I kind of go down a quick checklist in my head....
First and foremost is did I enjoy what I just played. I will play most things that visually grab me, but I have to be hooked by the story to have any interest in supporting.
Second and the biggest one that kills off the most games is what turned me off or annoyed me about the game. No game is ever perfect of course, but can I get past the issues that bother me. I don't mind grinding, but you better also put in the time so the scene isn't just identical repetition. Take some time to write additional lines even if you reuse the same images. Give me slow progress over kill 10 rats. Also recognize what has happened before. Don't make every seen act like it is the first time.
Third is am I anxiously waiting the next release. There are games I loved at the time, but looking back I couldn't tell you if I played them until I fired them up again. These I won't support.
Finally the thing I go back and forth on is regular contributions versus one single donation. Currently I am opting for recurring. In the long run it should pay out better for the dev, but there is also the risk I bounce off a game if there is an update I dislike.
First and foremost is did I enjoy what I just played. I will play most things that visually grab me, but I have to be hooked by the story to have any interest in supporting.
Second and the biggest one that kills off the most games is what turned me off or annoyed me about the game. No game is ever perfect of course, but can I get past the issues that bother me. I don't mind grinding, but you better also put in the time so the scene isn't just identical repetition. Take some time to write additional lines even if you reuse the same images. Give me slow progress over kill 10 rats. Also recognize what has happened before. Don't make every seen act like it is the first time.
Third is am I anxiously waiting the next release. There are games I loved at the time, but looking back I couldn't tell you if I played them until I fired them up again. These I won't support.
Finally the thing I go back and forth on is regular contributions versus one single donation. Currently I am opting for recurring. In the long run it should pay out better for the dev, but there is also the risk I bounce off a game if there is an update I dislike.