My biggest fetish is globalized gameplay, like what they attempted to do in HentaiHighSchool+, where you are corrupting the whole city through local youth (let's call it college, everyone's 18+, akhem).
The way sandbox worked - once the person is corrupted and starts walking around naked (or dressed like a slut) around the town, it slowly influences everyone around them, random people who are scheduled to be there for work. This could be such a great idea for a sandbox corruption game and they fucked it up with tons of unnecessary stuff and horrendous coding (as far as I could tell).
Wish I had the ability to make something global like that. With different social systems balancing each other: police system canceling your work, getting into the government (via blackmailing official's relatives) to promote your (initially low-) degenerate laws, recruiting random persons to help your cause and fuck up their relatives for you, and so on.
I have a thing for corruption of the innocent