 11, 2019
Always love the side girl more than main
Especially the most little screen time
And in the worst case she die… in every game movie series …


Staff member
Aug 6, 2016
I'll say this:
Some people fap to music.
But whatever you do, don't listen to speed metal while doing that or you'll start a fire you can't put out.
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anne O'nymous

I'm not grumpy, I'm just coded that way.
Respected User
Jun 10, 2017
The first thing I do when playing a Ren'py game, is to look at the list of the variables, guess the ones that seem to be related to girls stats, and watch them.

Deleted member 229118

Active Member
Oct 3, 2017
First time i play a game i am looking for every trigger and possible scene to unlock.
Second time i roleplay my charater and act acordingly.
Third to nine time i get increasly anoyed as the amount of options missing because i know every line and trigger in the game.

General speaking if a game is worth playing(and it rarely is) it is worth replaying a few times.
Trying to find all the triggers.

I play all my games based on the actions vs consequences metality.
Trying to get max result for min cost.


May 22, 2018
Before going in-game, i usually empty my head and remind myself no matter how messed up the story is, or politically biased it is- if it exists, i will go in fully accepting everything and totally immerse myself in it.

Always save when i played x amount of minutes or hours, just in case some random crash happens.

If a game looks super good, i try to avoid looking at walkthroughs or screenshots that might spoil the game, to the point that i blur myself from looking at the pictures when i read the descriptions.

Always complete corruption games with a good ending, but find save points to where it may lead sub-quests, then immerse in what-ifs afterwards.


Active Member
Sep 9, 2018
General speaking if a game is worth playing(and it rarely is) it is worth replaying a few times.
Trying to find all the triggers.
With my interests it's usually the opposite unless you count savescumming as "replaying": go through once with a lot of saves and full town/world sweeps where plausible (i.e. next day, after beating a major boss or returning from a story-mandated absence) and chances are I've seen all scenes for the characters and fetishes which interest me. Sure I probably miss a lot of other stuff but I don't want to do the "meat toilet in goblin town" side story so I don't count that one as a loss.

Granted with many gameplay systems you can figure out the basic trigger concept pretty quickly (towns stop updating when the story moves out of them in RPGM, anything which loops after one day/week/month in a schedule planner probably loops every time, love/trust counters etc.) so I guess I'm actually doing something similar just less exhaustive.

Before going in-game, i usually empty my head and remind myself no matter how messed up the story is, or politically biased it is- if it exists, i will go in fully accepting everything and totally immerse myself in it.
Which games tend to be the political ones? Sure BBC is a stereotype bigger than the cocks but in my experience it tends to be just the stereotype with no political intentions, and the "women as subhuman/property" trope is common but mainly as a lame excuse for the smut to happen with no commentary or endorsing it in real life.


Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2017
First playthrough i drop a series of saves at what i think will be important choices, because some people like to have oblique and "gotcha" choices in their games, yeah, i'm not having any of that. Also tend to shun the main girl first time through, they may be "cannon" but frankly they are often far less interesting and far more of a safe bet than the weird ass side girls who are just more fun, even if they die horribly, turn out to be one off's or just don't do anything, *cough* Angela from Acting Lessons.

Depending on the type of game i'll try or the harem route right off the bat, probably fail and get it second third fourth time around when i get around to it, morality i tend to go pragmatic good guy to start with, second playthrough is a totally different story, if an asshole move can be made you bet i'm making it, this is also when terrible names for the MC like "IsThatACockOrABaseballBat", though i did do one run of Depraved Awakening as "Burt Reynold's Mustache"(too good to pass up on that one) on the romantic Mido route, I laughed more than i should have, also it felt like identity theft but hey, why not.

Also if a game hits the right notes i will find every scene, every scrap and every morsel of content in it like a piranha with weed fuelled munchies.


Aug 17, 2016
I like the topic! Let's see...

