
Forum Fanatic
Jun 17, 2019
For that to happen will be necessary for said heroine getting involved in her story like in the Rose x Myrtle situation, otherwise it's not happening.
Last week, dev said that new female characters will be introduced and some will have 'very sexy' cutscenes. None of these new characters will have their own updates later on, though.


May 13, 2018
Last week, dev said that new female characters will be introduced and some will have 'very sexy' cutscenes. None of these new characters will have their own updates later on, though.
Well that makes sense, I was wondering what would have happen if every new female character introduced would end up having their own "update" because right now even without all the world areas available we have a couple of them mentioned in game (like the twins) and that to avoid it the devs would decide to not introduce them at all or make them so ugly that no one would dare to ask for NSFW content involving them but if they can have a small participation in the main heroines quests that solves the problem (not that I'm not fine with they having their own quest line).


Forum Fanatic
Jun 17, 2019
Well that makes sense, I was wondering what would have happen if every new female character introduced would end up having their own "update" because right now even without all the world areas available we have a couple of them mentioned in game (like the twins) and that to avoid it the devs would decide to not introduce them at all or make them so ugly that no one would dare to ask for NSFW content involving them but if they can have a small participation in the main heroines quests that solves the problem (not that I'm not fine with they having their own quest line).
Actually, one of the consequences of this cycle is that some plans they had in mind for the upcoming 0.8 update (focused on Holly) have been abandoned to keep it as simple as possible -and therefore a lot quicker to get released, hopefully. One of those now abandoned plans was to introduce the twins, Junior's sister, and Junior's fiancee so that players could meet them all and then vote for a special 'villagers update' (so there won't be a particular update for each one of them, but one single update with all of them). But under current circumstances, creating all the sprites needed for 4 new characters would take too much time for a little benefit as they wouldn't play an important role in that quest anyway, and now they won't be featured at all in Holly's update. Not sure how they plan to introduce them now, as patrons would probably want to meet them in-game before voting for that villagers update.

Anyway, the point is that not every woman will have her own update by default, some of them are just one-off characters that won't be featured outside the quest in which they are introduced, and others have minor stories that could be wrapped up in a group update (like the maiden tree). And then there's Kevin's wife, who won't be having sex with the MC at all - and then there's Celestina, who probably will not ever win a poll despite devs having a planned story for her.


Engaged Member
Sep 1, 2017
Dev's words the other day:
View attachment 3936928
I'd say there's a good chance it's longer than that, considering it has more words than 0.6 and also that the dev is known for erring on the short side of these reading time estimations.
That's also assuming you read all of the largely pointless dialogue. If you're skipper only in the game for the porn then you've got about 30-40 minutes of actual play time.
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Jun 28, 2020
Actually, one of the consequences of this cycle is that some plans they had in mind for the upcoming 0.8 update (focused on Holly) have been abandoned to keep it as simple as possible -and therefore a lot quicker to get released, hopefully. One of those now abandoned plans was to introduce the twins, Junior's sister, and Junior's fiancee so that players could meet them all and then vote for a special 'villagers update' (so there won't be a particular update for each one of them, but one single update with all of them). But under current circumstances, creating all the sprites needed for 4 new characters would take too much time for a little benefit as they wouldn't play an important role in that quest anyway, and now they won't be featured at all in Holly's update. Not sure how they plan to introduce them now, as patrons would probably want to meet them in-game before voting for that villagers update.

Anyway, the point is that not every woman will have her own update by default, some of them are just one-off characters that won't be featured outside the quest in which they are introduced, and others have minor stories that could be wrapped up in a group update (like the maiden tree). And then there's Kevin's wife, who won't be having sex with the MC at all - and then there's Celestina, who probably will not ever win a poll despite devs having a planned story for her.
How many girls are we still missing? I thought only one


Jun 10, 2018
Here's my prediction for how the updates gonna be.

The event:
You click on the barn to see if Gomira's there. She isn't.

The text:
The evening sun cast long shadows across the fields as I made my way to the barn. The warmth of the day was beginning to fade, replaced by the cool, crisp air of the approaching night. The gravel crunched softly beneath my boots, the only sound breaking the quiet of the farm as I approached the old wooden structure. The barn, with its faded red paint and weathered beams, stood like a sentinel in the dimming light, its doors slightly ajar, inviting me to step inside.

I was looking for Gomira. She had been missing for a while now, and I was starting to get worried. The barn seemed like the next logical place to check. Pushing the door open with a gentle nudge, I stepped into the dim interior, the scent of hay and aged wood filling my senses. The light from the setting sun filtered through the gaps in the walls, casting a warm, golden glow over the space, but deep shadows still clung to the corners.

“Gomira?” I called out softly, my voice echoing in the stillness. There was no answer, only the faint rustle of hay and the creak of the old wood settling. I moved further into the barn, my eyes scanning the familiar surroundings. The stalls were all neatly organized, the tools hanging in their proper places on the walls. Everything seemed normal, but the absence of Gomira was unsettling.

As I walked through the barn, I noticed movement in one of the stalls at the far end. A sense of hope flickered in my chest, and I quickened my pace, eager to find her. But when I reached the stall, it wasn’t Gomira that greeted me. Instead, a cow stood there, its large, dark eyes staring at me as it lazily chewed on some hay.

The cow blinked slowly, its gaze steady and untroubled. I leaned against the stall door, feeling a wave of disappointment wash over me. I had been so sure that I would find Gomira here, that she would be waiting in the barn, ready to explain her sudden disappearance. But the only living thing here was this cow, quietly going about its business, completely unaware of my growing concern.

