Western NTR/Cuckold/Cheating - Compilation List and Review

Oct 17, 2017

Gentlemen, welcome to a thread that's all about compiling and recommending games for NTR/Cuckold/Cheating of WESTERN origin only.
You won't find any recommendations for Eastern games in here unless they bare a style resembling a lot Western themes. We'll also not be going over any games that have occasional NTR scenes in them. ONLY games that have major NTR/Cuckold/Cheating routes or games that solely focus on this will be in this thread. No.... mother NTR stuff is not Western, that's an Eastern thing. The female has to be a crush, a girlfriend, or a wife. It's possible that I may leave some games out because I'm unsure of their Western/Eastern origin. Feel free to mention them in follow on posts. Almost everything I recommend will be from the male perspective. I almost don't consider something NTR if it's from the female perspective. It takes some damn good writing and story prompts to make a good NTR game with female perspective.
I won't be breaking games down by their game engine or current version, I'll just be hyper linking them and giving a brief over view and my personal opinion.
The only separation I'll be making is 3D and 2D games.
Anybody can feel free to post and recommend a game that I may have missed.


This game has a slightly Eastern appearance to it, but it is Western as far as I can tell. No translation needed to play, dev speaks perfect English on his Patreon, and there is no censoring. I haven't played it in quite a few patches, but the general synopsis is you and your wife both work at the same school. There's a troubled student that needs some extra help. I'm a huge anti spoiler type of person, so anything further is spoiler hidden.
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Anyways, it was a pretty decent game.


I personally can't give any recommendation on this game as I haven't played it. It's here BECAUSE it is a Western NTR game. Although I've seen an awful lot of hate in it's thread. Apparently it's went through a painful amount of revamp work and it's pissed off a lot of fans. I will continue to hold off on playing this game until it's situation has been resolved and it has stabilized.

A definite cute little game with more to it than just the NTR perspective. Half the game IMO is the NTR though. You play as a burly Paladin of a good in a DnDesque world in which you and your obvious crush have been captured by the bad guys. How you let the villains deal with you AND your crush from there is up to you. Side note, there's an awesome imp shortstack in this game. I believe the future development of this game has a LOT of potential.


I've got a good amount of love for this game. Spoke with the dev on his discord and he's got a good amount of care for his community. Anyways, this game has got a little bit of it all in it. Cuckold, cheating, humiliation, etc... The game is a mobile texting game. You have several different options of who you want your girlfriend/wife/crush to be depending on the scenario. Whomever you pick, it starts a text conversation with them that's broken into chapters. 75% of your responses are singular, but the other 25% are triple selections that change the direction of the story. Whatever direction you go changes the CG's you get. If you don't like the direction you went or realize you made a mistake... NO PROBLEM... scroll back up in the conversation to a selection and click the text before it. The scenario will continue to play from there. The dev made it nice and easy to not have to painfully replay lots of conversations to get different events. He also breaks the different girls down into chapters and revolves the development cycles between them. This game is a break away in the world of mobile texting games that's been flooded with flaming dumpster fires. I look forward to his future development.


This game breaks down pretty simple for me as far as the NTR "route" goes. A demon girl gets stuck in the mortal world and somehow (to avoid story spoilers) ends up with you. You can either choose to romance her up (the much more developed path), or basically hoe her out (developed, but not nearly as the romance path). IMO it doesn't get much more complicated than that.
6/10 (because of the art)


Contrary to what your eyes may have you believe when looking at previews of this game, it IS made by a Western developer and IS western, or I've been fucking hood winked as all hell. On the first page of the games thread, the developer stated to a commenter that his goal was to harken back to the old Japanese Eroge's. So you're getting a Western/Eastern art hybrid flair here. I believe this game would classify as a mystery NTR. You only see shadows, smoke, and mirrors until you finish the first playthrough, then you get Hana's POV. I played the game quite a long time ago, so I don't quite remember the synopsis, but it was alright, not quite my cup of tea though, seeing as I look for Western stuff. It had to be mentioned though as it's technically Western. There's also a sequel game that I won't be linking here, there's a link to it on this games thread.

