Unity - Completed - Welcome to the Sexy Bar [v1.6.0] [kegani laboratory]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    The most unfriendly game I've seen.
    1) Autotranslation is slow. Even if you load patch from forum most of dialogues are not translated and you have to wait many seconds between even really small sentences like "Ohh, Mmmmm, Busy"
    2) Broken and bugged
    Due to random on hard you can stuck having no money to buy ingredients and there is no any opened option like PIMP so early.
    Cheatengine or C# code rewriting is a must in general case to complete the tutorial!!!
    3) Forum don't have correct answers to this and some other bugs so you need both patch, restart, download saves and still spend many hours to get the content or instead play for dozens repetitive hours

    Scenes: 1/10
    All the sexual content is 100 nano-slideshows with 1-4 pictures of sex or just talking persons and 5-10 phrases beetween chars during them. Unvoiced so even for "Ah~ Ooooo Mmm " you need to wait to read it
    <10% of scenes are hot. A pair of them are interesting for what persons are saying not the real action. Some slides are disgusting. All of them generic anime porn or just standing people.

    Sound: 3/10
    Generic anime moaning is present in some scenes, absolutely no sound during sex in another scenes. No voicing in lewd scenes. No consistent sound design. The gallery is so lacks sound that there is anime generic moaning button! But it not fit any scene.

    Gameplay: 0/10
    Slow, repetitive, imbalanced, not tested.
    To open all of 100 slideshows even just skipping all in a speedrun on hard for max corruption is like 20+ hours, if you had externally cheated on money. If no much more.
    But even after skipping all the dialogues you need to spend couple of hours in gallery just to wait translations to be loaded sentence by sentence

    Characters 2/10
    Only 10% of 2/5 characters had something non-generic to read.

    Translation: 1/10
    Many sentence become nonsense and you to need to wait multiple seconds for each and than click to get next. But there is no other core kinky content despite the dialogues so this aspect is extremely important here to be descent. But it is ruined by awfull translation and no voicing. It can be not scored in lewd-intensive visual content game but not in case here.

    As the other games of the studio this is extreme time wasters as well.

    If studio tries to do a tricky gameplay either do it properly either focus on H component. Here is the lack of both. Not worth the effort
  2. 3.00 star(s)

    Comrade BLin

    "Pay back your debts by running a bar! But if you can't, your girl is going to cheat on you"
    But if you can, they are going to cheat anyway.
    I turn my back for 5 second to look at a random direction and they already spread their legs in infront of a drunken stranger.
    Tears of proud roll down my cheeks. Those chicks are my wives. (or girlfriends, it's kinna confusing)
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    The machine translation makes this completely unplayable. Don't bother unless you can read Japanese. Seriously.

    It takes on average two seconds for every dialog window to replace the japanese text with English. And once the translation arrives, it's almost complete illegible gibberish. So you need to slog through bad conversation at a snail's pace. And if you completely skip everything, then what's the point? The dialog is what would elevate this above a handful of H-drawings.

    Some random examples:
    "Bee, Bibyu, Beoooooooooooooooooooooo, ! Accepted the semen that is ejaculated vigorously with a throat!


    "Wow it's the best, I don't think it's a beginner of this service".

    Ugh. Kill me now.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    honestly i think it is a 4/5, but i cant help thinking what would've been this same game a little more developed, with a good translation (thank those guys who translated most of the game, otherwise i wouldnt even bothered to play it) and with hscenes like NTR knight...

