Lets start with where is there anything in the Original Post that is a complaint about NTR? There isn't any!
Trouble reading you have, make it simple I will.... I said you created a thread full of false facts hoping for an opening, meaning you were hoping someone would see through your obviously poor attempt to cry about ntr. When Count did, you jumped at the chance and failed miserably....
The opening you were looking for...
For it not being "a complaint about NTR," it sure walks like it and talks like it.
Your jump....and your fail....
Trust me if I want to complain about NTR games I can easily do that.
We can go into the poor story telling the bad methods they use to push the story forward rather than let it evolve.
The issue with characters who seem to have blinders on and miss every single option they have to make things different.
Then there are often the issue of the author or developer having lost focus on who his audience is in games or what the story line even was.
Second, I actually like some NTR when it is done well. A good story is still a good story and a good game is a good game.
What?, no "just joking" ??
"39 pages of NTR games on the site out of that 21 pages are a year or less." Is that a false fact? No because it is in regards to the site and how it works. Some of the games are greater than a year old. Not the majority. Technically it was what another poster pointed out as being a bigger factor they are being ported and brought over.
Again I'll try keep it simple for you,
First, not all new ntr games created in the last 2 years were made by new NTR devs.
Second, not all new NTR game created in the last 2 years have been uploaded to this site.
Third, of the 21 pages, remove all games NOT made by a new dev requested by members here, remove all games NOT made by a new dev that have been uploaded because they got a translation and remove all games that are 3 or more years old.
Now how many pages have new games by new dev's? Oh wait... you didn't check any of that..... nope you just went "oooh more pics must be more new NTR"....
Forth, did you do a proper comparison, taking every genre on this site and comparing all of them together to come to your conclusion? I feel confident in saying no....
That might be on par with the number increase with the number of new creators. Won't know without going through and looking at the larger data sample. Which I guarantee you haven't done. In fact all you managed to do is jump on a bandwagon trying to attack based on what others wrote. So your opinion to me isn't worth a turd.
"Which I guarantee you haven't done" I don't have to have done it, the burned of proof is on you as the person who created the thread and made the claim. Having read the claim you made and seeing the obvious flaws in....pretty much everything you said, I replied. I'm sure though, that as the person making this claim that YOU did go through the larger data sample right???
No need to answer that I'm sure we all know the answer already....
As for jumping on the bandwagon and talking about turds..... I didn't realize calling people on B.S. was considered attacking.
"I figure covid has a bit to do with it. Probably in several ways.
A lot of people lost jobs and more people are trying this to make money. That might be part of it."
Are those some of the false facts you are referring to? Again not false at all.
Maybe if you had actually thought on your own you could have contributed like the posters above.
Just noticed there was a huge increase in people making games that are so called NTR.
So you were just walking along and tripped, bumped into, slipped and noticed the MASSIVE, HUGE increase....
As for contributing, let me try....
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"Who knows maybe a bunch of guys who got cucked are just wanting to drag others down also.
Or women are trying to make guys think this is some sort of normal.
Yea, just kidding on both of those. "
I know what it is you are hung on the two lines above I qualified with just kidding. You are one of those guys who can't take a joke about anything you like is that it?
As I said before I was replying to your "Trust me if I want to complain about NTR games I can easily do that." post but if you feel you haven't dug the hole deep enough for yourself who am I to stand in your way......
If money is the driver behind it that seems kind of stupid. NTR tends to be a lot less liked than other types. So I figure something else also has to be behind it such as person feelings.
Who knows maybe a bunch of guys who got cucked are just wanting to drag others down also.
Or women are trying to make guys think this is some sort of normal.
Yea, just kidding on both of those.
Sure...I see it now... yup you definitely don't
figure it....it was all a joke
Of court I qualified the entire post with the following, " I have no idea at all why so much is coming out right now. I can understand to an extent the money and being part of it and the fact the market is growing to an extent that should make about a 15-30% increase or so though this is on the order of 1 year exceeding 5 years. So 500+% increase."
For those that can read English it says, "I Am not sure exactly what the increase is caused by. It is a lot larger increase that would be created by the normal growth expected." I have no clue what someone like yourself seems to think it means.
So you qualify your thread/OP about the massive (not at all), huge (not at all), increase in ntr devs and games by saying you have no idea why so much is coming out (not at all) then throw in some random %.
So to sum up, you have two points, 1. why a MASSIVE increase in so called ntr games and 2. there was a huge increase in people making games that are so called NTR. The proof you gave for your points was " 39 pages of NTR games on the site out of that 21 pages are a year or less. " then abit of a ramble about covid having "a bit" to do with it (not a lot or most) then some back-handed "comments" you were just joking....of course.... and then you trail off with %.
Did you offer the number of ONLY new dev games? nope, did you offer the number of new games by old dev's? nope, did you crunch the numbers as you accused me of not doing? nope. So without numbers or facts, you thought it was a good idea to start a thread about ntr because???
Oh right, " this isn't a complaint about NTR ", there is just a
massive increase of so called ntr games and a
huge increase in people making ntr games.... and you want everyone to take you seriously
So have a great day and don't hurt that brain of yours by trying to contribute.
Who am I kidding there is no chance of that happening.
Didn't you mean to add just joking there? or have you given up the pretense finally