
Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2019
The tracker honestly doesn't really mean anything as suspected.

For the past few days the percentage has been literally moving by 0.1 increments. Surely it moved faster on the first few months. But as more work than they thought came up, the tracker is being slowed down to accommodate, because reducing the percentage already done would probably look bad?

Otherwise it would have taken 10 days for just 1 percent, 1000 days for a full patch not counting polish, considering the current pace of the tracker, if it were applied to it retroactively.

If the progress tracker isn't representing the truth, the format should be changed, it's disingenuous. I don't blame them for it either, it's impossible to plan literally every piece of work that needs to be done months before, so the tracker can't ever be correct other than being a vague sense of progress.

I'm not criticizing them for being late. The fact that I even have to mention that beforehand against people who get really assmad at the slightest point of criticism as if they themselves were being insulted is ridiculous.
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Sep 12, 2020
Otherwise it would have taken 10 days for just 1 percent, 1000 days for a full patch not counting polish, considering the current pace of the tracker, if it were applied to it retroactively.
Not everything takes the same amount of time. Writing a scene will arguably take way less time than drawing/animating it, and they both have the same percent counter, to make a dumb example. An update is just around the corner, let's have a little patience.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2019
Not everything takes the same amount of time. Writing a scene will arguably take way less time than drawing/animating it, and they both have the same percent counter, to make a dumb example. An update is just around the corner, let's have a little patience.
" I'm not criticizing them for being late. "

I agree that not everything takes the same amount of time, that's what I 'm saying. The tracker is kinda inherently a flawed system. You can't know how much work you're gonna have to do, so it obviously doesn't work.


Forum Fanatic
Jun 17, 2019
The tracker honestly doesn't really mean anything as suspected.
I think you just don't understand the tracker nor the workflow of a development project, honestly

For the past few days the percentage has been literally moving by 0.1 increments. Surely it moved faster on the first few months. But as more work than they thought came up, the tracker is being slowed down to accommodate, because reducing the percentage already done would probably look bad?

Otherwise it would have taken 10 days for just 1 percent, 1000 days for a full patch not counting polish, considering the current pace of the tracker, if it were applied to it retroactively.
The percentage is reduced when needed, it wouldn't be the first time: from their discord, where you can take a look at every day's tracker, Aug12th total content went up from 95,3% to 96,0% as they finished 5 tasks, but total polish went down from 87,0% to 86,2% as 4 new debugging tasks were added.

About the slowering progress: In the first months there are lots of tasks that can be done at the same time (she can draw sketches while he fixes typos from the last update, writes dialog sketches, look for new sound effects, whatever). In the last weeks of development, though, most of remaining tasks are gated due to the art bottleneck. Also, they use to leave the more time consuming artwork to the end of the development period. It's kind of logic: human mind prefers to delay the hardest tasks until you can't delay them anymore, but also it can be useful to get 'minor' art tasks done at first, as they can help advance other works. So the track is not being slowed down to accomodate, it's just that nowadays she's finishing just about one task per day (some days 2, some days 0) and that's the progress we've been watching those weeks. Content numbers don't lie, you can do the math and get the same percentage you can see in the tracker.

If the progress tracker isn't representing the truth, the format should be changed, it's disingenuous. I don't blame them for it either, it's impossible to plan literally every piece of work that needs to be done months before, so the tracker can't ever be correct other than being a vague sense of progress.
They do plan the content they want to include in each update, in fact the tracker is first posted after a week of planning in order to avoid as many desviations as possible (of course, some desviations are just unavoidable). But what's the progress tracker then, but a tool to show that progress in a less vague way than the usual "Tons of renders done this week, update is getting closer"? Of course, I assume the tracker is representing the truth - it's not that a lot more work than they thought came up, it's just that the work they had planned is taking them more time than they initially expected. I'm starting to suspect you don't think devs are displaying their actual work in the tracker but just some random numbers they come up with before going to bed (at 5am, by the way). I'm afraid I can't change your mind on that.