I watched the cow for a moment, trying to gather my thoughts. The barn was silent except for the soft sounds of the cow’s chewing and the occasional creak of the building as it settled into the night. I couldn’t understand where Gomira could have gone. I had already checked the house, the fields, and all the other usual spots. The barn had been my last hope, but now I was back to square one.

With a sigh, I pushed away from the stall door and turned to leave the barn. The evening was slipping into night, and I knew I needed to keep looking, but the sense of unease lingered. I stepped back into the cool evening air, the darkness deepening around me as I made my way back to the house, my thoughts still on Gomira and where she might be.

Dang. Time to click on the other five possible hiding places


Jul 31, 2018
not every woman will have her own update by default
:cry: Well... I hope, that at least modmakers will do such updates then...
How many girls are we still missing? I thought only one
1 - Lord Hammerdick's wife (Serena's mother)
2 - Village twins (Polly and Penny)
3 - Hunter's sister
4 - If I remember right, Selena mentioned, that she have a mother (or grandmother)
5 - Official game site shows anong the planned tags "furry", so, we'll have at least one furry girl
6 - At least one "local" girl at the New Capital (I suppose, there will be much more than one, cause in Old Capital we know 5 girls already)
7 - I also suppose at least one "local" girl in each of the little towns (Rum, Hell, Bowl, Southern)
So, I think we'll get at least 10 new female characters (if Penny and Polly counts as one), but it seems to me, that it will be much more of them :)


New Member
Aug 26, 2020
So, I think we'll get at least 10 new female characters (if Penny and Polly counts as one), but it seems to me, that it will be much more of them :)
The year is 2040:
Kids born after the development of WAL began are now 18+ and old enough to play the game themselves. After the 0.7 Gomira update, the devs released 0.8 focused on Holly and 0.9 for Anne. 0.10, in development, features a mandatory gay waldo route (patrons voted for it) to advance the main quest.

Reclining on their yacht, off the coast of their private island, are the devs. Thanks to some smart investing and a constant stream of Patreon income, they've built up a rather large fortune. As they sit and sip a glass of wine, Pistachio logs on to make an update: while 2 bugs were fixed, unfortunately, 2 more bugs have been found. The 0.10 Waldo update ticks from 99.995% to 99.9958%. They have 10 more character stories to write, but hey, life is good.


Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2022
Here's my prediction for how the updates gonna be.

The event:
You click on the barn to see if Gomira's there. She isn't.

The text:
The evening sun cast long shadows across the fields as I made my way to the barn. The warmth of the day was beginning to fade, replaced by the cool, crisp air of the approaching night. The gravel crunched softly beneath my boots, the only sound breaking the quiet of the farm as I approached the old wooden structure. The barn, with its faded red paint and weathered beams, stood like a sentinel in the dimming light, its doors slightly ajar, inviting me to step inside.

I was looking for Gomira. She had been missing for a while now, and I was starting to get worried. The barn seemed like the next logical place to check. Pushing the door open with a gentle nudge, I stepped into the dim interior, the scent of hay and aged wood filling my senses. The light from the setting sun filtered through the gaps in the walls, casting a warm, golden glow over the space, but deep shadows still clung to the corners.

“Gomira?” I called out softly, my voice echoing in the stillness. There was no answer, only the faint rustle of hay and the creak of the old wood settling. I moved further into the barn, my eyes scanning the familiar surroundings. The stalls were all neatly organized, the tools hanging in their proper places on the walls. Everything seemed normal, but the absence of Gomira was unsettling.

As I walked through the barn, I noticed movement in one of the stalls at the far end. A sense of hope flickered in my chest, and I quickened my pace, eager to find her. But when I reached the stall, it wasn’t Gomira that greeted me. Instead, a cow stood there, its large, dark eyes staring at me as it lazily chewed on some hay.

The cow blinked slowly, its gaze steady and untroubled. I leaned against the stall door, feeling a wave of disappointment wash over me. I had been so sure that I would find Gomira here, that she would be waiting in the barn, ready to explain her sudden disappearance. But the only living thing here was this cow, quietly going about its business, completely unaware of my growing concern.

I watched the cow for a moment, trying to gather my thoughts. The barn was silent except for the soft sounds of the cow’s chewing and the occasional creak of the building as it settled into the night. I couldn’t understand where Gomira could have gone. I had already checked the house, the fields, and all the other usual spots. The barn had been my last hope, but now I was back to square one.

With a sigh, I pushed away from the stall door and turned to leave the barn. The evening was slipping into night, and I knew I needed to keep looking, but the sense of unease lingered. I stepped back into the cool evening air, the darkness deepening around me as I made my way back to the house, my thoughts still on Gomira and where she might be.

Dang. Time to click on the other five possible hiding places
This post actually piss me off because we are actually waiting for some orc girl bullshit like this for the past 2 years:HideThePain:


Oct 13, 2018
there are too many posts here that I haven't read to catch up. So i don't know if this "abandonned" tag is for sure or not.
I just wanted to say that I strongly hope that's not the case. I've just replayed the game after years (2021 last time :/ ok.. it's long time ago)... and I find it even better than then. The story is really gripping and I could hardly stop playing it last evening.
It's a game I'd buy without hesitation if it came out in its final version.
Good story, good humour, sexy scenes, fun to play and with a nice artwork... it's an "all good" set for me.
Good work to the creator !
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