First of, I love all Ptolemy's games
In order
1) Alexandra
2) Intimate Relations
3) Life with Mary
4) Dreaming with Dana
Have not played Hailey's Story yet as I feel it's not been developed far enough yet.
I love the female characters in all these games. Very strong and rounded characters. (Even though I like her, I would put Mary last on the list of females. I still love her, but I like the other 3 more)
The difference comes with your male character. Alexandra stands like a tower above the other, because the MC is not your typical weak pussy like almost all other games on here. He is one of the most interesting MCs around instead of just the player going through the motions to get the MC to chase pussy by lying cheating, perving etc. etc the whole time. They are very one dimensional
Other games with interesting characters are Family Matters (He's trying but not there yet) and the guy from Offcuts.
They have an MC with more Masculine traits. I mean I love Dreaming with Dane, but the MC is actually a pussy. Without his sister, he is nothing. I like the change of pace with Alexandra.
Personally would not mind if Alexandra still continues for a long time.