What games have the best sex dialogue?

i11uminati Productions

Game Developer
Jan 29, 2020
As a new game developer I'd like to learn from the best. Writing good, convincing sex dialogue is way harder than I expected!


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2018
To be honest, I don't think anyone has figured it out.
Since quarantine, I have seen a spike in posts talking about dialog mechanics, both here and on reddit. I think 1 or more games came out (normal safe for work games) and it has sparked inspiration in a variety of people.
I myself recently concluded that trying to make nsfw my priority with project led to me being too focused, and I am instead just making nsfw a side objective, so I can focus on either a story or game mechanic (such as a dialog system), and trying to avoid focusing on being lewd since that generally tends to be pretty cheesy. so sexy dialogue is fine, but sex itself is challenging to do.


Well-Known Member
Respected User
Jun 14, 2018
There are so many bad games out there, that it's difficult to say.

For me personally, for "good writing", I'd check out these three off the top of my head of recent games...

Estate Dominate:

You might not be into the femdom theme to the game - but the writing is really well done and well paced.​
The fact that the visuals are also excellent does help a lot here too though.​
This is a slow paced game done well, with very little actual sex - but lots of sexual content so far.​

Pale Carnations:

I'm usually not a fan of games using Honey Select, but the writing on this one really sets it apart.​
The visuals are very well done here and really highlight that sometimes HS can be done well.​
Again, this had domination aspects to the game - so may not be to everyone's taste.​
It also has the advantage of being a rare game where the MC isn't a 14 year old boy seemingly trapped in a man's body.​

Insight of You:

This one is less about "good writing" and more about not being the usual boring porn game.​
Honestly, this game is a mixed bag. It has a fun story that turns into a massive open world grind half way through. Though unusually for most, the stats balancing seems well thought out.​
It's another Honey Select images game (what is it with me and HS recently? urghhh), and is average at best.​
But the linear story before the grind starts is the reason I'm mentioning this here, since it is one of the few games that manage to pull off spontaneous sex scenes, without the usual boring peek -> awkward touching -> kissing -> oral -> oral -> vagina -> anal progression. The humor helps too.​

There are probably older, better dialogue games - but they've all sort of merged together in my head.

Games that come to mind (in no particular order):
Not that I can say what about these games I liked at the time, except they stuck in my mind more than the usual dross.
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anne O'nymous

I'm not grumpy, I'm just coded that way.
Respected User
Jun 10, 2017
Writing good, convincing sex dialogue is way harder than I expected!
Because there no such things as sex dialogue, and therefore no way to make it convincing ; at least convincing for everyone. There's talk, sometimes dirty, during sex, which is different.
Think about what happen for you during sex, remember how it was one year ago, there's no real constant. Remember how it was with your previous partners, there's no real common points. It's just things said during sex. You can record your own sex session, then transcribe it, that even for you it would not feel convincing enough. Yet it was the dialogue the last time you had sex.

I remember when I was still a teenager, one of the girl I was with was both shy and kinky. She wanted (relatively speaking) dirty talk, but was too shy, or perhaps not confident enough, to say things like "fuck me". So she made up words to replace the ones she wasn't able to say. It was something like 30 years ago, so don't remember the words ; perhaps that in fact there weren't effective words, and she was just saying whatever sound to replace them, using a different one every time. Imagine hearing things like, "you zumbaze me so hard", "hmmm, your yumb is so deep", and others, "fuck my etmir". There's no way for someone to see this as convincing sex dialogue, it's too ridiculous. Yet, she's surely not the only girl like that, and there's people around the world who would, like me, feel it as believable.
Then there's the girls who only moaned, while others were talking a lot, sometimes too much. Some people internalize everything, others are at the opposite and say everything single things out loud. I even had one who, according to her, was so sensible that she had to say everything that crossed her mind in order to not finish too fast ; a thing that guys know well, except that we keep it in our mind.

In a way, sex dialogues are the same thing than drunk talk. We don't know what we are saying, nor care about it. We just feel the moment, and when we say something it's just random things that cross our mind and are related to the instant. But there's no coherence, nor effective constancy, and what was said once can perfectly not been said a second time.
Since I'm on the memory lane, one thing I remember was my wife once saying, "oh yes, fuck your lovely doe, you fucking hunter"... then us having to stop because we laughed so hard at this stupidity. She was picturing herself as the poor innocent victim of some bad guy, and that's what came to her mind at this moment. We don't think what we'll say, we just say it, and sometimes it can fall totally out of place.
Another similarity with drunk talk is that it depend of the context. You'll not say the same kind of things when you're lightly drunk, than when you're deep bottom. And it's the same for sex dialogues. A girl that usually just say things like, "harder", "faster", but never really more than one word, never really dirty things, can time to time say things like, "oh yes, break my fucking bitchy ass", because this time everything was over the top, her mood was right, she was hornier than usual, and all ; the timing was perfect and, her pleasure being over the top, she lost all inhibition.

I talked about the action, but obviously the same apply for the preliminaries and all. In the end, whatever how hard you'll try, you'll never achieve to write convincing sex dialogues. The only thing you can do is write ones that looks believable enough.

Mimir's Lab

Game Developer
Sep 30, 2019
Yeah, of the games I've played, none of them have sex talk figured out. If you want good sex talk, check out the audios and the script for the audios at . You can't top that subreddit if you want good dirty talk as the entire purpose of that subreddit is to get you off from dirty talk alone. I'd sort by top rated audios and go from there.
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