4/10 (Western developer trying to be Eastern)

Whispers of the Dark Elf
Got to admit, I haven't played this one yet because early version number bother me, but looking at the changelog, I might give it a go tonight. The story revolves around a male MC hero who's retired after the fall of a dark lord. However he hid a secret that another man has taken advantage of through his spouse. You can use your imagination from there. Can't pass judgement on this one as I haven't played it, but I DO have high hopes for my playthrough due to it's art and story premise. ***UPDATE*** I wanted to play this without investing hours, so I went and did some quick file digging. As it currently stands, the game will reward you for playing, but you'll be left wanting more. I personally feel like there's not enough scenes with the main female right now to invest hours of gameplay. There IS a lot of scenes if you count ALL of the females though. I didn't actually play though, so my rating is still unrated.


OH BOY ARE YOU IN FOR A FUCKING TREAT. I can't praise this game enough. It presses all my personal buttons. Story CG's, explore the map CG's, your getting NTR'd from all sorts of angles. It doesn't all happen at once either. It has the PERFECT pacing of loyal GF to.... well you know. You'll get fucking lost in time trying to find all the scenes because they're so good. The developer writes a damned good story for it all as well. I'm not usually into to anthro chicks, but this dev won me over with this game. Go play it, go fucking play it or you're missing out on an ABSOLUTE GEM!


IMO, the game itself is the NTR if the previews is what drew you in. The actual art of the wife/gf never really changes. See that little figurine art in the image above? THAT'S what you actually get in game, so if you get off to chibi art, you'll probably get off to this. The game is also very short. The premise is a witch that you made a deal with curses you into a time loop in which you relive the same day over and over and your girl becomes more and more corrupted. You move around the map in a Summer Sweepers style manner to find her and see what's up, then you witness that tiny non fappable art above and move on. You RARELY get some full size art of her with her shirt off and maybe her hair fuzzled up with some smears on her face. Dev shot himself in the foot without real art. Game has only had 4 pages of comments since the beginning of August for a reason.
2/10 (Dev made a porn game without the porn basically)


HERE WE GO WITH ANOTHER BANGER! The game has several love interests and all of them have NTR failure routes in each chapter. In order to see the NTR failures for them in each chapter, you have to have romance rizzed them up in the last chapter. It's half mystery NTR and half witnessed. I won't tell you how the mystery NTR gets revealed to you, but it's pretty damned good. Not too mention that the artist has a healthy appreciation for different body types. The story is set in an 80's synthwave environment in college. I don't need to talk about this game much. If you're a fan of Western NTR, go play this, you're failing yourself if you don't go play it. Stop reading, go play it.

We've got a SOLID ass game here. There's a lot more to it than just the NTR of it, but the NTR can play a huge portion of the game. The art sticks out quite a lot and is very original among a lot of games on F95Zone. The story is VERY well written and actually has me enthralled. I haven't played it in nearly a year because I think the game is so good. It's like a show binger who waits for a whole season to come out before they watch. I want a big ass chunk to play before I go back. The basic plot as I remember is you were some sort of soldier/hero in the last war with the demon king or something. However his son/daughter have come back to fight again and in their raid on your village they captured your wife while you were fighting or something. You go to rescue her and you get captured as well. The demon son/daughter somehow bind you and your wives will to theirs and your forced to serve them. Take your imagination from there. Lot's of corruption of you and your wife in this one. A HEALTHY dose of another favorite genre of mine in this one as well... SHORTSTACKS!



I haven't played this one due to the art not appealing to me, so here's the thread description.
"It tells the story of a young writer who, together with her husband, decides to spend a vacation at a resort on the shores of a paradisiacal beach. Our protagonist keeps a secret that not even her husband knows, she is a writer of erotic novels, and she wants to keep it that way for the rest of her life. The problem is that now she is going through a creative block and needs a lot of inspiration to write."



Man, this game needs more attention. The art style may be an acquired taste for some, but the story is great. You basically discover that your girl is going to some secret party and you follow her there and sneak in. You proceed to follow her around and witness what happens. Use your imagination from there I guess, but it's pretty good how the dev writes and how you have to get clues and explore the map. Some mystery NTR, some blatant NTR, some straight up cuckold. The dev is slowly adding different girlfriends who act differently at the party.



