Weekly report 114
Hi everybody.
I hope you're all doing well. Here's a summary of our work this week:
Chestnut began the week by testing the game and suggesting improvements. I'm happy that after many rounds of edits, we have reached a state where all of the changes suggested for Rose's quest have to do with the text (which can be done in one day), and no other events will need to be redone. She did have to go back to drawing new items for the Rose-Myrtle event, though, since as I was working on it, I noticed we had two longish sprite talk sequences, which, although interesting in themselves, could be improved with an event in the middle to both get the protagonist more involved, and add variety. So, Chestnut has been designing new bag items, sprite hands (for Myrtle and the MC), and artworks for a new crafting event.
I spent the week editing all of the planned edits, and in the course of it, I noticed the issue mentioned above, which resulted in extra writing, coding, posing, and changing the hint system for the threesome to make it more intuitive (instead of a threesome hint screen, the hints will be given as part of Myrtle and Rose's individual screens which I think is more intuitive). I also worked on some of the bugs.
What's next?
Chestnut has to draw two more artworks for the Myrtle-Rose event, and if by then I have completed the changes to the threesome, she will be testing it. She also intends to go back and try to come up with more optional convos, which could give something extra to players who want to explore some more and read all of the available dialogues.
I plan to spend the whole weekend modifying+editing the Myrtle-Rose event. It's our first threesome involving two side-quest characters, and getting it right has been a bit challenging (I have modified and changed their events many times, each time improving it a little, but we're still not there -- will get there during the weekend). For the rest of the week, I plan to go back and fix as many remaining bugs as possible.
Even with all these changes and fixes, we're still positive we'll have 0.6 out this July
Have a wonderful weekend.