I know I don't get to gripe bc I'm not a patron. But it's still annoying to me that main story lost the vote even despite Magicnuts spoiling that it will include Madeline sex content! Like, how much more can they offer?! I'm really hoping that Magicnuts will insist on a story update soon rather than just each update being a sidequest for sex scenes, with patrons arguing over Best Girl. Since the main quest also includes sex content, it's not like such a choice would give haters an excuse to complain the game is all plot, no fucking. I think an ideal ratio would be one main story update to two side quest updates (each of which will "complete" a girl's sex content, and maybe add in a threesome scene with a prior girl). But again, since I'm not willing to put up cash for a vote I know I get no say... I'm hoping a lot of the Gomira votes break for main story in 0.8!
Just, cmon people... picture it! Lady Madeline sex scene where she goes all golden and magical during orgasm!
For the first paragraph, I actually would have preferred updates that include several small scenes with different LIs (some of which are a bit hidden out of the way for you to find) and character arcs in small steps to the "one update and done" approach we have now. But as you said, I'm not a Patron (anymore) so I don't get to bitch about it.
Goes back to the scope of the game being a little on the ambitious side if you look at the planned map of the world.
The thing about Madeline is... well this is very thin ice but I guess someone has to step on it. She's rather dark.
I personally like that and have no problem with it, but there are many people that don't like it, or are even actively campaigning against it. I've seen it time and time again throughout different VNs. The ethnic (looking) girls often end up near the bottom if there's a voting.
I am not sure why that's the case. The personal preference, sure, but the active hate is a little over the top.
Maybe it's popular media shoving ethnic characters into every crack where they don't go and making you the bad guy if you don't like it, I don't know.
I actually like the "down to bang at first sight, but they have a problem you need to solve first" approach this game tends to take. It just feels more realistic: I can only speak for myself, but how my sexuality works is I decide within the first 3 seconds of meeting you if you're somebody I'd have sex with if you asked. There's a *lot* of things you can do to swiftly take yourself off that list once you're on it (like, say, attempting to neg me), but basically nothing you can do to get yourself put *on* it once you're off. I'm almost 40 and there's never been a case, not even once, where someone on my "will not fuck" list has been moved to the "will fuck" list.
Gotta slightly disagree with you there. I'm around your age, decent looking but not the "Chad" type of guy by any means. I've certainly been on a shitload of "will not fuck" lists but got moved off them because I'm funny, agreeable and responsible and I basically "grow on them". You wouldn't believe how far out of my league some of the girls I've been with actually were. This is not a brag by the way (I'm twice divorced) just saying that these lists by no means have to be final.
Now that never happened to me with a girl I've crossed off MY list, I agree with you there.
The thing I really can't wrap my head around is characters like Holly. She seems to genuinely despise the MC's guts when she first meets him, and in the last scenes of her arc (what we have so far of it anyway) she still acts outwardly spiteful but is actually all blushy and nervous. I don't get it. I cannot imagine any situation where I'd go from hating a guy so much I regularly smack the shit out of him to "falling for" him.
I believe Holly is what fans of japanese media consider to be a "tsundere". Which means she's standoffish and aggressive to hide her insecurities and her affection but she's actually very loving behind the thorny facade.