Apr 7, 2020
Sounds cool, im in love with Gomira. She barely had any screen time but i love her already, strong warrior ladies that actually enjoy sex out of their own free will is so rare in erotic games these day, always have to beat them into submision.

I'm loving the game so far, although I would recommend perhaps toning down the main characters "stupidity". Like its funny in the beginning but if he stays that stupid the entire time its going to get annoying real fast. Sure im not asking him to be a savant but give him a bit more common sense later on. The fucking sheep costume had me laughing but when he thinks adding horns will do the trick i was like "come on are you for real?", his fucking face when it works is also hilarious.
dude i need help finding the horns :(


Aug 19, 2018
This was really good so far, I like the crystal ball in place of a walkthrough. The art style is unique, and really good, so that's a big plus. I also appreciate that the writer's English is really good, kind of uncommon in these games.

Excited to see what they come up with!
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New Member
Jan 23, 2018

Hi everybody.

We hope you're having a great day.
A small --and irrelevant-- piece of news is that today is our wedding anniversary. We originally planned to skip working today and spend the whole day with our families, but there's too much to do, so we'll keep proper celebrations for after 0.3 release.
Here's this week's report:
Chestnut has been working very hard on cutscenes. She has done several of the smaller ones (for example, Abe's piggyback ride: ) and plans to start drawing more complex artworks the next week.
Based on what we've planned, this release will be more cutscene-heavy than the previous two releases. Hopefully it will show and 0.3 will look and feel more enjoyable.

I have finished all the writing and dialogues (including those during the sex). I will still edit these a great deal once the art is ready, and we're putting it all together.

This week I added the base code for new hidden photos, five new achievements, and sex notifications and screens. Now the code is ready, and all we need is replacing my placeholder art with actual drawings. I also corrected the hint screens (to reflect recent changes and additions to the story).
Finally, I animated and added new artworks to the game.

There will probably be more audio tasks added once we play through the game (after completing most of the art and posing), but those sound effects that we had earlier planned, are now done.
These include audio files for two new locations, and new 'magic' sounds related to cutscenes.

I have posed more than half of the game (including the craziest scene we have done so far, featuring five talking/interacting characters). A lot more work is left to do, and posing will still be my main focus for the next week.

I did add a few more tasks for debugging/editing. Most of those were the result of posing scenes and noticing errors with the code or the writing. On the plus side, I removed a few debug tasks that I had first thought were major issues, but on closer inspection were trivial.

Next week's plan:
In the coming week, Chestnut will continue to work on cutscenes. I will spend most of my time posing (trying to finish them by the end of the week). Aside from that, I will also be adding newly drawn art to the game.

Have a wonderful weekend
Many congratulations on your wedding anniversary guys!


New Member
Jan 3, 2020
This is honestly fantastic - some of the best art (and humour) I've seen in any game. Ever.
Honestly this rivals Monkey Island 3 as some of the best game art and humour and thats...a ridiculously high bar. I just can't put into words how amazing it is. Seriously great work.

My only criticism (and it's a small one) is that some of the swearing seems really out of place - don't get me wrong I swear like a trooper myself and I don't have a problem with it...but people being called a cunt and motherfucker (and constant fuck fuck fuck) seems to clash with all the rest of the lighthearted tone. It'd be fine (and funny!) rarely, but everyone is constantly swearing at everything just seems a bit out of place with the rest of the dialogue, art and humour.


New Member
Jan 5, 2019
I'm stuck at the beginning. I have to go to the river and wash but I can't find any way to interact with the river. Any help please?


Game Developer
Jan 24, 2019
Congratulation to your wedding anniversary
Thanks, man.

My only criticism (and it's a small one) is that some of the swearing seems really out of place - don't get me wrong I swear like a trooper myself and I don't have a problem with it...but people being called a cunt and motherfucker (and constant fuck fuck fuck) seems to clash with all the rest of the lighthearted tone. It'd be fine (and funny!) rarely, but everyone is constantly swearing at everything just seems a bit out of place with the rest of the dialogue, art and humour.
Could you tell me where you found 'cunt'? That was not intended. As for all other cussing, well... guilty. :giggle:

I'm stuck at the beginning. I have to go to the river and wash but I can't find any way to interact with the river. Any help please?
Use the map icon to go here:


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2018

Hi everybody.

Here's an outline of our work this week:
Chestnut has finished all sprite gestures and expressions that we deemed necessary for posing. She has also completed new splash artworks (see one spoiled here: ). The bulk of her work this week, however, has consisted of drawing cutscenes. She's done many of them, but several remain. Her aim is to draw them all by the end of the next week.

This week's coding consisted of adding artworks to the game and testing and adjusting them to look right.

I spent most of the week posing scenes and should finish them by Monday. There are no new posing tasks that I can complete without having the art for the remaining sex scenes.

Next week's plan:
Chestnut will try to finish all the cutscenes. I will start editing, fixing, and debugging and will also try to add new features to the crystal ball and interface:
  • Unlocking some scenes in the crystal ball
  • Showing a small notification when a new convo is available
We are working very hard to try to reach our internal deadline for the first weekend of September. However, we are also beginning to wonder if we might need a bit more time. One way or another, we will keep you informed.

Have a wonderful weekend


Dec 17, 2017
This game is fucking hilarious, it's such good change of tone from melodramatic VNs. It's not just bland and "randumb" humor either, it's actually unexpected and detailed, from the guards showing facial expressions with their helmets on to small things like when you're choosing which log to steal from Myrtle.

"This one is too dry."
"This one is too small."
"This one is too ugly." :ROFLMAO:
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