I explained it the other day, but I don't mind to repeat myself since you guys don't hesitate on repeating yourselves either. There's an initially planned content, which is labeled as different art, writing, coding and posing tasks. Let's call those tasks 'content-related tasks'. While creating that content, they often find minor issues that they put under the edit and bug bars (which we could call 'polishing tasks'), and they may even consider that new content-related tasks are needed to better reflect their actual work according to their initial plan. And, once that planned content is finally done, they replay the game and evaluate if this content is good enough for them to release it. That's the 'polishing phase', and any changes they think are still needed go to the edit and debug bars, which is why those polishing tasks increased greatly last month. And this has been like that since 0.2, as anyone following the game since then could attest.
So, for this update, the initially planned content is basically done at 99.8%, and now they are in the process of editing and polishing it -if you prefer to think the update it's 90% ready, as that's the polishing tasks completion %, it wouldn't be an unfair guess, always taking into account that this % is moving faster but it's also still subject to change If new tasks are deemed as neccessary. But just forget about %, as I get it takes some faith to believe they reflect some actual work no one can really see, and let's focus on their written reports: a lot of dialogues need to be shortened, a whole scene needs to be redone, and earlier this month the dev said he hoped this update could be ready sometime in June, fingers crossed, if they are satisfied enough with the results. So we'll see.
Now, not believing this won't make it bullshit, no matter how many times people repeat that.