What would happen with IRL "all the way through"?


Active Member
Dec 16, 2019
If it's on Liveleak, it's probably not some horny inflation fetishist with an aquarium bubble pump, it's probably gonna be some dude sticking his ass on an air hose at a gas station or some half-drunk worker at a shop being silly with the air hose reel at the back wall that everyone uses to clean their shoes and/or blow sawdust off themselves.

If you're pumping air up your butt, it's fine so long as you use something with low pressure, and you stop + wait if there's every any pain, and 99% of pains during air inflation up the butt is due to too much shit up there blocking the flow, but even that can be mitigated by simply waiting a bit before continuing. If you feel pain and ignore it to continue the airflow, you deserve to be on Liveleak. Even then you still get a good chunk of time before something goes wrong (unless you're stupid and using a big pump).

Really the biggest concerns anyone should have with inflation up the butt are:
1. Making sure the end of the hose doesn't have anything sharp on it, because cutting up the inside of your ass can be terrible for your health.
2. Using a small, weak pump of some kind that you can easily stop the second you need to.
I guess you could also include "don't be an inflatee if you've had a history of intestinal surgeries/injuries" too.


Active Member
Mar 7, 2021
If it's on Liveleak, it's probably not some horny inflation fetishist with an aquarium bubble pump, it's probably gonna be some dude sticking his ass on an air hose at a gas station or some half-drunk worker at a shop being silly with the air hose reel at the back wall that everyone uses to clean their shoes and/or blow sawdust off themselves.

If you're pumping air up your butt, it's fine so long as you use something with low pressure, and you stop + wait if there's every any pain, and 99% of pains during air inflation up the butt is due to too much shit up there blocking the flow, but even that can be mitigated by simply waiting a bit before continuing. If you feel pain and ignore it to continue the airflow, you deserve to be on Liveleak. Even then you still get a good chunk of time before something goes wrong (unless you're stupid and using a big pump).

Really the biggest concerns anyone should have with inflation up the butt are:
1. Making sure the end of the hose doesn't have anything sharp on it, because cutting up the inside of your ass can be terrible for your health.
2. Using a small, weak pump of some kind that you can easily stop the second you need to.
I guess you could also include "don't be an inflatee if you've had a history of intestinal surgeries/injuries" too.
I would also add having general digestive issues to the list of DON'Ts. You never know if those cramps you have sometimes are the result of ulceration. Of if there are healed ulcers that nevertheless may weaken the walls of digestive organs. Or if the walls are weakened in general, even of there are no ulcers.

Heck, someone may have heaviest ulceration without any pain symptoms! I know 3 people who got ulcer rupture and at least 1 of them felt nothing beforehand. Thankfully, at least that person survived the ordeal.

Digestive issues can be very noticeable - or surprisingly subtle, to the point you won't feel a thing before suddenly not waking up because you bled through ulcer. One of the people I mentioned before died exactly like that.

So, a good advice: CHECK YOUR FUCKING HEALTH BEFORE TRYING ANY OF THAT STUFF. Heck, check your health regardless! You may never know if you are in danger. Not checking is playing Russian roulette.
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Active Member
Dec 16, 2019
At the very least, pain = STOP. Some idiot in a Discord server got into a full flame war trying to prove that all the good inflatees just ignore their pain and push past it, like bruh, fuck no.
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Active Member
Mar 7, 2021
all the good inflatees just ignore their pain and push past it
Oh shit... That goes straight to the category of (in)famous last words.

Don't treat your body like it's made of unbreakanium, your health like it's a joke and your luck like it's infinite. You'll live longer and better life.