VN - Ren'Py - Welcome to Free Will [v0.4.5] [MrStrangelove]

  1. 3.00 star(s)

    Why Am I Even Here?

    Version 0.1.0

    This review also can be found as a post of mine in the thread. I've decided to post this as a review since it actually provides more accurate, proper info on the content and features that are currently present with pros and cons than other reviews so far, and I'd already come up with a personal score. Edited to be light on spoilers unless you want to read the descriptions I've hidden under spoiler tags. Those descriptions will still be mostly vague.

    The good (to know):
    - Nice renders with glossy skin. That I like.
    - Cute Life Is Strange-like diary.
    - Some good track selections, acoustic indie music and such.
    - Some kinda acceptable use of mini games, e.g. you need info from dialog to unlock special renders.
    - There's a mystery theme with a few good story events and signs of things to come.
    - Animations always are appreciated.

    The bad or at least not so good:
    - Cucking, cheating, humiliation and TMI moments with that douche of a sibling seem to be at the core of the experience. Some girl gets all sweet with you. You can profess your eternal love to her. Only later it's revealed she's cheating on an actual boyfriend and MC is the non-boyfriend, that's the literal word they use. Wew, thanks? Then you gotta know all interactions with the girls are optional. Except for this: clicking on a door leads to a close-up of your brother's orgasm I didn't really ask for. You take part in a plan to let your brother steal a LI away from you and they clearly have sex... After you and that girl already had spent time fondling each other's whole bodies in front of the brah who mentions he wants to start masturbating at the sight of you. Other example: woman goes on dates with other men. MC gives her an erotic massage and mentions he'd beat competitors into a bloody pulp, but the woman dates other men anyway. In a dream MC starts having anal sex with his mom only for the aforementioned unbearable bro to appear and everyone starts laughing and saying MC is undesirable and needs to go away because MC's penis shrinks and the brother's thing grows enormously. For all of this you never receive a heads-up and it's assumed you'll want to experience it. Seriously, we get to see too much of bro's cock (after four years of lingering hostility, not awkward at all) and too little of the girls. And you wouldn't have guessed it, almost in the very finale, there's a bunch of cheating again, one with a triple layer at that. If all of this sounds good to you (... why?), then it's technically a plus for you. Personally I don't connect any of this to a loving, stable relationship - or life in general - worth a damn.
    - A mini game that has as a result you'll have a broken space bar isn't a good mini game.
    - To get to the better story elements you have to sit through some nonsense. First, why would I care to leave uni and effectively not go back at any point so far because a brother who's clearly a jackass and who also abandoned you four years ago shows up with some wild excuse (I can do it alone and we shut you out, but let's do it together anyway) to disappear to a secluded place in a perhaps Northern Rockies-like area where your brother wants to go to bang Hispanics... somehow, and also find your mother who likewise abandoned you. Second, the premise is their mom has disappeared and there's a sense of urgency to resolve the mystery as soon as possible and get back to your normal uni life and non-girlfriend - you promised her it would take just a week, but MC is busier with dating and fondling (already taken or later "stolen") girls and creeping around.
    - The English needs a lot of work tbf. Sometimes it's completely fine and sometimes whole conversations or monologs are mangled like they weren't even written by the same person.
    - Scuffed faces: sometimes the girls look really old or simply inhumanly deformed due to bad facial sculpting and a poor portrayal of facial expressions. *
    - Not a fan of the wookiee hairstyles.
    - Unskippable cutscenes :(
    - Nipples shouldn't be just textures, but meshes that pop out of the breasts.

    In short, to me this is a mildly intriguing game that shoots itself in the foot with some really unnecessary stuff while showing promise to perhaps improve later. In my book that's a 3/5.

    * Credit to Spacecat and Trasher2018 to remind me of mentioning this.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    The English needs a better polish, it isn't the worst I've seen though. The renders are good, plot is decent but not great - could use some backstory on the MC's relationship with Kate, his college friends, etc. Not sure why the MC gives two shits about Emma after 4 years of no communication and her running off to fuck someone (or whatever).
    Really find the hunt for special renders annoying, bad enough we need to look for the renders but then to require passwords to unlock them is ridiculous. Typical sandbox/free roam that doesn't add anything to the game but wastes enough time so that it is annoying.
    Overall, would like to see where this is going, perhaps subsequent releases will improve the grammar and lessen the unnecessary free roams.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    First releases of games are always tricky, but this one already provides good chunk of content and has some sexy or actual sex scenes.

    There are few different looking girls than in other games, some are similar to what we've already seen, but overall look really good.

    Renders look nice, looks like a lot of work was put into them, grammar is alright and for milf fans, well theres a nice looking milf in this game.

    As of now 5 stars, because first release already brought me some entertainment
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Reviewing as of v0.1.0

    Call me what you want, I tend to give out a lot of 5 stars when I decide to rate something but I felt like this one was well deserving of it. To start the renders are great, by far the most redeeming factor of them all. I'm not one to really judge a story so early on, I usually let it develop and then figure out if I can be emotionally invested in these characters, in saying that the story at times does seem a little outlandish but then again I could care less. One thing that has me interested was the introduction which gave me a little bit of some "Acting Lessons" ending vibes, might be a reach but even the thought of it has me scared.

    As for any kind of knocks I could give I would say that first and foremost, If you could change the color in free roam for when you are hovering over something interactable from white to something else so that we can actually see it, I had trouble finding the newspaper in the first free roam and that would definitely help. Secondly I felt like for at least the first scene, it felt a little choppy and there wasn't much in between when switching positions and it seemed a little out of wack. Other then that I think the free roam side quests are interesting, the building the car I thought was really cool and the unlocking the renders made me actually pay attention to the story more, however I could see how people may not like that.

    All in all I really enjoyed the game and I really encourage people to play it, that is solely the reason why I am making this review because if it can help the developer out at all then I thought I should help. I can only imagine how long it'll be until the next update (especially if it resembles anything of the last scene because my dear lord that was beautiful) so I highly encourage supporting in any way possible.

    Sorry for the long spiel.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Reviewing 0.1

    Very Solid 1st version. The story is ok and the character are written properly (they tend to go rapidly to sexual situations, but it's a sex game so it doesn't bother me).
    The render goes from Really good to Ok so all in all it's a yes for me.

    At the moment I would'nt really rate it 5 stars but I see it as an encouragement. Keep up the good work dev :)

    Plus there's stockings.
    And who doesn't want girls in stockings ?