And even if they didn't refund (which they do), even if they weren't working 24/7 per week (which they are -literally for at least 3 months in a row, just by checking their discord activity and the times they post their daily progress tracker), even if they weren't releasing the game for free (which they are, as they make it public only 1 day after patreon's release), even if they weren't creating one of the most bug-free games out there (which they are, and I'm not going to mention art or overall quality as this might be a matter of personal tastes), what would be wrong about them earning money with their project? You're not cooler for pointing out people with that accusation, you're just lame. Some people here really need to get out of internet forums and face adult real life. Grow a little bit of empathy, too, unless you want to be perceived as the edgiest, saddest people on Earth, whinning in a porn forum about everything that don't go the way they'd like it to go and accusing people without taking a minute to check if you *could be* actually wrong on your half assed assumptions. Somehow I'm guessing we won't see those complainers in a week or so when the game gets a new big update, I'm guessing they won't be posting their excuses to devs for having spreaded false shit about them. They'd just play the game (maybe) and then move to another thread to keep spreading their toxicity and digging deeper in the hole of their very own misery.