What do you think of consensual bdsm vs non-consensual bdsm in porn games?


May 16, 2019
I like when the player can corrupt or blackmail etc into giving consent, but consent must be given before it happens for me
I dont like when theres threatening and physical abuse beforehand thats a turn off to me, bdsm is amazing when everyone knows whats going to happen everyone is into it and everyone is enjoying, even if one character is doubting or "surprised" or hating it at first second yet slowly liking it inside the next few sentences, that sorta thing


Active Member
Dec 12, 2020
BDSM is all about the trust.

The power dynamic is only a very tiny part of it.
I have to agree with this statement
I would go further and question that without trust the relationship is in a state of some level of sexual abuse
I do accept that an element of instilled fear may be part of exactly what excites some game players
And in a game which is part of a developing story abuse may be a part which will eventually lead to revenge, redemption or self enlightenment so the "It's integral to the plot argument" can always carry weight

On a personal note I have often abandoned games when what I consider abuse starts, so it doesn't work for me
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May 16, 2018
Recently I see a lot of games just go very soft on the bdsm aspect which seems weird to me since bdsm is all about power dynamic and I find making stuff total consensual just take a lot out of that.
Patreon has a guideline against non-con sex. I think blackmail would not cause problems since it's still consensual, but anything stronger than that is like walking on eggs for the dev.


Shadows of the Past
Game Developer
Sep 20, 2017
Very interesting topic. Personally I am not into anything that is
bdsm or not. There are of course grey areas, for example a girl I knew had very exceptional needs. ;) It was actually a bit complicated cuz she liked being forced into things (without getting into details) but only in the range of that one relationship, so in the end everything still had boundaries. Anything besides that with clear intent of hurting someone is a no no, clear turn off for me personally. :cool:
That also can be seen in games I like or porn itself. Games as a medium itself are of course a bit different, obviously those fictional worlds where some fetishes do exist are created for a reason but it needs to be done with care to work and if someone did never experienced anything like that..well lets just say it's hard to get into it. That's why its so difficult to find a VN that doesn't make you cringe when they fuck.

Soo in the end only if partner is into it :p


New Member
Jan 11, 2021
At the end of the day, the bottom of the line, it's fiction. It's not really worth getting upset about. I don't want to be eaten alive, but I'm still willing to occasionally watch a zombie movie.

If something is too extreme for my tastes and actually starts to bother me, then I trust myself to have the maturity to back out of it.

If it crosses the line too many times, then it might instead loop back around into being comedy and breaks my willing suspension of disbelief.


Engaged Member
Oct 2, 2017
BDSM is all about the trust.

The power dynamic is only a very tiny part of it.
Never personally tried BDSM, but from what I've read about it I would think most people who are into that would want to have some sort of conversation with their partner about what they like and don't like first along with maybe a safeword or something. There's a big difference between "I like it a bit rough" vs "I want you to hog tie me and then fuck me in the most degrading way you can think of". I would definitely want some sort of roadmap to let me know where the boundaries are first.


Resident Lesbian
Aug 22, 2018
Never personally tried BDSM, but from what I've read about it I would think most people who are into that would want to have some sort of conversation with their partner about what they like and don't like first along with maybe a safeword or something. There's a big difference between "I like it a bit rough" vs "I want you to hog tie me and then fuck me in the most degrading way you can think of". I would definitely want some sort of roadmap to let me know where the boundaries are first.
I'm a sub my girlfriend is a dom, there was a really long conversation about likes/dislikes and what each of us are willing and not willing to do.

Then there are safewords, noise patterns for when gagged (I have a squeeky toy I keep close by when not bound and finger click pattern when bound).

Then there are trial runs to make sure we were compatible as a dom and sub.

There are also courses for both doms and subs on safe practices etc.. I got lucky with my girlfriend in that she knew what she was doing which was a huge bonus as I was still pretty new to it at the time.

Thing with BDSM is is really dangerous and has cost lives as well as lost limbs.

You leave someones wrists bound for too long it cuts off the blood supply to the hands. People have lost fingers, whole hands and feet for being bound too long.

The trust side is huge and the dom plays as much of a role in keeping their sub safe as they do enjoying the role given.

It's all a pretty big thing and goes quite in depth.


Bear chaser
Game Developer
Mar 23, 2019
I find BDSM hot, but I'm not into Non Consentual at all, even for pixels.


