Sep 15, 2017
It's only been two months since 0.3 if I'm right. I'm not sure how long they usually keep up between major updates but I'd expect it to be four months at least. Although I don't have any inside information, so I'll hope the devs can make an estimation. If the window between 0.2 and 0.3 is anything to go by, that was just under 3 months.
thanks...i was really getting into it sadly the games in its early stages


Game Developer
Jan 24, 2019
when is the update coming?
It's only been two months since 0.3 if I'm right. I'm not sure how long they usually keep up between major updates but I'd expect it to be four months at least. Although I don't have any inside information, so I'll hope the devs can make an estimation. If the window between 0.2 and 0.3 is anything to go by, that was just under 3 months.
Comparing 0.4 to 0.3 is a bit tricky because 0.3 had less content, but we are better organized now. 2D art takes time, and good 2D -usually- takes longer (I'm a bit biased and think that Chestnut, the artist, does a great job). We're working as hard as we can, and I update the progress tracker Monday through Saturday, but I can't answer your question about the estimated release date, as shit does happen, and if I give a date and for whatever reason can't make it you'll hate me for it.


New Member
Mar 9, 2020
Ah, a female orc waifu in game. I shall await pelvis break update.
Honestly, I'd really love a game that allowed a female orc as a love interest in a main quest line. I've only seen the one preview image on the front page, but she looks beautifully drawn, and there's so few female orc love interests out there in good quality games.

Even if it doesn't happen in this game, I hope Chestnut gets the opportunity to draw that character or others like her more often!


Apr 1, 2018
just started playing and truly enjoy the game, look forward to the next update.

Also, will we ever find out who the MC's mother is?


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2018

Happy Thanksgiving to all of you who celebrate it, and I hope everybody's doing great.
We've been very busy this week trying to wrap up the second quest, and we're happy with how things are looking. A few announcements before the report:

December schedule:
Our December plan is as follows:
  • We will take four days off this December: 15th (our kid's birthday), 24th, 25th, and 31st.
  • To cover these four days, we won't be taking Sundays off.

Extra sex scene:
We had said earlier that we might create a poll for a different hairstyle for Myrtle. After some discussions, we decided to scrap that plan and instead add one more sex scene.

Weekly report:
Chestnut is done with the second quest and has been drawing scenes from the third and final part of the 0.4 release. She didn't have the time to draw the bag items, but she's done with the sprite additions (the ones we know we need so far).
I added new audio tracks, edited the texts that I was working on, and posed scenes from the second quest. Unfortunately, I didn't manage to finish the second quest, as one of the scenes proved tricky and took up most of my time. But I'm getting there.
Next week's plan:
For me: finish the second quest, play through everything from the beginning to where I am, and once happy, start posing scenes from Myrtle's last story.
Chestnut has a lot of work as the last quest is more cutscene-heavy. She'll be trying to get the bulk of the material ready by the time I start posing and --possibly-- need new hands and facial expressions for the sprites involved.

That's all.
Have a great weekend, everyone.

PS. we just posted a spoiler from Myrtle's third quest:


New Member
Nov 28, 2020
The game is really perfect. I downloaded it today. I did everything, TODAY !!!

I loved, especially Holly. She is a charismatic character, with several layers. I hope they continue to work on her story as the game continues. And not that they abandon the character.


Jul 8, 2017
Hmm, is Anne scene BJ scene broken? I couldn't get that scene despite clicking on the bell or the door.
Clicking on the bell and she ll just come to say welcome to me while clicking on the door and the guards will come to arrest me right away. But, in the conversation, Anne acts like she knew me before by saying my name. Is it a bug or Did I miss something?


Game Developer
Jan 24, 2019
Hmm, is Anne scene BJ scene broken? I couldn't get that scene despite clicking on the bell or the door.
Clicking on the bell and she ll just come to say welcome to me while clicking on the door and the guards will come to arrest me right away. But, in the conversation, Anne acts like she knew me before by saying my name. Is it a bug or Did I miss something?
Did you play on PC or Android and did you use any mods/translations?


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2019
The game is really perfect. I downloaded it today. I did everything, TODAY !!!

I loved, especially Holly. She is a charismatic character, with several layers. I hope they continue to work on her story as the game continues. And not that they abandon the character.
I don't think any character is gonna be abandoned. Magicnuts just cycles through them so all of them get about the same amount of content. But it's probably gonna take a while till we see more of Holly again as the others need quests now.
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