Ren'Py - Abandoned - What a Legend! [v0.6.04] [MagicNuts]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Absolutely gorgeous game, the drawing style is my favorite. The game has a feeling like you're playing some good old fantasy RTS back in the day. The setting is perfect, the music is calming, the women are 11/10. It has multiple storylines that expand every few months, with very unique and witty gameplay elements. Definitely in the top 10 games on this site.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Indeed, What A Legend!
    I started to play the day before yesterday and I couldn't stop playing!
    Even tho' I'm now done with the current content I could always come back to look at the amazing drawings(art) and the animations!

    This game doesn't contain any unnecessary grind for stats or other BS to be able to continue the story.
    It's entirely up to you if you wish to do the story of one of the women or continue with the main story. The main story and side stories requires some stuff to be done before you continue but it all make sense!

    There's no time limit either where, for example at day 14 you have to do a certain thing and if you happen to forget or otherwise miss this, you will not see a certain scene.

    I usually don't care much about the story, usually because there's none. But in this game you were drawn in by the humour and character building and... sex :)

    I lift my cap and bow down to your excellency!

    Rated: 5/5
    Based on: v.0.4.01
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    I don' t play a lot a VNs anymore, I played most of the popular ones when I first got introduced to this site, What a Legend! is such a nice breath of fresh air concerning visual novels. It has a good harem route and great heroines with decent story, It has a very easy to follow story and simple gameplay, not to mention it has great animations and absolutely BOMB! art.

    Will keep this on my watchlist for a looong time!

    This is one of the better Visual Novels I've ever played and I am excited for new content!
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Art is so good, only thing that could be improved is by adding animations, but that's asking for a lot

    Story is alright, honestly not what I play NSFW games for, but it's there and it's not game ruining, so works for me.

    Gameplay is story driven, not very grindy, mostly just clicking through the story or otherwise clickin around the map, plus in my book.

    UPDATE as ofpatch 0.5
    Animations were added.. wow... still a 5* game but now somehow better.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Been seeing this on the front page of the site for a long while and I finally tried it out.

    Reviewing v.0.4.01 as of writing.

    Judging from the preview screenshots I had good expectations going into this but once I actually put some time in, the game easily exceeded those expectations. The game is so polished and it really feels like so much care and attention was put into making it. The art, the UI, the sound, and the rest of the production quality is so good. The 2d art and the animations are well made and looks very consistent for each scene so far.

    The story doesn't take itself too seriously and the humor and lightheartedness is just right. The characters are all likable, even those intentionally written to be assholes. My favorite characters so far are the MC and Holly. MC is a bit dumb at times but like the story it's at the level of being amusingly dumb and not annoyingly dumb. Holly is a tsundere and I'm a sucker for those characters when they're done right. She's tough but she's not unreasonable. Looking forward to more of her content in the future. I could also put in Myrtle as a favorite but that would be an easy one since she has the most content out right now. My only gripe about the current cast of girls is that there isn't much diversity to their body types. Sure curvy women with big boobs are nice but a humble chest is also sweet.

    This isn't about the game itself but I also like how the devs seem to handle their production cycle. We have a progress tracker to the next update and I like how there seems to be a roadmap for future content (I'm personally looking forward to the harem and pregnancy routes). Good job devs! I sincerely hope you can stick to your planned schedules and not burnout midway through.

    Overall this is a good looking game with great production quality and I'm excited to see more of it in the future.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    this game was very pleasant experience, reminds me of summertime saga but set up in fantasy world, puns are funny, art is pretty, story is interesting
    every place has also 4 variants of lighting depends of time of day, animations are more fluid further in the game which is expectable of any game, doing this much from early 2020 is pretty impressive if i may say, makes me hopeful about actualy doing everything thats been promised
    add planned content of pregnancy with girls and furry characters and i change the score to 5
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    This will be one of my shorter reviews, because almost everything has already been posted in other reviews.

    I'm a sucker for good 2D games. This one is no exception. It is rather light-hearted fun.
    Good graphics and humor, doesn't take itself too seriously.

    As someone who played a lot of 2D adventures in the 80s and 90s my only complaint is that the hints in the text about WHAT TO DO NEXT are a bit too much on the NOSE. But that's nitpicking, really.

    I will re-visit this in 1-year intervals, because 2D animations take time. Good luck to the devs and thank you for the game. :)

    [review for 0.4.01]
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    So much better than Call of Duty. Surprising fappability.

