Weekly report 128
Hi, everybody.
First, thank you to everyone who commented on the last report. We appreciate the support, and although we don't plan to stop working right now, we have decided to continue taking Sundays off.
Now the report:
Last week, Chestnut worked on cutscenes and backgrounds. Most of the artworks she did were for the events from the second half of the first quest, one exception being a cutscene that she recorded, and you can watch its creation
here. We also posted a
background that she had been working on and is now almost finished.
I have been mostly writing dialogues for Gomira's second quest. Some editing was done, particularly regarding the earlier scenes, because Gomira's first quest directly transitions into the second one, and some backtracking was needed to make sure everything made sense. I also coded the base of Gomira's sprite (because I was stuck with a piece of writing and wanted to do something else).
Next week, I will be working exclusively on dialogues. Chestnut has to design different hairstyles and outfits for the upcoming poll that we will start next week (either Thursday or Friday). Additionally, there are other cutscenes she has begun and wants to complete.
That's all, and I hope you have a great weekend.