Another interesting game in which a Western dev is creating a game with an Eastern flair. MUCH MUCH less than Indecent Wife Hana though. The basic premise is your perverted best friend is attempting to corrupt your girl. Not much else to say about it unless I dip into spoilers. It's a pretty decent game. The art style is unique for sure. Hope you're into big ole asses. lol
6.5/10 (Dev takes forever to update)


Oh lord we've stumbled into a fucking complicated one here... originally this game was a singular game with NTR and dominance routes intertwined. 85% romance and 15% NTR. However.... the Dev team has split it technically into two separate games. An NTR version and a dominance version. So now it has to make the list. So far, the NTR version is very bare bones with not a lot of meat to it. I suppose the vision for it is that all the chicks your interested in making yours in the dominance version get taken from you by Darrell (a BBC) in the NTR version. Unfortunately, even though I said these things wouldn't make the list, your mom and sister get wrapped up in that NTR version... HOWEVER... the amount of ladies that aren't them FARRRRRR outweigh the two of them.
1.5/10 (The NTR version has barely anything in it right now)

NTR Bunnies

Pretty solid game, I enjoyed it for what it was. It had decent pacing and good build up. The art was nice for me and there was no rush. The brief description from the thread does better justice than I could.
"NTR game about the male character, who has a cuckold fantasy, getting transported into an isekai world as a pink-haired bunny boy. The goal of the game is to return home with the player's girlfriend. "



Same developer as above, but I liked the game more. I think the premise was better, probably because she's a full blown human and not an anthro, and it's completed, so it has it's endings as well. Simple story, a vampire sneaks into your home and commences his corruption of your old lady.


AHHHHHH MAN, two for one on this one. Your wife is a goblin shortstack. You rescue an injured orc that recovers at your home while your always out and about working or some shit. Commence NTR fuckery and corruption. Pretty good game. Art is well done and the story isn't bad at all. The game doesn't have fast or exhaustive pacing.



Game is good, but pretty basic when it comes down to it. The premise revolves around the husband wanting his wife to dye her hair blonde, which is somehow a gateway drug into further corruption. lol He basically lets his friend convince him that he can help convince her to dye her hair... moron...



BRO, this game is wild. The husband has a successful start up company so he hires his first employee. She turns out to be a big cocked futa who rizzes up his wife and they become good friends. Commence corruptions all across the story as our reluctant wife becomes not so reluctant. This game does stand out due to being unique in the Western NTR genre. There's not another futa based Western NTR out there. Art is good, story is decent.


Oh brother, here comes one that infuriates me.... not because the game is bad... the game is fucking awesome. It infuriates because the dev completed 90% of the work for the final chapter of the game and vanished without a word. I won't dive deep into the subject, but trust me, this failure is on the dev and the fans didn't deserve the treatment they got. Onto the game though. Art is great, story is great. It's a mystery NTR that slowly shifts into a blatant NTR that has some humiliation in it as well thanks to your GF's friend. There's PLENTY of payoff in the 0.9 uncompleted game. Enough that you could technically call it done if you didn't know there was supposed to be more. Talking about it anymore would reveal spoilers. Despite my hate for the dev, go play what he did release, it's a great game. The fucker should come back and finish it.
9/10 (come back you asshole)

cover (1).jpg

Now THIS is a game with unique gameplay among everything else in this post. Yes, the name does harken to mine sweepers in a way. The game mechanics play that way, but it's not annoying like mine sweepers. The basis of the game is that you have a love interest in one of the two or both girls above. You're all adventurers heading to an island, but your party skills lack the "strong guy" basically. Well... SURPRISE... you find one up on the island when the desk lady tells you that a strong guy is fucking required. The game has routes. You can team up with strong guy and be pals (dominant route), you can be NTR'd, etc... Art is quirky as you can see. The on map scenes can either result in a figure scene (much fucking better than NTR Loop IMO), or an actual full art scene, then you also have like 10-12 different full art endings. Good game, go play it.


