What in the nine hells are you on about here?
Your examples are terrible and your point is even worse. We are in the middle of a single game here, and there is absolutely no need for the developers to try to reinvent the wheel. Making massive changes would be a terrible thing to do because it would alienate the current fanbase that they have worked so hard to build. If you think that a game should reinvent itself in order to be good, then I would suggest you go play Indecent Desires for a while because that will cure you of that notion in a real big hurry.
Some of the most beloved and successful actors and musicians have been people who carved out a niche and made a career of it. And some of those stank when they stepped outside those roles. But that didn't matter. It also didn't matter if they were good at other roles. Was the genie in Aladdin better because Robin Williams had done Awakenings three years before? No. Nobody sat in the theatres with their kids and complained that the genie sucked because it was just Robin Williams was doing his old Robin Williams style comedy. They loved it because nobody else could do that role as well as he could.
Was great art created by having John Wayne cast as Genghis Khan? Or when Yoko Ono created new sounds by screeching into a microphone while John Lennon and Chuck Berry were singing together? Is that what you think? Because most people would disagree.
Artists who branch out into different things do so for themselves, not for their fans. Fans generally hate change, and you can easily see that. Just look at the perpetual shit show that is the Star Wars fanbase for an example of that.
Change is not inherently good, and neither is being different. Sometimes it's best to stick with what works and follow the old idiom of if it ain't broke; don't fix it. This game does have a certain formula that it doesn't stray too far from, but that doesn't mean that the story and characters are completly static and devoid of change.
If you are going to describe Rose's update as "Go hear, look at huge boobs, win her affection, yay, you get to hook up. Done.", then you might as well also describe Lana's update using the exact same sentence. Because that would be equally as honest and accurate.
Your baffling complaints about sex scenes might even be worse than your pretentious ramblings about art needing to reinvent itself. You hate looped animations and don't want simple lines about how much they like each other or how good they feel. So, static images and political discussion? An interpretive dance routine that expresses the innermost feelings and desires of the two in an abstract and artistic way? What? What do you want to see?
They already had deep meaningful discussions throughout the story. They don't need that in the middle of a sex scene. It would be awful. And there isn't really anything better than looped animations in these sorts of games. Animations take tons of time, effort, and space. Looping a short animation is great when the animation is well done, which these certainly are. I have no clue why you hate them so much, since you've made no attempt to explain why. Is it just because it repeats? That does happen during sex occasionally. You don't just stick it in once and finish. Or maybe you do, and then immediately leave in search of a new muse because you consider yourself a true artist in bed who would never disgrace himself by repeating a motion.