I don't know, something about this game is losing me. I used to be really into it, but it's fading with each update. Sort of hard to put into words but it's lacking an erotic buildup for me with some of the latest characters. This is the 3rd character, off the top of my head, that instantly was dtf but then you had to resolve their 'issues' and then your free to bang. It's fine story telling wise but it's not really why I am playing these games.
I don't think it's a hot take at all, I agree. I love a good slow burn, or even an "enemies to friends". Of course, a couple "love at first sight" stories are fun to have too. Simmone at first is cautious around Lassie, and only seemed eager to jump him by the end of their horseback ride. Madeline at least so far has displayed no signs of attraction to or interest in Lassie, though ofc she's spent the entire game imprisoned up until very recently - and we somehow have to move the plot from strangers to DTF and grant Lassie her power. For my money the strangest one wasn't Myrtle - she was lonely and sex starved after all - but Gomira, who is trapped in a cell and then decides "oh hey, a random cock. yeah, it's been a while since I gave a beej. might as well!" like wtf lol. But then maybe Orc sexual culture is unique?
TBH I think Holly is gonna be the one who will be right up your alley on this issue. She enjoys the frottage she and Lassie get up to by moonlight, but it's pretty clearly still just a "friends with benefits". Love still seems quite a ways off for the two of them. I'm looking forward to seeing how that develops.
Personally my theory is they represent Sev's own harem from when he was the hentai game protagonist. The MC is probably planned to get at least one of each in his harem in the final game. (Plus some races not seen here like werewolves, vampires, giants, and bunnies.)
Not a bad theory! Maybe as we get the mansion fixed up, the statues will be replaced with statues of Lassie's harem.
You named your MC Julian? On my first playthrough I went with some generic dude name but now from all the forum discussions, "Lassie" is actually growing on me. Plus that's what his moms named him, and who am I to dispute the wisdom of seven whores?
Holly came in second, but it was a three-way near-tie with Gretta and Main Story, with Simmone not far behind. How those 78 Gomira votes get redistributed now that she's not an option will determine the outcome of the 0.8 poll, and it could just about go any way.
I know I don't get to gripe bc I'm not a patron. But it's still annoying to me that main story lost the vote even despite Magicnuts spoiling that it will include Madeline sex content! Like, how much more can they offer?! I'm really hoping that Magicnuts will insist on a story update soon rather than just each update being a sidequest for sex scenes, with patrons arguing over Best Girl. Since the main quest also includes sex content, it's not like such a choice would give haters an excuse to complain the game is all plot, no fucking. I think an ideal ratio would be one main story update to two side quest updates (each of which will "complete" a girl's sex content, and maybe add in a threesome scene with a prior girl). But again, since I'm not willing to put up cash for a vote I know I get no say... I'm hoping a lot of the Gomira votes break for main story in 0.8!
Just, cmon people... picture it! Lady Madeline sex scene where she goes all golden and magical during orgasm!
P.S. I'm curious, is the patreon polling set up as just selecting a single option, or can patrons do ranked-choice or STV voting? If the latter I might just sign up out of sheer political science nerd appreciation