I'm not criticizing them for being late. The fact that I even have to mention that beforehand against people who get really assmad at the slightest point of criticism as if they themselves were being insulted is ridiculous.
Hope you don't consider I'm getting assmad


Conversation Conqueror
Apr 24, 2020
Honestly I really admire their work ethic. If it were me, I'd explicitly say something like, "Every time I read a complaint about how I'm not working fast enough, I'm taking a day off." With how the internet works I'd never work again.
That would be a better solution than to risk what happened with the developer of Flirty F, whose pre-existent mental health issues were set off by all the criticism. As I enter this field, it is something I must be very aware of--especially since I will be making some rather niche stories.
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Game Developer
Jan 24, 2019
know you are a busy man, but i do enjoy the characters in the game, and it has made me a bit curious as i can see qualities in them from people i know. so, i was wondering, how much of people you know are in the characters of the game?
Not much. At least not directly. We're telling a simple story, though, and most of our characters are based on 'types' that are familiar and recognizable.

I absolutely love this game, but fuck me the progression is slow! I completely understand that such games like this takes time, especially superb quality like this game. Unfortunately, waiting 6 months for a update is just ridiculous. Magicnuts stated "We release an update every 3-4 months. The actual development period will vary depending on the story/quests". earning nearly €6,500 per month and still not achieving your own deadline is honestly beyond me. At this rate the time this game has finally finished I'll be in my 30s, pre ordering a PS6 and most likely given up on this game/creator. I know I might get some hate for this comment but come on...6 months!? Lol.
You highlighted the answer: "The actual development period will vary depending on the story/quests." Reaching your 30s won't be so bad, I promise you; for one thing, you might have learned by then that you can't solve every problem by simply throwing money at it. We're not working any different now than when we earned 600, and unless we can open a physical studio (something that's very unlikely to happen), there's nothing I could change even if we made twice as much.

actually originally on the websites they said they intended for updates to be bimonthly actually, but this was a while ago, and im not too bothered with the timings
That was the original plan. But we ended up enjoying our updates more when we could include a larger amount of content and have more sex scenes, and that wasn't doable in two months.

Yeah I know about that but if they keep on expanding the timeframe for each deadline they'll never finish it lol. Like, come on update shouldn't take 6-9 months to complete.
You fail to mention that we have also increased the amount of content with each release. But anyway, that's really beside the point. Each update has its own necessities and complexities, and if you don't want a half-finished, sketchy, bug-ridden update (frankly, I don't, even if you do), then it will take as much time as it needs. Things are different during the planning phase, of course, but we are way past that.

help post
anyone please help with the final version saves
anyone knows the variable to change the MC's name?
$ povname = "Your name"

The devs have stated the update being very large several times already. Iirc, they mentioned having 35k words in 0.4 and 20k in the update 0.5.
Okay, I want to be cautious here because estimating the amount of content based on the number of words is tricky. There are many more words in 0.5, because it deals with the Main Story and tries to prepare for the future main story updates. The amount of content experienced, though, depends on your playstyle, reading speed, and if you're having fun and exploring around (perhaps reading the convos, collecting artworks, etc.). In my case, 0.5 is more or less as long as 0.4; for Chestnut (the artist), it is longer than 0.4. So, it's hard to tell. But regardless of how much content the player experiences, those 35k words need to be written, posed, and have art drawn for them, so it is more work on our side.

OMG. It's been so long that I no longer remember it. it would have been better never to try this game
I suggest you don't play games that are under development, at least not this one.

I've unfortunately been following several games where 1 update a year is a blessing so waiting 6 months or so for this game which has such beautiful art and good storyline is nothing for me. We waited quite a while for the last update too and it was bloody awesome, totally worth the wait. And if you've ever tried doing art you'd know that it takes time. Specially if you're trying to make it look and feel good. And lastly, this is a pirate site so the devs literally don't owe us shit lol. I'm glad we get the free update and I'm good with it.
For the record, we don't intend the 6-months-per-update to become the norm in our case. It's really not good for our mental health.

Are they planning to add voices during scenes ?
We have given it a lot of thought, but no, it is unlikely to happen.