    a man can dream
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Quite addictive thing for a some time, just select a right difficulty.
    Such games with competitive gameplay are quite interesting.
    But it have not much scenes and MTL translation is terrible.
    But some scenes quite interesting too, even with MTL.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    The looks of female characters is ok, but nothing beyond that. The gameplay is nothing special either, but could be good enough if the rest of the game is actually good. Male mc is totally generic and boring.
    So the game has to compensate with something. For example, with lots of images and good story. So what about illustrations?
    Erotic events are generally composed of several static images (in most cases just a couple of variation of the same base image) with lots of text. No real feeling of something actually going on. Characters feel like they are frozen is space.
    The plot itself... Well, its questionable. I can say that there is nothing special to it, just a regular plot for an erotic game.
    And here we come to the last thing. The text. It has to be fantastic to compensate for the rest of the game. So... It is mtl. It's not ordinary mtl that sometimes is very good, but real time mtl, which means you have to wait for several seconds staring into hieroglyphs and waiting till they are refreshed with english. And when english text appears, you can barely understand anything at all. You click on the screen and wait for the next patch of hieroglyphs to be translated. Boring.......
    I have no idea how this game came to have such a high rating, but it doesn't even deserve half of it.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    i like this game very much. It sure has flaws and is rough around many edges but all in all this is one of the best ntr games i played. You have to take care of your two girls and if you dont do it properly they a) gets stolen by your cook or b) start sucking dick of your clients. The art is good, but it has some flaws in game design. It japanese after all so expect some weird shit.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    Initially the game started great, there was good plot line, good game mechanics and a system that made sense in terms of game progression.
    BUT the MTL translations and translating it real-time was really annoying as instead of reading dialog, you had to wait for text to be translated, which most of the time made no sense.
    The idea is to manage money, which acts as a tool to manage various aspects of the game... This loses purpose over-time because some statuses get locked in and you are locked out of some content, plus money just loses all of the value it initially had.
    H scenes feel repetitive and not exciting as the game requires to repeat same thing over and over again.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Great NTR game. Lots of different scenes and routes with multiple endings. I. love the shadow scenes behind the curtain as well The MTL is alright however not great, I have gone through and edited some of it to make it better especially the menus .
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    This is, without a doubt, my favourite game on this site. I've completed it so many times that I can't remember and it still is the best fap material I have. MTL is crude, really crude, but you can understand it after a while and, frankly, it's not the plot and charater developement you're here for. After first playthrough you unlock cheats which allow you to manipulate which route you are taking and there are multiple indeed. The game is hard, really hard even but that's one of the main pros for me, keeping a girl should not be easy and balancing between keeping one and losing them is a part of fun. I dislike only the aristocratic minigame as it is too much luck-based but it's fortunately toggleable in the second playtrough. I recommend this game for every fan of NTR as the fun is just something else
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    I'm not a fan of NTR. I'll get that out there, I don't like it and I don't think it's ever written well.
    This game is no different. It's extremely badly written, even if you try to ignore the terrible translation and pretend the game is perfectly translated, though that might be hard since most sentences are complete nonsense.

    But even ignoring my personal distaste for NTR, I think this game is average. It has some interesting mechanics, some nice visuals on occasion, but nothing really stands out except the bad translation.

    For those who care, there does not seem to be any virgins who bleed on defloration.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    Surprisingly good, as an NTR fan.

    It would be a 5 star game if not for the auto-translate. The dev really needs to take a few days and post the script on a bilingual forum or something to get translated. But even despite that, when I got the minor translation file from a forum-goer and it became at least playable, a lot of the themes are really knocked out of the park for this kinda game.

    The way you have to actually struggle, even on easy mode, to win over one of the girls is REALLY well done. The "behind the curtain" scenes are a homerun as well and I don't know how other people haven't done that before (i'm sure they have, I just haven't seen it). It's just nearly a perfect corruption story.

    ...if it weren't for the god damn translation. Either way, it was fun and even flush inducing when I could totally understand what was happening (which is rare for a game).
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Love this game. Hidden curtain animation is great and fits the theme perfectly. Avoidable NTR is great because it incentivizes actually playing the game. Love the art and the story is decent if nonsensical. I do think the grind in the beginning is kinda rough but the newgame+ cheats do make it a lot of fun to replay. Also love how the MCs actions dictate corruption and stuff, thats a really nice touch.
    Also, I like how many things there are to juggle and try to manage because it makes avoiding the NTR really rewarding and the NTR itself a lot more fun when it happens. All in all, lots of fun, would definitely recommend.
  14. 1.00 star(s)


    I just, this game is a rip off and I got it for free. This game has a good idea, but was poor stolen from something else.

