Ka is so cute, she hits all my buttons. Are there plans for more of her or was she a side character? This goes for everyone in Podwodje, are they all sides like the werewolf or will there be a bit more of them thrown in and some possibly getting an ending?
Wanted to say I came across this a few days ago and instantly got hooked, and this is your first project??? You guys are doing amazing. My only complaint would be that I wish there was more time with the crew. Have some more talks about their interests and the like, do more stuff together. As it is now is still fine, but it feels like each dialogue with them is to get to the next part in a quest or h-scene. I think you hit it with Olivia early on with that small "date," but that doesn't happen again for anyone else, even on loyalty quests. Basically romance/feeling fluff, or even the crew just hanging out and doing things together like on the last night of the island. I know they are pirates, but I would like to think even pirates like spending time with their love interest(s)/bros without the thought of what to do next or their possible death coming
Benno best girl, short-stack waifus are supreme.