Headpats first game as far as I understand. The same author that did My Girlfriend Got Promoted to the Dancer Class. This game is really short, probably a test bed for his future game. He almost lost me with this game. Though I loved the art, he had a lot of on map scenes that he gave no art for, and scenes that were obscured or didn't show what I wanted to. There's still good scenes and art in the game, but I felt the game itself was cucking me sometimes. The premise is you and your new wife move into your new apartment and your next door neighbor rizzes up your wife while also getting up in the neighbor girl as well. Nothing super complicated as it's a short game.
6/10 (The lack of art for certain scenes sucked ass)

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From the same dev as Building our Futature, this game never really caught my eye enough for me to play it, so here's the thread description for it.
"Swing & Miss is an adult visual novel, or eroge. It is a mostly linear story centered around themes such as swinging, netorare (or cuckolding), moral degeneration, and female domination. It will contain a lengthy story and our artist Iero's beautiful artwork to illustrate the characters and (erotic) event scenes accompanied by the music of Funes."



So, this one is an interesting one. The game is actually played from the perspective of the guy DOING the corrupting. HOWEVER, your always seeing the perspective of the main hero or whomever else getting cucked, so it makes the list. Art is good and unique, the story line is interesting, and the pacing is good. If you wanna step off the beaten path a little bit and see the corrupter perspective while also still getting that NTR fix, this is a GREAT game for that.

This game was a pretty good run through. It's got all sorts of run through possibilities. Different guys that can be the antagonists, different combos of those guys. Complete avoidance of NTR if you're a weirdo like that. The general vague story line is that you and your love interest are doing a dungeon system together and you consistently pick up new male party members, and of course... the new guys want your lady. It can be a pretty long game and the story can be kind of heavy at times, but overall it's a pretty good game.


I'll complete this portion later, as it'll be very difficult to sift out all the very crappy DAZ garbage and actually recommend 3D NTR games worth their salt. Plus it's 0100 in the morning for me.
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May 1, 2024
Ty for the list friend! This will be fun to go through and I appreciate your the time you took to get this list going! I'm liking some of the games that you haven't looked yet! I will give it a dive and report my own finding!
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Oct 17, 2017
Good shit OP. Always love seeing goodass NTR.
Appreciate it.

You’ll find this thread will be more of a curated collection type of thing. I won’t include games that are early in development with little content (unless I create a specific section for it), games that are poor quality, or games that you have to reach too hard to describe them as NTR.

So many times I’ve tried to search for western NTR recommendations on F95 to find half assed answers or little nuggets buried in the Eastern NTR thread.

So my goal here is to provide a gateway for the Western NTR enjoyer. No complicated searching, no asking question, no filtering for shit in the updates page. Just come here and start. Lol


New Member
Sep 28, 2024
Thank you, i agree a lot of scores here, not sure why people think Turning the page is that good, i think its 6/10 at best there far to much text, and wife falls pretty early in the story, i do feel bad for guy he decent guy she's just a slut. Indecent wife Hana i would of liked more if updates weren't so little and creator wasn't such an ass especially with pateon, people wasting their money on this game, a lot of scenes kind of meh anyways until final days of the story endings. 4/10 i agree personally 3/10 for me creator is an ass and ruin something could of been amazing.

Pretentious Goblin

Devoted Member
Nov 3, 2017
For those who like Summer Sweepers, the dev followed it up with another NTR game, though while the gameplay is better (if harder to learn) the NTR didn't work as well for me as in Summer Sweepers. Maybe because it's fat-bastard this time, maybe because iirc you actually have to set it up yourself rather than it just happening behind your back as you play the game normally.

I recommend this series, especially the second game, though it's all sprite-sex.

Here is another game where it happens behind MC's back during gameplay, if you liked SS you may enjoy this one too.

SoD is just about the only BBC cuck game I can recommend, though it starts out rough.
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Oct 17, 2017
For those who like Summer Sweepers, the dev followed it up with another NTR game, though while the gameplay is better (if harder to learn) the NTR didn't work as well for me as in Summer Sweepers. Maybe because it's fat-bastard this time, maybe because iirc you actually have to set it up yourself rather than it just happening behind your back as you play the game normally.

I recommend this series, especially the second game, though it's all sprite-sex.

Here is another game where it happens behind MC's back during gameplay, if you liked SS you may enjoy this one too.

