What shortcuts do you use when making scenes

Dec 14, 2020
For example when i make new scene i just load premade character (fully clothed of course) and then pose it manually. I use premade poses from shop and sliders with expressions. but i need to adjust them in texture view then check how it will look in iray then adjust again and so on. So it takes quite a lot of time. i usually cant make more then 10-15 ready to render shots per day.
im thinking about making expressions presets for every character in the game (like sad, happy, flirt etc.) and then load them when i need. But im not sure cause i think that it may make all renders be the same. Also i can make poses for every character. At least most used like sitting walking etc. But again at the end these poses will be the same everytime.
So what helps you to make scenes faster?


Engaged Member
Jul 4, 2017
10-15 scenes that are setup and ready to render per day is actually really fast. you would need a powerful render card to even get through that much of a pipeline, assuming you were leaving them to batch render overnight.

Even when i was working the most intensely on a game idea, I only averaged 1 render per hour (admittedly that was only spending a 2-4 hours per day, not a full 8-10 hours).

or maybe I'm just slow and doing it wrong. Lol :(

The M.O.

Nov 27, 2020
I will have to do poses with expressions for one of my games, so I'm wondering the same as you about the bother of saving them vs the sameness.

One thing that is a little relief is the expressions have gotten better in Daz with the most recent update. The standard emotion sliders will actually convey decent smiling, anger .ect Without the constant thought that you will for sure have to do your own emotions as a first priority.

Still on emotion sliders, one thing I definitely wanted to do was save every slider as a favorite using the heart icon. I devoted a large chunk of a day to that one time, then I found out they get reset every time you do a new scene.

I just revisited that idea to check if the favorites will be saved as part of a scene when closed and I found that is the case. So, I'll definitely be favoriting every slider I want and training myself to open that scene before any work. Nice 3 point lighting included. More than likely a direct link on the desktop.


Active Member
Jul 20, 2018
Hmm... shortcuts.... what are they... :p
I don't know how good I am at those to be honest.
My biggest time saver I think is doing as little postwork as possible. Basically only a touch-up if I screwed up in a render somewhere. I mean you can get amazing things done in post but even if it only takes a literal minute over a 1000 images that still adds up.
I generally only use the standard emotions since they are versatile enough for what I want to do especially when you mix them. there have only been a few times where I needed a different emotion (mostly a bite lip). And to be honest there are to many sliders that haven't been distinguished enough to use. I probably have 50 (subtly) different smile sliders. It is just impossible to use effectively in Daz.
For poses I generally start of with a base pose and tweak it so it serves the thing I need it to do. (insert another complaint about Daz sorting here).

In preproduction I invest a lot of time in making my own backgrounds and characters. I want my game to feel unique and with base characters and backgrounds a scene could come from over a 100 games (if not more). So it will be impossible to stand out easily. (Though you could just overhaul the textures in a lot of scenes to make your game feel at least somewhat fresh.)