Will there be more repeat sex scenes with other characters? They would be a good filler for replaying while waiting for the nest update.
The update will focus on the Main Story, and the MC will have scenes with Lana and Simmone Nevernuff. No other characters will have scenes in 0.5 (if you don't count the hidden photos).

Is it possible to fix missing fonts in Russian version of the game?
Can't stop laughing, devs did a great job with texts and awesome art.
I don't know if it's done by the same person or not, but there's a Russian translation on our website (and Discord server) you can try.

So is this another irphaeus, icstor? Now that enough money is coming in, just stretch it as far as they can without any new updates? Every time I check it's the same % how can that be possible? One day they have 86% the next 87% then back to 86% and so on. it's been on 85-87% for months, just go up and down fooling people anything is being done. And when it finally releases it's just gonna be 15 mins worth of content...
Before accusing us of 'fooling' you, you should read the titles of different bars on the progress tracker since you're confusing polish with the main content.
There will be more than 15 minutes of content, but IF you read the text.

Some people will never be happy. While I do agree it is taking probably too long. We cannot judge until we get it. If this update turns out to be what some of the other more "popular" games on here have become (6 months for an update with 15min of gameplay and barely anything sexual). Then yes, the devs of this game deserve all the criticism. But until then we do not know. Based off the track record, and what I have seen on discord it does sound like the update should be substantial. It is fair to criticize for the delay, that's why I still do not understand why people join patreon.
I think people support us on Patreon because they like the project, would like to see it continued, and trust that when we say we have been working on this release for months without taking a day off, and are doing everything we can to have an update that is as good as we can make it (even if we end up being wrong in our judgment -- it has happened), we're not lying. If you think we are, you are unlikely to support us.

I would like to try this game but I wonder if I should wait for the next update before I start? If I start it now, would I need to start over when the game updates? And if not, could I miss out on new content if I don't restart?
You will be able to continue using your old save files.

Can you develop for android also I played it's very enjoyable art are sooo good and waiting for your new update
No, no android version is planned. However, the updates are usually ported by the community rather quickly, and thank you for your kind words.

I will not be that negative and think they will abandon this project considered how passionate and well supported Dev has gained so far, but I did agree is that with only 2 people working on this masterpiece it will take lot of time so maybe they need to contact and hire more talent people to help them cut down the development time
We have already commissioned a talented sketch artist, but given our work style, hiring a permanent team member is not as easy as you think and may, at least in the beginning, result in a longer development time.

97.1….97.2…. LOL give me a break.
I'm gonna do a completely random guess here, but:

Obviously people checking daily subconsciously feel as if it's not moving, but it is, although I'd bet that it's moving far slower on a daily percentage compared to the earlier days. This doesn't mean that they're working less.

It's probably hard to plan that progress tracker, so it's probably a bit arbitrary, so when it doesn't exactly match how much of it is completed and how much is being done, maybe they lower the amount of percentage it moves daily? Otherwise they'd go beyond 100 percent and all if they had the same pace.

Not implying that they're doing less work now compared to the earlier days, but I would bet that the amount it changes is probably quite arbitrary.

If only someone with literally nothing better to do would go and check the earlier percentage increases, if that's even possible..
Is it just me or did it move just 0.1 percent today?

I think they should just drop the progress tracker as a whole. It's kinda intrinsically flawed.
The tracker honestly doesn't really mean anything as suspected.

For the past few days the percentage has been literally moving by 0.1 increments. Surely it moved faster on the first few months. But as more work than they thought came up, the tracker is being slowed down to accommodate, because reducing the percentage already done would probably look bad?

Otherwise it would have taken 10 days for just 1 percent, 1000 days for a full patch not counting polish, considering the current pace of the tracker, if it were applied to it retroactively.

If the progress tracker isn't representing the truth, the format should be changed, it's disingenuous. I don't blame them for it either, it's impossible to plan literally every piece of work that needs to be done months before, so the tracker can't ever be correct other than being a vague sense of progress.

