
Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2018

Hi everybody.

I hope you're as excited about the release as we are! We're extremely close to finishing the main content, and it's great to see everything in the game.
Chestnut has been drawing the sex scenes and doing the hidden photos. She's done with everything except the art of the last sex: it has a bit of a complicated perspective, and instead of a simultaneous mutual masturbation, we might have one masturbation after another in the same scene.
She plans to finish that artwork by the end of today, and I will try to animate it during the weekend. Then I will be coding and writing the sex dialogue (including the pre-post stuff), as Chestnut is editing the art.

Release date?
I know many of you wonder whether the release will come out this month or not. I honestly don't know, and it depends on how fast we can do the edits and the debugging and whether we find any/many errors in the testing phase. We're working very hard to have this release out as soon as possible, and we can promise that the update will be out on the day it is ready and that we will not artificially delay it. In other words, if the game is ready on the 31st, we will release it on the 31st (regardless of the number of refunds that we might have to issue), and if it is ready on the 1st, we will likewise release it on the 1st.

And speaking of refunds, I got this email from Patreon about my inability to refund last month's late subscribers:
Hi there,
Thank you for taking the time to write in and report this to the team.
I looked into this for you, and this does appear to be a glitch on our end. While I'm unable to fix this for you right now, I've shared your report with our engineering so we can further investigate this issue.
I'm unable to provide an exact timeline for when this might be fixed, but I'll be here to help if you notice any changes or have any other questions in the meantime.
Wishing you the best, stay safe and healthy!

As you can see, there aren't any solutions right now. If you're one of the patrons who joined us in December's final days and have continued to be a patron in Jan, I will refund you in Feb. If you're not a subscriber in Feb, you'll still receive a refund. And if you still are a subscriber in Feb, this shouldn't impact your membership as the refund will be for the previous month. This is the best I can do without taking away your access to our content. And this is assuming that the same error will not happen in Feb.

Have a wonderful weekend


Aug 19, 2016
As a patron of this game, I would argue that patrons have a place to decide whether the quality, extent, and timeliness of updates is worth their patronage. If they decide that it's not, then they are completely in their right to reduce the amount they give, possibly even to zero. I personally have not reduced my patronage amount.

If you're not a patron, then I question the value that you're providing by complaining that two people who are working all day, 6 days a week, every week to give you a game for free, aren't working hard enough.

I agree with the sentiment.

I'm not a patron myself, so maybe I should stay quiet, but you can clearly tell from the output quality that the developers are spending their time working on the game. The polish and care going into this project is incredible and if I was financially able, I would definitely support it.


Engaged Member
Jun 8, 2020
As a patron of this game, I would argue that patrons have a place to decide whether the quality, extent, and timeliness of updates is worth their patronage. If they decide that it's not, then they are completely in their right to reduce the amount they give, possibly even to zero. I personally have not reduced my patronage amount.

If you're not a patron, then I question the value that you're providing by complaining that two people who are working all day, 6 days a week, every week to give you a game for free, aren't working hard enough.

I am also a Patron, and have been for some time. I am perfectly happy with what I'm getting for my "investment". As a self -employed small business owner myself I know nothing ever goes as planned and the reason I'm willing to support WaL is that the quality is first class when it's delivered. I'd rather wait for the best than get rapid crap. I only back things on Patreon or Kickstarter that I feel have real, long term, value.......and this is one of those things.


Sep 19, 2020
I'm not a Patreon supporter for various reasons (I don't support any Patreon, Adult or otherwise)
I know I have zero say in what happens, and for that reason I will not post a demand asking when an update is due, or that a certain character has to do this this or that thing etc.

All I can do is post my opinions (not demands) and thoughts, and to enjoy the game when updates do come out, however long it takes.


May 22, 2020
High quality means longer time for updates i dont understand why people talking like where update ? This game posses really high quality art plus animation and story sadly that gonna take a longer than other games let me say one thing art really good i am sure drawing that not gonna be easy and thanks for game you and your wife doing really good work here i really love it good luck with game.
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Odin Eye Patch

Well-Known Member
Aug 9, 2018
im not a regular on this forum so i have a question
will this map be opened up to us later on so we can explore more and will we be able to go back home to are 5 mothers :devilish:
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