    I read a lot of reviews but no one pointed out how the random books you find in the game have funny pictures and pretty calligraphy. The meticulous details prove that the artists like art for its own sake.

    In these games, it's all about the characters. Fun and memorable. The characters feel different. Each woman has her own mind and personality. Isn't it funny how games are sexier when character and story takes precedence over sex itself?
    There's actually character development. Not just relationship-wise, but both the MC and the ladies grow as people.
    It's not every day that female characters in a sex game sound like women.

    Another reviewer said you could play it even if there was no sex. They're right.

    Possible improvements:
    • What if there were more player characters, and they each got with one woman? Harem stories are self-limiting.

    • Many hours of free fun. Best game I've played so far on f95zone.
    • Funniest sex game I've ever played. Not weird/gross humor either. Situational comedy requires good writing, and it's got
    • Good, smooth writing
    • Immersive
    • Characters
    • Player freedom
    • Kevin

    • You if you don't support on Patreon if you can afford it. :)
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    In both story and art style this game is superior to most 2D games. I found the humor hilarious and the references to popular geek culture pretty fun as well. I enjoyed this game immensely and found it bug free and gorgeous overall. Thumbs up to the developers, keep up the good work!!!
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    I love the art style. Characters body types are mostly same but
    I am not complaining. I love the body style. You perfected
    the universal beuty standards. Animations smooth enough. I am not native english speaker. Sorry for my writing mistakes. Good Work
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    Good Points
    +We have interesting plot for starter and while it so annoying in middle parts its gets better, even amazing with old king parts.
    +I realy, realy love Lana and her story. She was one of amazing characters of game and not like some annoying girls makes you hate this damn game! Seriously... This game need more Lana like woman/girls not like Serena...
    +We have interesting MC.
    +We have decent looking art style, renders and animations. And some of drawings looks realy beautifull.
    +Sometimes funny, sometimes annoying but interesting sense of humor...
    +You can pet baby and mommy fox if you find them <3

    Bad Points
    -We need more positions in sex scenes and less grind/side quests for sex scenes aswell. Right now our sex scenes are lack of position/angles for sex and its little bit boring.
    -Animations needs more picture for per second and better physics. They dont look soft enough.
    -We have unlimited gold and... Nobody accept gold... I want milk and person who have milk says she dont sell milk for gold, MC starts says please and after starts begging her... We need bribe some dirty gatekeeper we offer him gold and he says no... We need pay taxes for girl who desperatly need gold, we offer gold several times and every time she says no... Matchmaker accept gold from old guy for matching him with young girl but when we want give her gold she says she dont accept gold... Yeah makes sense :rolleyes: Basicaly no one in this game accept gold and for all theese things you need make nonsense lots of quest. Realy? Making MC guy who cant success anyting without begging and making nonsense quests for people? I have unlimited gold and everyone in this game says no to that gold and give me nonsense and long quests... Thats most nonsense and most annoying thing i have seen in any game... Having unlimited gold and cant use for anyting at all... Amazing sense of humor -_-
    -Nearly all characters are to much arrogant, angry and its ruining their stories/quests with making annoying as hell! Its pretty much same with gold thing. Their quest/story feels nonsense and not enjoyable at all. They dont listen us, dont listen any logical arguments and game dont give us any choice. We are forced to do with their way or they can slap our ass around like nothing, like we are not damn Pratoganist of this game and its big nonsense aswell...
    -As i said MC is pretty interesting guy but its ruining with poorly writed characters and their story aswell. First of all because of story and our interactions with characters we cant feel like main character at all, we cant choice anyting lead with our choice, we are forced to do things exactly like other people tell us and we cant have any control on story. Second other characters act like they are damn god or someting, they slap us, mock us, give us commands and control us like nothing. Whole story is about other people commands to us! MC dont have any freewill on story. Are we realy sure this is ''Main Character'' of this game? Or we are playing as a slave boy or someting? What a joke...
    -Choices doesnt matter at all. Doesnt matter you choice other thing its still going to lead same thing. For example when game ask you ''Leave'' or ''go with her'' like question if you press leave MC going to think its to dangerous etc and tell himself i should go with her or same going to happen when you choice ''go with her'' aswell.

    For The End
    Long story short... We have pretty good art style, decent quality and decent animations with potential good story! But that potetial ruined by poorly/nonsense writed characters. Its still not entirely bad game and some parts of game are enjoyable aswell but generaly its wastes its own potencial with bad points... Without bad points this game could be 4-5 star rate like all other people rated but espacily with poorly writed character developments with MC it doesnt deserve more than ''poor'' rating. That said with new old king story and Lana i decide to give 1 more star, but its still annoying...
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    What can I say about this game that hasn't been said already.

