Man, BBBen has been developing games long before F95 was even a thing and has released many games over the years. Props to him for that. I played some of his games from early-form
Adrift engine days. Wow. (I even figured out the chink in the space? dragon's armor all on my own, haha!)
I might give your recommendation a try,
Ninjaperv, if for nothing else to see how far BBBen has (hopefully) improved as a H-game developer. Admittedly, I've been kinda avoiding it though since I'm not sure if knowledge from the other games in the series was necessary or not. Some of the games in the franchise are getting on to be twenty years old or so, right? And the original files won't even run natively modern systems without workarounds, iirc.
So is
PA:T standalone or no? And if it isn't, does it include a lore dump from the other games?