What are the details that makes a game perfect?

Deleted member 229118

Active Member
Oct 3, 2017
I'm curious about the pregnancy thing. I strongly dislike pregnancy in an adult game if the woman is showing but just knowing that she's pregnant as long as she's not showing doesn't bother me. Do people who are into this get off on the visual so she has to be showing or is it just knowing that she's knocked up or even that there is the possibility of it if someone cums inside enough? I'm asking from a development perspective, I have no interest as a player.
I can only tell you why i like it.
As with all things: Power.
The woman in question is carry a part of me with her everywhere.
It is a sign of ownership.
In games where you can accauly breed future slave's(and those are rare. I can only recall two and those are free city and station master)
It feels empowering to shape a life from birth to know nothing but servitued to your will.

A woman being turned into a breeding bitch feels like you reduced her to little more then being a breeding tool for future slave's.
Her belly growing is like growning an apple tree.
Sure i can buy appels at the store but there is something about growing your own.
To nuture it to the point it provide's you with appels.

Seeing a woman pregnant with my child makes me feel like i trully have claimed her.

In free cities i set up breeding programs to breed the perfect slave.
In station master i breed slave for free new slave's.

In lab rat i got them all pregnant(as shown in the end scene) for the simply reason it felt like the ultimate claim on there live's.
I felt great joy and pride seeing the fruits of my efforts.

Do i need too see the bellies?
Not really because my fetish is power.
Pregancy to me is just an other form of power.
I dont know why it appeals to others.
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Creating SpaceCorps XXX
Game Developer
Mar 5, 2018
for me, good choices of music and sound effects really elevates the gameplay experience and adds immersion. some good examples would be BaDIK, SpaceCorps XXX and CoBD.
Thanks for the shout out, uzi! :love:

- seeing no empty rooms: a table with a smartphone, glasses, flowers look more esthetic then an empty table
- beeing able to make a character get breast surgery, bigger lips or maybe even botox for formed cheeks (visiting hospital, paying for it etc.) -> Good example: Good Girl Gone Bad
Character customisation is a pretty tricky one - especially for new devs, be sure that you have the time budgeted for such an extensive project. It's a brilliant feature, but it can really slow down game development by demanding so many alt-images; and the price for customisation choice is often gameplay choices to cut down on routes.

The 'no empty room' thing is a good approach - the richer the set, the more immersive the game. Same with background characters.

For me, the main draw of a game is that it's entertaining - not just sexy or slick. Porn's everywhere, but a game is a chance to tell a story, or to put the player in charge of where that story goes.


Active Member
Game Developer
Jan 28, 2020
For me, I think comedy is a really underrated aspect of porn.

I usually enjoy hentai, games, even live action porn a little bit more if the premise is a bit goofy or it makes me laugh. Depends on my mood what I will laugh at. Some of the porn I've seen is actually pretty clever and makes surprisingly smart jokes out of scenes or character interactions. Other times I just like laughing at a character's misfortune or stupidity because it's taken to such an absurd extreme.

Comedy is not a requirement, and it shouldn't be the focus, but it does add a lot to the game for me.