What woul make you play an RPG maker game?


Engaged Member
Oct 2, 2017
My main issue with RPGmaker is that almost all games made using RPGmaker have a terrible UI. I assume they're using whatever the default UI options are that come with the engine and that those options suck, because I have seen a small number of RPGmaker games that do NOT have a terrible UI. Renpy by contrast has an "ok" default UI to me. I have seen plenty of Renpy games that dramatically improve on the default UI for it, but most seem to use the default "ok" UI.


Active Member
Apr 15, 2018
What would make me want to play an RPG maker game? It would definitely have nothing to do with it being an RPG maker game, it's all about the setting, the characters and so on. Objectively speaking though, a good RPG maker game can have a lot of gameplay benefits. What I don't like is the inability to skip text, it's very annoying, and also the fact that when you start skipping it with the spacebar or enter, you might accidentally make a choice and you have to repeat everything. Sometimes the game just turns into some kind of torture.


Oct 24, 2021
These days, It can't just be the basic kit you would get from RPGM. You have to have some more complexity then the basic RPG mechanics.

And probably most important is making sure whatever you add on doesn't waste the players time with content they aren't going to enjoy.

Focusing on your gameplay, and making that shine most would be perfect. I personally like games that take the time to have a wide variety of status effects that do not all do the same thing, just written in different ways, especially when they tie into both the combat, and out of combat situations, and affect the character sprite or standing art. Those kinds of details go a lot farther than you might think.


Forum Fanatic
Apr 14, 2021
It's similar to an egg.
Basically this means that to a consumer it doesn't really matter what kind of shell you use, because we care only about the filling.
If your fillings are quality fillings, people will play your game no matter which shell you wrap those fillings with. ;):coffee:
Of course, quality shell will also improve the quality of the fillings. Something to consider as well when picking an engine.

Crimson Delight Games

Active Member
Game Developer
Nov 20, 2020
people don't seem to go into detail about it other than saying "brooring not RGPM man"
This is mostly because most RPGM games are made by relative newcomers to game development who (ab)use the default assets that come with the editor. So you get a slew of games which all look and play alike. The other main reason is that game design is a difficult skill to master, and RPGs are probably the hardest genre to develop (losing out in complexity only to something like civilization/management sims).

what would make you play an RPGM game?
I'll take any game for a spin as long as it catches my eye. I don't have enough time to play even 1% of them, but anything that looks interesting goes into my library, regardless of engine. For example, I'm probably going to go through The Last Sovereign this summer when I get some vacation time off work. That's an RPG Maker game, but it's such an interesting concept and the writing is amazing, so any engine and UI limitations don't really bother me.

And what to avoid in RGPM?
Bad writing will kill your project, and it'll do it even faster than bad art. Sierra Lee's The Last Sovereign and Toby Fox's Undertale both prove that you don't need fancy art to make a good game, but you do need good writing! If you're trying to make a porn game in RPGM, you have to nail down the writing! If you can't do it yourself (maybe you're more of a systems design person?), then team up with a writer, most of them are pretty chill, and they'll be glad that someone out there wants to feature their work. I'm the writer on the Crimson Delight Games team, and trust me when I say that most writers are more than happy to collaborate with others.

Also, here's a bit of shameless self-promotion to show you what can be done with RPGMV: