Weekly report 115
Hi everybody.
Happy Friday, and I hope you're all ready to enjoy your weekend.
This week's report will be short. We're almost done with all of the debugs and edits -- the progress tracker will reach 100% completion today, and here's our plan for the next few days:
- We will spend Saturday, Sunday, and Monday playing the finished content and doing nothing other than testing different quests with different save files, typo-hunting, and looking for things we have overlooked.
- On Wednesday, we plan to send the game out to external testers. We think giving external testers until Saturday should be enough (based on our experience with the previous releases).
- If all goes well, and all the bugs found are minor and quick fixes, we should have the release ready for the next Saturday, the 30th of July.
That's our plan, and we're hopeful we will reach it. If we see the game is ready before that, we will release it sooner; as soon as we can't find new things that need to be fixed/improved. Also, I would be remiss if I didn't mention that if we find a major game-breaking bug, we may have to delay the game, but I'd say the chance of that happening is pretty slim.
The game will be first released for patrons with the tier of Friend and above, and 24 hours later, we will publish it publicly for everyone. You will receive a message on Patreon once the new update is out.
We're both excited and nervous and can't wait to release the update to show you the result of all these months of work.
Have a wonderful weekend.