Active Member
Sep 11, 2017
in games there's a huge difference with noncon in whether you as the mc does it or it's somehow not in your hands. I can't do it, I'm out the second I'm forced to hurt someone against their will. the only way it works for me is if it's con-noncon.
I disagree on that, for me there is basically no difference which of the characters on screen is the protagonist and which an NPC (in porn games, regular games are a VERY different matter of course). I don't care which part of the dialogue I click and which appears as a reaction. That may simply because I never relate to or identify with characters in porn games.


Active Member
Dec 12, 2020
I disagree on that, for me there is basically no difference which of the characters on screen is the protagonist and which an NPC (in porn games, regular games are a VERY different matter of course). I don't care which part of the dialogue I click and which appears as a reaction. That may simply because I never relate to or identify with characters in porn games.
Ataios raises a point I think may be interesting
Why exactly are you playing porn games, this is going to effect your attitude towards certain behaviours
> because its a way to enjoy porn
> because its a way to follow a story which involves a lot of porn
> because its a way to become invested in the characters in a story which involves porn
> because its a way of enjoying puzzles and riddles that lead to porn
> because its like playing an RPG but with porn included
> because its some other stuff I can't think of

For me I quite like grindy, puzzle ridden games with the porn dotted in between (almost like a reward system).
This means I will quite often get quite invested in characters within the game and therefore find violence or bullying towards them much more difficult to stomach (equally of course I just might not care if certain antagonists end up hoist on their own petard).

Not saying I never view porn just for its own sake as well.


Engaged Member
Oct 2, 2017
I find BDSM hot, but I'm not into Non Consentual at all, even for pixels.
I got the feeling that for a lot of people who are into BDSM it's not as simple as that. The person tying the other one up is dominating the other one. Maybe they enjoy the feeling of dominating someone or they're doing it because their partner enjoys it. The person being tied up is being subdued, losing control, being dominated, feels helpless, and probably enjoys the sensation of being at someone else's mercy.

I imagine this fetish is similar to someone who falls somewhere along the rape fantasy line. They want to resist and be overpowered by their partner. Most of these people probably don't want this from a stranger and they don't want to actually be hurt but they may very well want to role play it that way. Some people might even get turned on by being forced to do things they don't like as a show of dominance by their partner. I would think the dom would reward this with something they do like later though.

Maybe the wife wants hubby to put on a ski mask and pretend to break in and force sex on her while she resists, pretending that he's not her husband. Or maybe it's the wife who wants to be able to dominate hubby sometimes so he lets her tie him up and inflict some pain on him for a little while before she fucks him. She can't overpower him without restraints but if he lets her tie him up then she's the one with the power for a little while.

Being a sub wouldn't do anything for me personally but if my girlfriend wanted to tie me up occasionally I wouldn't mind letting her have some fun at my expense as long as she rewarded me for it at the end. Anyway I haven't done any of that personally. Women who like it a bit rough are the closest I've come.
Mar 28, 2022
This is a touchy subject because non-consensual bdsm is frown upon in real life, but aren't we playing games so we can do stuff we can't do in life? Recently I see a lot of games just go very soft on the bdsm aspect which seems weird to me since bdsm is all about power dynamic and I find making stuff total consensual just take a lot out of that. Of course it's too simple to divide bdsm into just consensual and non-consensual, I think we can divide consensuality into 5 levels:

+ Total consensual: All parties agree beforehand what is going to happen. All parties willingly take part in the act by their own desires.
+ No verbal confirmation: One party start the act without verbal agreement before hand. The others accept with body language. All parties willingly take part in the act by their own desires.
+ Psychological pressure/Corruption/Blackmail: One party is forced into the act against their original will but no physical violence involve.
+ Physical threat: One party is forced into the act under physical violence threat.
+ Just do it: Well...

Each of us can have different level of bdsm consensuality that we can accept in our game. I'm just curious about your opinion on this. For people who enjoy consensual bdsm in game, what do you like about that? In general, what level of consensuality is good/acceptable for you?

Personally, my kink is the feeling of having power over others and the first two levels just take a lot out of that. Something like "Cure my addiction" even though has quite a bit of bdsm play actually do nothing for me. For example: when you spank the nurse but that's under the direction of your aunt, it just feel pretty bad actually. Since it doesn't provide any empowerment feeling at all.
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