
Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2017
Oh this looks really cool and it seems there's a lot of content so I have a lot to look forward to.
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May 16, 2019
That would be fine and dandy if that's the original comment that I was referring to, but it's literally not, nowhere did I quote that comment in the original discussion. If you want us to talk about that comment, then I will, but please stick to the subject and actually address what I wrote first
You literally asked "Which part of *that person*'s messages was insulting?" and I gave you that exact part... I addressed exactly what you asked for, so I'm at a bit of a loss for words here.

You gotta explain how this is supposed to be insulting. I feel like you're two steps ahead in your offendedness. You basically say "if you're not insulted by this comment, it means you're not a normal man", so should I feel doubly offended now?
I admit that I made a mistake by not properly clarifying my message - I should've put "Any normal man would read the above as nothing other than an insult" in bold and italics, so that when people like you don't / can't relate, you at least understand why.

Edit: Fixed my comment above, to be more clarifying :)
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Amazoness Entrepreneur
Aug 13, 2019
If you don't want to catch any more hell I would change normal to straight, otherwise you're fighting a losing battle. The second people use the word normal to describe a man/woman's sexuality people flip the heck out.
In what world do we live where straight isn't normal? Are we really going to ignore the fact that more than 50% of the population is straight, therefore straight is "normal"? No offense to homosexual people, of course, but trying to pretend straight people aren't the norm is very naive.


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2019
I love to see that Gretta is getting so much love all of a sudden. She's one of my 4 absolute favourites, the other 3 being Gomira (who actually won the current poll), Rose (she's coming next) and Madeline. I think they are all extremely appealing for different reasons which for me are as follows:

Rose: Very playful and seductive woman with a very nice pirate/fortune teller-esque design (gotta love that pale skin, dark hair and red lipstick and nails combo)

Gretta: Incredibly busty and gorgeous mature woman. Massive maternal vibes with her which I love. She's also super friendly and caring which makes her even more appealing (I'm super into mature/milf women)

Gomira: Her exotic skin color and the fact that she isn't human alone make her interesting to me. Strikes the perfect balance between a physically strong body while also still looking very feminine and attractive (also lots of potential for a "tough shell, soft core" type of situation for her personality which I'm hoping for)

Madeline: Dummy thicc chocolate goddess... nuff said. (Seriously tho that woman is a delight to look at and I absolutely can't wait for her to get her own update)

I've already said it countless times already but there really isn't a woman in WaL who isn't super attractive tho so no matter who comes out on top in a poll I'll always be happy with it. These 4 just happen to be my personal favourites and the ones I'm looking forward to the most. Can't wait for Rose to come out next... probably somewhen in march or something but oh well. The wait is always worth it.


Mar 18, 2020
In what world do we live where straight isn't normal? Are we really going to ignore the fact that more than 50% of the population is straight, therefore straight is "normal"? No offense to homosexual people, of course, but trying to pretend straight people aren't the norm is very naive.
I've gotten chewed out on twitter and reddit multiple times for using normal to describe straight people. Others don't like it because the antonym of normal is abnormal and that word has a negative connotation.
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Active Member
Jul 25, 2018
In what world do we live where straight isn't normal? Are we really going to ignore the fact that more than 50% of the population is straight, therefore straight is "normal"? No offense to homosexual people, of course, but trying to pretend straight people aren't the norm is very naive.
I've gotten chewed out on twitter and reddit multiple times for using normal to describe straight people. Others don't like it because the antonym of normal is abnormal and that word has a negative connotation.
The problem is that "normal" does not only imply "to the norm" or "the mean in statistics" but can also imply to mental or physical health, or say that things arent natural or typical. Percentage wise, there are (as far as Im aware) fewer queer people than straight people, but that doesnt mean queer people arent typically found in our society. So yes, its only logical that the word "normal" can come across as very offensive. Specifying language and not generalising is always a good thing.

I really hope we get the close-up kiss in this upcoming update and so on. There's really lack of it in the previous one.