I'm not criticizing them for being late. The fact that I even have to mention that beforehand against people who get really assmad at the slightest point of criticism as if they themselves were being insulted is ridiculous.
You'd be hard-pressed to find many graphs that represent the 'truth', the most they can do is communicate information as clearly and as accurately as possible within a set of limitations. If you expect the truth, you're bound to feel that we have been disingenuous. But you can hardly blame me for that. We have been pretty clear about the progress tracker (there's a long post about it on our Discord server, where you can also find all of them as far back as the first one posted on the day we released 0.1).

Our progress tracker communicates how we work, and when we complete a task, we show it there. Some tasks require others before they can be done, and tasks done in the earlier phase of development are simpler. They are the hands, and the cutscenes that we have assets for and things that we see are taking longer, we keep for later because we want to have as much art ready early on to get to posing and coding as soon as possible.

Importantly, Chestnut and I have different individual ways of counting our respective tasks (I break my tasks into chunks, and so I add and remove them as I do extra stuff or change my plans, whereas each one of her tasks includes several artworks and variations, making it more flexible to include possible changes but also give the appearance that she's 'only' doing one task a day). They are not arbitrary, just reflect the two of us.

That said, the progress tracker has two major flaws:
- it doesn't show 'testing', which is something we do a lot in the second half of a development cycle.
- it is designed by humans, not machines. We add and remove tasks all the time when we think a piece of content doesn't work or needs improvements (the result of testing). It has happened with smaller bits or whole sections. We make a piece of content, test it, criticize it and ask ourselves how we can improve it and do it again and again until we're happy with the result. That's mainly why the update has taken us this long.

If these limitations make it absolutely useless to you, then that may be the case for you. I, for one, find it useful.


May 15, 2020
I think people support us on Patreon because they like the project, would like to see it continued, and trust that when we say we have been working on this release for months without taking a day off, and are doing everything we can to have an update that is as good as we can make it (even if we end up being wrong in our judgment -- it has happened), we're not lying. If you think we are, you are unlikely to support us.
Just one thing. I think I speak for a lot of us Patreon supporters when I say I'd rather pay for another month of patronage before the update is released if it means you get to take more days off. Working as hard as you do can't be healthy, and I would rather see you had a proper work-life balance - both for your mental health, and, if nothing else, for the sake of the game long-term. I'm paying for sustainability, not instant releases.


May 6, 2020
The overwhelming majority of games available through this site are being developed by amateurs or professionals just starting their careers, for whom the pay-as-you-go model is about the only thing that works. Paying only for a finished product only works when the developers are established studios who have the resources to keep paying workers for the months or even years they're going without income until the game is finished.

I mean, if you really want the adult game industry to look like the mainstream game industry where AAA studios have a stranglehold and force out half-finished games over the protests of their development teams that management set an unrealistic release date, by all means continue crusading for people to stop supporting indie studios with pay-as-you-go. Oh, wait, the adult game sector is nowhere near big enough to support studios that can coast through an entire development cycle before bringing in money from sales of the game, so we'd just end up with no adult games at all.


Creator of Neuvau
Game Developer
Apr 5, 2020
I finished playing the latest update and this is a high quality game! Everything is very well polished and tested, but it’s obvious that this means long development cycles. So I can appreciate the work already put into this.

I can’t imagine how long it takes to create a single scene with that level of detail. I’m also curious how the storyline for each character will develop in the future. I also like the funny bits that are spread throughout the story.

This is a very ambitious endeavor and I wish the creators the best! :giggle:


Feb 1, 2020
Wow to see this thread full of whining people that 99% sure don't support the development of the game complain about the wait when we have weekly updates, a work bar that moves daily (not unlike Summer S. that has barely move in the last 2 months) a dev that takes time to answer this thread full of filth at this point (not unlike the early thread) is simple fricking sad, I'm surprised the Dev hasn't cut tides with this thread already. To make clear I don't support the development of the game for my own reasons thats why I don't bother to complain for something I'm not paying for or do I felt that I have the right to do so.

Letting the rant aside I hope nothing but the best for the people working on this game and to let you know that i feel sorry for the amount of self centered Trolls of this site. Good Luck and have a good day.
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