    Art is gorgeous :love:. Story is incredibly well written, humorous, and even touching. Character development is well thought out and goes deeper then the surface level most erotic games go. There isn't a female interest character that I haven't liked yet and am eagerly waiting to see how they develop their storylines.

    My only complaint: I don't have a time machine to go to the future and return with a completed version. It's that good that I want more of it and the anticipation is unbearable.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Its not just a porn game, but a wonderful adventure.
    In your adventure, you'll meet indredible persons, you'll make good and kind friends, you'll break prejudices, will laught sometimes with some situations and of course, will enjoy great sex scenes in a wonderful art, with incredible beautiful characters.

    Its a must play and deserve your try for sure!
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    What i have to say will not be very original... as you can read the same in most of the other review below : It's the best 2D game i ever played here.
    Honestly... 2D porn games visual style always reppeled me until now. Poor drawings (or not very good at best), poor animation make them -for me- much less immersive and arousing than what i see in 3D ones.
    ("Sylvia" is one of the very few in which i liked the drawings but with an awfully slow development)
    So... "What a legend!" is such a great surprise for me !
    The drawings are really good. Girls all hot. The story is perfect and with a lot of humor too. I could hardly stop playing it.

    I have few critics still... but really it's an "all good" game :

    - There was a part of my play (around the actual end of Myrtle path and middle of Holly's one)... where all i had to do for Myrtle/Holly/Rose and Maple was during night. So i spent few days skipping the whole day to only do something at night.
    It's a very small "problem" (not really even one)... but it's always better when you advance 2 paths (or more) at once each day (the classic "meanwhile... back at the ranch").

    - The sex scenes could be better with 2 things :
    They are all (or nearly all ?) with only 1 pose (drawing, camera angle...ect..)... They could be even better with a bit more diversity.
    You can tell a story even in a sex scene :)
    The other point is i found the girls faces often lack of expression during the sex act. It's always an important point to make a sex scene arousing to read on girls faces how much pleasure they got.

    One last point : Gretta don't appear in the "Help" menu unlike the other girls. I hope we'll still have sex with her... she's very hot too ! :D

    Anyway... Your game is really great ! Very nice work.
    It's rare to see porn games around with that lvl of work and finish as much for the visuals as for the story.
    i hope the story will still be long and as good as it is now.

    PS : I agree what said Staan Ferne below : " More sounds would be the top ;-) "
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is by far the best I have played on this site in a very long time. The renders are fantastic, the story (for an adult game) is there enough to make sense why certain characters are not sleeping with you instantly. The tasks that they make you do in order to progress the story make sense and are NOT grindy (thank god).

    Overall I cannot recommend this game enough. I really hope the devs do not go overboard and screw this game up like many other promising games on here. I also hope they do not pull what other games do, and take half a year for a update with 5 minutes of gameplay. This game truly does have the promise to be one of the top on this site. I cannot wait for the next update!

    Keep up the good work!
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    The best 2D game on the site...with a few more updates

    Fantastic fantasy lewd game that nails both art and pacing. The point and click adventuring is not overdone like in other games. The fantasy is light-hearted and has a lot of humor, which is done well. There's a wide variety of characters - I'm most looking forward to the future update with the gatekeeper's wife.

    That being said though, I wouldn't completely recommend playing this right away. The latest update added a significant amount of content, but I still remember how I felt before with v0.3, which was that there wasn't enough. If you can wait a couple updates so you can actually invest a decent chunk of time into the game, the experience will be a lot better.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent game and story. Graphs are beautiful and animations are great!
    Keep going, wonderful work.
    I really like the story, the puzzles are great, not too hard, not too easy.
    More sounds would be the top ;-)
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    WHAT A LEGEND! INDEED!! if you want to play 2dcg game this is for you!
    beautiful arts, good houmor and story, hot babes (of course), animated
    not worry for skipped scene/ side quest, UI pleasing on my eyes, the crystal really helpfull to forward the story
    Always anticipating the updates!!
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    This is my first review, and english isn´t my native lenguage apologies by the bad grammar:

    - The Art has a amazing quality
    - The Designs of the character is top tier
    - The gameplay is fluid and dont feel grindier or tedious.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is one of the best I have played. The graphic is amazing well done, the story is well written and the girls are beautiful. I really enjoyed every release and I'm waiting to see what is next in the storyline.
    I simply LOVE IT!!!