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Interesting. I never really observed that, and cant say that I miss it too much. But, for those that do like it youre right, there is not much content like that (in this game or others that ive played)


Oct 8, 2018
You literally asked "Which part of *that person*'s messages was insulting?" and I gave you that exact part... I addressed exactly what you asked for, so I'm at a bit of a loss for words here.
You made a mistake, I said which part of the "original comment" insulted men in general, you wrote up an entirely unrelated comment, that's what I was alluding to, you did not address exactly what I asked for, far from it, as the argument was always about the referred comment. Is it clear or am I being vague here?

Clarify your intentions then we can go on from there to address any other comments which you want to put forth


Oct 8, 2018
Any normal man would read the above as nothing other than an insult, not to his masculinity mind you, but to healthy sexuality and overall integrity. This Viressa person basically says "if you don't like to get pegged, it means you're scared and insecure", and that is fucking insulting no matter how you try to sugarcoat it.
On this comment, to minimize the back and forth and speed up the process, I didn't interpret the pegging fetish comment as an insult, only another fantasy of another person, so am I not a "normal man"? Am I another freak? Jk

Either way, to address what you wrote, when we look at it logically, that's not the correct summary of the comment, it's also not logical to conclude that the comment constitutes an attack on men in general. It's basically saying that the first pegging is often full of vulnerability, perhaps on the part of the man, because many societal forces have convinced straight men and boys that having something up your butt for pleasure is unmasculine, so many people, including the men themselves, will internalize that and associate pegging with emasculation, which straight men are often afraid of. It's OP's opinion on good character work, being pegged consensually won't take away your sexuality and integrity, it just means that someone pegged you with your agreement.

Now of course, this is also contingent on the presupposition that the pegging which the original commenter described is consensual, because otherwise would be rape, and that would change the entire premise of this conversation.

So to make this short, from my point of view, it's not "If you don't like to get pegged, it means you're scared and insecure", it's "the first pegging will usually be accompanied by vulnerability, and that vulnerability is where good erotica is written"

Folks are making mountains out of molehills too much these days, it's like how conservatives take Starbuck saying "Happy Holiday" as an assault on Christianity or Leftists being offended that Jordan Peterson might deliver speeches on their campuses, next thing you know, people might cry on the spot if you so much as disagree with them.

And I must also attach a disclaimer, I am a man, but I'm not straight, so my perspectives differ significantly to my straighter counterparts


Jun 28, 2020
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(I'll be honest, I'm not even really into pegging, I just think it's a great thing to write erotica about because straight men are usually scared out of their minds of it. Not because they're afraid of the pain of penetration, which really isn't that bad unless the strap she's using is ridiculously oversized or has spikes or something, but because they're terrified that they'll enjoy it and this will rob them of their maleness. This means any pegging scene, especially a first-time experience, is going to be fraught with vulnerability and that's what good character work is made of.)
Be gentler or you will scare those males!
Joking aside don't be so dismissive about straight males and pegging. Not everyone enjoy things up their butt.
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Jan 10, 2021
What? Tell me, which part of the original commenter's comment insulted men "in general"?
" Plus, men who have big dicks are the worst, because they tend to think their size alone is all they need to bring to the table and are completely selfish lovers. (Though tbf men with small dicks are also terrible, because they tend to have massive insecurity issues and take them out on you.) "

Basically saying all men are bad because they're either selfish or insecure.


Oct 8, 2018
Basically saying all men are bad because they're either selfish or insecure.
I think you need to go see the doctor, because that's a very big stretch that you just did.

It's just an observation about the specific men which they encountered, which obviously is an observation and does not apply to the majority of men, key in the word "tend to", unless you think that all men either have tiny dicks or gigantic dicks?


Well-Known Member
May 24, 2018
Kevin's a bro. I need a game with him as the main character. Or a Kevin romance route.
What I would do if I were writing this game: Kevin takes off his helmet so you get to see what his face looks like... then another guard wanders in and also takes off his helmet, revealing the exact same face. Turns out, all the guards in the Old Capital are just a massive group of identical siblings.
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