1) Always look for an incest patch if necessary. If there is one but it's out of date for the current version of the game, I generally wait to play the game until the incest patch is updated. If there's no incest patch but I can change the relationship of characters, I always make it the most natural-seeming incestuous relationship.
2) If a game uses Honey Select or the first words somebody would use to describe it are "good story" or "futa," I don't play that game.
Note: good story is great, but it shouldn't be the most important part of a porn game. The closest equivalent is 'hot' or 'sexy' story, in terms of descriptions that are good to have for a porn game. Futa is a dealbreaker, though.
3) If there's a choice of gender, I always pick 'male' for the main character. If there's an option to turn the main character into a female character, I always pick 'No' or 'Fuck no' or 'Eww, definitely not.'
4) When there's a choice of ladies to romance, I always pick the best combination of the following to seduce first, in order: most closely blood related to the main character, most reluctant to have sex with the main character (seduction, btw. Like, I have to bring her more flowers and do more stuff for her to get to bang her. Not the other kind of reluctant), biggest tits. For example, in Summertime Saga (with the patch applied), Jenny and Debbie are pretty much equally related to the main character and have roughly equally large jugs, but Debbie is comparatively easy to bang and Jenny takes more work, so I prefer to seduce her first. Similarly, Ava is harder to bang in The Company than Dakota, so I put more of my efforts into seducing Ava first. Also, dem taits.
5) If I expect to get bored of a game before finishing it, I tend to skip the scrawny flat-chested virgin girls rather than the busty interesting girls.
6) If stats or money matter to gating content in the story, I try to solve those problems as soon as feasible. Especially if things are timed, this is generally a priority even over banging my favorite ladies early.
7) Re-evaluate the whole game after every major patch. Ever since the incest debacle a few years ago, I find myself asking whenever a game makes a major change: do I still like this game, do I still give a shit if it exists? This has helped me decrease my habit of watching (and complaining about!) projects from people like Fenoxo, Akabur, and MrDots. It also helped me pick up projects like SuperPowered, Summertime Saga, and Man of the House again after they got some issues that had cropped up in their games sorted out.
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Duke Greene

Active Member
Feb 6, 2018
A few things I like to do:

1. In a game with relative freedom like Corruption of Champions or Roundscape my first playthrough invariably consists of being the most frigid asshole imaginable. My goal is to complete the game with zero sex encounters whatsoever, just strutting about basking in my superiority and looking down on the other characters, these animals slaves of their base desires. How difficult this is to do depends but generally speaking the devs don't really expect you to do that, making progress harder than necessary.

2. If there are multiple love interests and one is obviously pushed as "the main one", I will be very annoyed and attempt to treat her like crap as much as the game allows me to.

3. Again if there are multiple routes I always start by the characters I dislike the most, and finish by the ones I prefer. Childhood friends in the vast majority of cases fall into the first category.

4. If there's a gay option I keep it for last because it's likely canon in my head.

5. My all-consuming hatred for harem endings leads me to do everything in my power to avoid triggering them. If it means I'll never see the "true end" then so be it.


Dec 3, 2018
1. 1st play through I'll always choose options that I relate to the most

2. I try to never save scum but I will save at key points so I can easily come back to them later

3. Save incest related content until last

4. I almost never actively look fro easter eggs in my 1st playthrough

5. in any game that isn't a VN i change keybinds before I even start the game


Mar 1, 2019
Usually I just try to sink into the character, but have some things I never like doing.

I don't like straight up gaslighting manipulating other characters, I tend to prefer "honest" corruption. Like not fooling characters into letting me do things but genuinely try to work them through their hang-ups and have the sex we're moving towards to be something she actually enjoys.

I like going for harem routes with a poly twist. I don't like fucking everyone and pushing each of them to be completely loyal to me. I like looking for paths for girls to explore sex without me in interesting ways without jealousy, Ideally I really like stories where it lets you fall in love with the girls, and the girls you're with also fall in love with each other.

Have a really hard time getting into dom roles and don't like feeling like a jerk. I don't like jealousy and the only way playing a harem route feels right is if there's a poly element to it.