SoD is just about the only BBC cuck game I can recommend, though it starts out rough.
Shadows of Desire will be making it onto the 3D list. It’s one of the few 3D games that I don’t consider to be complete DAZ garbage. lol


I don’t include Henteria Chronicles BECAUSE it has no art. Literally never played it because of that. Heard it had great story and stuff though.
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Nov 24, 2019
Shadows of Desire will be making it onto the 3D list. It’s one of the few 3D games that I don’t consider to be complete DAZ garbage. lol


I don’t include Henteria Chronicles BECAUSE it has no art. Literally never played it because of that. Heard it had great story and stuff though.
Quite bold to be the arbiter of what is defined as ART. when you quite literally have to use the word ART to find the kind work used on the pixels.

yes i am offended on you dissing pixel art. i only hope you reconsider it in the future.
Oct 17, 2017
Quite bold to be the arbiter of what is defined as ART. when you quite literally have to use the word ART to find the kind work used on the pixels.

yes i am offended on you dissing pixel art. i only hope you reconsider it in the future.

Stop it, being able to jack off to pixel/chibi sex is a super odd fetish. It's a 1% of the community type of thing. I would dare say that the majority of the people who enjoy Hentaria Chronicles are there for the story, not the chibi crap.


Nov 24, 2019
Stop it, being able to jack off to pixel/chibi sex is a super odd fetish. It's a 1% of the community type of thing. I would dare say that the majority of the people who enjoy Hentaria Chronicles are there for the story, not the chibi crap.
just saying you should consider who are you making the list for. yourself? sure go ahead and exclude the game. but if you are making the list for others then you should reconsider. Also think about how you express about others, you must have some sort of 1% of disgusting crappy fetish yourself. you are here after all, be a bit self aware. I will stop here because I feel you are taking this as a personal attack and this is not my intention. good luck on your list.


Conversation Conqueror
Sep 5, 2018
Stop it, being able to jack off to pixel/chibi sex is a super odd fetish. It's a 1% of the community type of thing. I would dare say that the majority of the people who enjoy Hentaria Chronicles are there for the story, not the chibi crap.
You might learn that in NTR, while good CGs certainly helps, the real driver of eroticism is the writing. The set up, the build up, the specific scenario and scene writing, the sex dialogues. I was like you and refused to play it for a long time. But I found it surprisingly fappable when I gave it a shot. You might be surprised how much we can fill in with our imagination with just the sprites and character's face on the textbox.

But anyways, if you still can't be arsed, you could play Corruption of the Village. It's basically Henteria with CGs.
Oct 17, 2017
You might learn that in NTR, while good CGs certainly helps, the real driver of eroticism is the writing. The set up, the build up, the specific scenario and scene writing, the sex dialogues. I was like you and refused to play it for a long time. But I found it surprisingly fappable when I gave it a shot. You might be surprised how much we can fill in with our imagination with just the sprites and character's face on the textbox.

But anyways, if you still can't be arsed, you could play Corruption of the Village. It's basically Henteria with CGs.
As far as I'm concerned, the majority of the audience that I'm making this list for, considering this is a western list in an English speaking thread (which means the female NTR enjoyer statistic in the east doesn't matter), men are visual when it comes to sexual interaction. There's a reason porn sells to men 90% of the time and erotic novels sell to women 90% of the time in the West. The people coming to this thread, seeing the title of this thread, will MOST LIKELY be looking for art with their game. Corruption of the Village is an Eastern NTR from what I can figure out. The dev repost Eastern game hosts all the time, half his tweets have Japanese in them, and his game is heavily Eastern themed NTR all the way down to ugly hobo guy fucks the hot girl. I DO PLAY eastern NTR's in my never ending search for good NTR games. However, I've left a scathing review of that game for now. If you're interesting, it's not actually in the review section. You'd have to look for my post. I'd rate that game a 4/10 right now. That game made me feel like a DnD Game Master was rail roading me into whatever he wanted us to do in his campaign. Forced cinematics left and right.

Let me be clear, I'm NOT mad at you for posting in the thread. I just think you guys are reallyyyyyy missing the mark on the purpose and point of a western NTR thread. Western NTR guys like story, but it's not as heavily needed as Eastern NTR enjoyers want. We want good art a LOT more than you guys do. If I had to break down the wants of Western NTR desires....

45% Art - 35% Story - 20% Gameplay ROUGHLY It definitely will differ from guy to guy, but from reading through countless eastern NTR discords and threads, story matters wayyyyyy more than 35%.