Unity - Completed - Welcome to the Adventurer's Inn 2! [v20230927 + P1] [peperoncino]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    MTL aside,
    1. The MC is too disguistingly ugly even for ugly bastard standart. His different artstyle compare to heroine break immersion, especially when he took too much screen. His face was closer to the center of screen most of time too, taking player focus and steal the spotlight from the heroine. Seriously, did they recruit a new composer? peperoncino got Hscene right with Goblin burrow

    2. Unnecessary chore in form of 3D movement inside a MANAGEMENT game. The dev who propose for this need to be shot
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    The WORST pepperoncino game to date. Basically Adventurers Inn 1 but with worse mechanics that just waste your time , like walking in hte fucking inn instead of just clicking something to interact with it, worse conditions to unlock scenes with the girls, WAAAAAY less girls than in his previous games (seriously Goblin burrow 2 had like 26 without dlcs, how is 5 on release and 2 per dlc acceptable?) a "pure love" ending for every girl (which is exactly what you are going for in a Pepperoncinno game right?) and i swear some of the art looks almost AI made.
    Really tedious experience, just dowload the cheat engine and unlock everything.
    Pepperoncino , you had done better, do it again please. Also a new Holy road would be nice instead of whatever this is.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    Well the dev didnt learn anything about what was wrong on the first one...
    Unlike the dev i will keep this short
    Too much grind
    English is hard brain hurts!
    The "Gameplay" is awful
    The first one was buggy but at least u could navigate using the ui... you have to walk by clicking....

    I gave up before even the first screen but ppl said there is not much there either....
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    A small amount of CG, that reused in the game over and over again...
    Little to no stotory, too much obvious grind.
    Dumb endings. Unfrendly UI....
    Translation are bad. Realy big dissapointment.
    My advise - download a full save with opened gallery and don`t bother to play this game.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    Relative short and very easy game. The first version is better than this sequel

    Only 5 characters, but each has 4 base CG with clothing variation.

    There is not much depth to the game. But there is a 100 day limit. A large number of days is spend "opening" the inn, to get the female characters in to progress their "story". Otherwise, you only grind for some items, to boost the inn quality to reach the minimum requirement for the next character progress.