Unity Abandoned What if "Adventure Time" was a 3D Anime Game [v8.5] [Mike Inel]

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Jul 7, 2017
Yep, i killed Finn, and all achievements and BMO hacks are unlocked.
Nice. I killed the Finn boss but had to cheat do it as the revive thing is broken when your health is always 100.
Where'd you find the demon cat anyway?
Is Breakfast Princess' model viewer broken?


Aug 20, 2017
Are there any sex scenes in this yet?
How much content does it have?
Atrwork looks good btw..


Aug 15, 2016
Very impressed with this as a game. Lots of content and bonuses to unlock. Not much h-content. As a reminder for nude models you have to charge up the ??? sword by hitting enemies (bar bottom of hero) and use the special attack near the other character.

lil boom toob

Sep 12, 2017
There are two videos with Fionna, and five with Finn.

Go into first person and look away and back to the TV to get it to switch videos quickly.
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May 16, 2017
So, yeah. The boss of the nightmare is really, really hard. Any tactics advice? 4D sword's teleport is pretty good and attack dash is nice. And I know you can't go to town on the boss forever or it will counter you for lots o' damage. And I definitely have all the special potions with a full stock of 5 normals. Is there anything about the boss's attack patterns I should know?

And yeah, there will never be actual sex content. There's a secret path that lets you talk to the developer and he says as much. Kumasta!


New Member
Apr 9, 2017
So, yeah. The boss of the nightmare is really, really hard. Any tactics advice? 4D sword's teleport is pretty good and attack dash is nice. And I know you can't go to town on the boss forever or it will counter you for lots o' damage. And I definitely have all the special potions with a full stock of 5 normals. Is there anything about the boss's attack patterns I should know?
Once you learn his patterns he's even easier than Ice Queen.
Use 4d sword
1 phase: if he is casting spells then dash, if he is running at you dash past him then hit him 12 times
2 phase: same, but dash away from him
3 phase: He starts countering your hits. Dash to him, wait til he leaves counter stance than 4 hits + dash and hit him before he lands. If he is casting spinning lasers transform and fly above him.
4 phase: same, but he have a force field now.
May 16, 2017
So I finally beat his third form. You're right, the two before aren't so bad. Third form is a pain. Used laser beams 4 times in a row and then would stagger them with shadow clones. Not vulnerable at those points. Only time I could find to attack was after the big charge up attack. If you fail to dodge that though it eats your whole health bar.

Then shield version came up and started doing attacks from phase one. You need to target little crystals in field for the shield to drop.

I got a bit fed up so I tried the cheat engine approach too but that didn't work either. I got 200 hit points and no amount of modifying the value actually changes how much health I got. Last chance is still last chance.
5.00 star(s) 4 Votes