Not a big fan of the changes. Some of the UI elements feel less crowded, which is fine, but some feel more crowded, which is a bit annoying. Whitespace management is one of those things that gets dicked around with in every upgrade to everything ever, and it's always sorta annoying when it happens. Not "some dickhead fucked my sister" annoying but more like "sitting on this blanket is annoying but I'm too lazy to move it from under my fat ass."
The emoji-reaction thing is just begging to be used as a vehicle for trolling. Since there's no "fuck this guy" emoji, I'm sure that "sad" and "rofl" will probably take over that role. Besides, copying these Apple or Facebook or whoever emoji is just tactless and sterile for a site that could actually have its own personality like this one. Instead of heartless corporate smiley face knockoffs, why not have some likely furry sketch up some nice animal person reaction images or something. I'm sure people would get more use out of the "presents asshole" emoji than that silly heart-eyed shit.
Having the thread placards show up in the "last reply" thing almost doesn't leave room for thread titles, which seems like kind of an obvious oversight on someone's part.
EDIT: Oh! But I do like that thread previews on hover are finally back.