    A comment I made in the past "I tried this game mostly for the management game play in it and I realized this is the 2D Hentai NTR version of Crossroads Inn. I was having a hard time playing for the MTL, but the fact that some of icons, some of the game play mechanics (trade routes, buying items, meal ideas), and even the music is the same just make me disappointed. I know making a porn version of something isn't new, but the fact that they ripped off parts of it to put in their own game is just wrong."

    Worse is after some time I realized that the dev even ripped a scene from a hentai to make a animation (the in mouth kiss scene) in their game. This game would have been great if the dev made it themselves, but this thing is something else.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    A short/medium length game that has a good management setting and cute girls. While I didn't enjoy the nearly forced NTR, the sluttiness of the girls and animated shadow scenes are very enjoyable. This download does use a MTL if that's an issue.
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    This is a good game with good NTR content. The game focuses on two heroines that fit the cliched childhood friend/Tsundere archetypes. As you would expect from an NTR/corruption game, their personalities change throughout the game and they become increasingly sluttier. There is a lot of content and the player can explore by trying to lead the girls into different H situations to see what happens. There are even some shadow animations that are quite neat.

    However, there are some issues. First of all, the management gameplay is quite mediocre. There are some interesting concepts such as trade routes, recipes and a perk tree. However, these are half-assed and are not very interesting or useful. There are also these "Noble Customers" encounters that were supposed to be a minigame but only amount to clicking a button that rolls a dice. You can hire other employees for your tavern but they don't do much.

    In the end, this is one of those games that leaves you thinking about how much better it could have been if some aspects was more fleshed out. I would definitely not recommend this game if you are bothered by unavoidable NTR and MTL. However, if this is your kind of thing it is definitely worth giving it a shot since it is quite impressive for an NTR Dojinshi game.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is excellent, it defines what i seek in a NTR focused game, the option to save the girl or you can just play to be cucked in many ways, lol.
    Actually has a good variety of ntr scenes and the plot makes sense for the history to turn this way.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    Verdict: If you like NTR, it's definitely worth playing despite the MTL.
    • Although the MTL is somewhat gibberish, you'll still be able to understand the main underlying erotic points.
    • The game has an automatic translator that takes about a half second to kick in on every dialogue, but you get used to it.
    • The game has a food preparing mechanic. You prepare food and serve drinks to patrons. When you do that, an erotic event happens after.
    Fetishes: Watching your romantic interests getting felt up, fucked, and sex in tons of different ways.

    If you like NTR, TRY IT and give it a good 20 minutes of your time, you'll probably like it. It was a good game and did a lot of things right. It had very intense, erotic NTR moments.
  19. 1.00 star(s)


    TL;DR lacklustre game

    Game developer had good idea for a game, but his execution is bad. Game contain bugs, a lot of game mechanics are unfinished (eg. you can hire new employees, but they dont do much), story is dumb, characters are hollow shells, main character is annoying, gameplay mechanics are very grindy, NTR events are forced upon you and you cant avoid them.
    Also art is underwhelming (images could have higher resolution, girls could be hotter).

    As for translation? Not only is Machine Translation (MTL) very bad, but its script translates the text in real time. That means you have to wait few seconds before japanese text gets translated. Thats big waste of time.

    To sum it up: unless you are braindead zombie hardcore NTR fan, then you should avoid this game.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    The MTL does not matter, you can understand almost anything, it's so-so, not garbale level unreadable.

    A lot of people will not find this game enjoyable at all, Be it the gameplay or the NTR plot.

    Only for NTR fans, and Chads that love to share their women, lol.