Whats something you want see/see more of in FPOV/Female protag games.


Mar 22, 2019
Whats something you want see/see more of in FPOV/Female protag games.

If some of you can tell me what's missing in female protag games?

What's going RIGHT about them?

When I am building my game do better to improve on?

What are your favourite female protag games?


Active Member
Oct 11, 2018
Most female protagonist games are becoming a fuckfest very quickly. This is especially noticed in those RPGM japanese games where the female protagonist starts out as a virgin but suddenly she starts to jump any dick nearby without any sense or story and pretty much becomes a cum dump where she gets an orgasm 10 times during the sex.

The best female protagonist game, in my opinion atleast, is currently Project SAGE.
It has a great and believable female protagonist, characters around her have unique personalities. She has actual choices on what to do and how to progress with the characters around her, etc.
It just does everything right so far and I am certain it won't become a fuckfest like other games after she loses her virginity (if she does, because the player can decide everything)


Mar 22, 2019
Most female protagonist games are becoming a fuckfest very quickly. This is especially noticed in those RPGM japanese games where the female protagonist starts out as a virgin but suddenly she starts to jump any dick nearby without any sense or story and pretty much becomes a cum dump where she gets an orgasm 10 times during the sex.

The best female protagonist game, in my opinion atleast, is currently Project SAGE.
It has a great and believable female protagonist, characters around her have unique personalities. She has actual choices on what to do and how to progress with the characters around her, etc.
It just does everything right so far and I am certain it won't become a fuckfest like other games after she loses her virginity (if she does, because the player can decide everything)

Well what appeals to you the most about project sage? I loved how it builds itself up


Active Member
Oct 11, 2018
Mostly that the female protagonist isn't some dumb and unbelievable human.

I generally like and enjoy the build up and the teasing it offers, but the fact I most appreciate about Project SAGE is that Paperwork (the developer) puts a lot of effort and detail into his scenes. The dialogue is always spot on and you can actually immerse yourself into the game as you play through it.

But I think the strongest point that Project SAGE has is it's multiple branches and paths. It's in favor by being done with HS instead of DAZ, where you can give an update with 2000+ images compared to where a DAZ game has monthly updates with like 300-500 images max, most of the time.


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2018
I want to see more ,more extortion i mean to truly corrupt someone into doing something there has to be a bit of blackmail ,or exploitation ,for a reason ....make the males of a story more of a bully or bastard , he wants to make her do it cause he said so ,kind of guys ....or he starts off nice til he gets a bit in your head and then boom ...takes advantage of you...that said you get to deal with how to react to each situation ,do you allow yourself to be bullied or forced , can you fight back ,are there consequences for fighting back....sometimes you can get away, other times you are stuck ...if you got stuck do you tell anyone ,will they help or try to take advantage of the new found knowledge ....basically as close to a sandbox as possible


Latina midget, sub to my Onlyfans - cash for gash
Game Developer
Jul 28, 2017
I think no theme is overdone but the way it is delivered. Better writers and intelligent story-telling are needed!
There is almost as many 'corruption' games as there are 'female protagonist' games, and there is a lot of overlap between the two.

You also linked OP to a game being carried solely by it's overly detailed artwork and is often ridiculed for it's confusing drawn-out storyline that has zero sex, and praised its writing.


Dec 30, 2017
What I would really like to see is more diversity. Right now you mostly get one one kind of game that is being done with minimum of innovation. Usual characteristics include negative portrayal of sex which I personally think is really bizzare, especially in a porn game. Other problem I have with these games is the lack of choice, since if you do get it is usually a choice between no or some content. Or quiting and deleting the game which is what I usually end up doing.

I really wouldn't mind since I just can not play these games it is just that these things are so common that finding a game that does things differently is very hard.


Active Member
Jun 23, 2018
Just make sure main Female Protagonist of your game is written by a woman in order to make her character build-up throughout the story is realistic. Check " " game by Lust & Passion if you need some inspiration.
In terms of writing sure but definitely not in terms of pacing..the game is way too slow

OT: More lesbian options
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Forum Fanatic
May 19, 2017
Just make sure main Female Protagonist of your game is written by a woman in order to make her character build-up throughout the story is realistic.
I tried not to laugh... What makes a woman more qualified to write about women? Don't you think there would be an inherent bias? A conflict of interest. If it's fantasy sure, but women aren't known for their truthfulness. What a woman says must be taken with a grain of salt to counter the sugar coating she puts on.
On the other hand, when a man writes about a woman from a casual observer perspective, what motive would he have to be dishonest? He doesn't have a dog in that fight, he just calls it like he sees it.

I watched an episode of "funniest videos" once, where a family goes bowling. It's the mums turn, she lines up, and brings the ball back getting ready to throw, and she clocks her daughter square in the head with the ball.
Mum turns around, looks straight at Dad, and if looks could kill... How the hell is it his fault? According to women it is. The way women think, it's always the male's fault. Not the daughters fault for following in mum's footsteps, not mum's fault for her lack of situational awareness, or spacial cognition, of course not. Dad was to blame.:rolleyes:

I'll even bet the poor bastard didn't get none that night, after they got home from the ER where the daughter got stitches. It's a good thing HE had insurance.
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Engaged Member
Oct 2, 2017
I think the biggest issue I have with female protagonist games is they usually don't have a very well developed reason for the protagonist to do anything other than just fuck everything that moves. Usually she starts off already being a total slut. Usually her SO is either a total asshole or an absolute loser so why not cheat on him?

Most games where the protagonist is male at least paint the SO in a better light. She might start off as a bitch but she's usually hot and there is usually some backstory about how they used to have a better relationship. She usually becomes nicer if he treats her right. Usually if she catches him fucking other women she'll retaliate. She'll kick him out or she'll start cheating as well or something. In other words she'll act like you would expect someone who has any sort of backbone to act.

If the main character is female usually her SO is a loser who will take anything she dishes out lying down and will remain a loser no matter what path the main character takes. He'll either remain oblivious, he'll just passively accept it without any retaliation, or he'll get off on it, but in pretty much every case he'll start and end the game as submissive to his SO.


Active Member
Sep 9, 2018
Whats something you want see/see more of in FPOV/Female protag games.
Mainly fetish content: consentacles, eggs, belly inflation, body hair and generally enjoying a lot of sex. Besides me enjoying it less chances are the vanilla/rape version has been done before.

If some of you can tell me what's missing in female protag games?
Female agency a lot of the time. In many male protag games you go out there to screw bitches and chew bubblegum, more often than not female "protagonists" are dolls puppeteered by the player against their will. In hand with that, sex positivity. I get that IRL women usually gatekeep sex and all that but these are explicitly PORN games so make the lead character actually want and enjoy sex for its own sake. Unless you actually have a proper story to tell requiring a different approach.

What's going RIGHT about them?
A few do it well, and if you're into those sorts of things coercion, "corruption" (i.e. the casual variant), rape and similar themes are going strong.

What are your favourite female protag games?
Needless to say if my first point wasn't warning enough this is very much a "play at your own risk" list and not wholesome lovey-dovey snuggling for the whole family (actually surprisingly little incest involved given everything else you can do):
  • Violated Heroine. Lots and LOTS of varied, deviant and downright nasty sex content, a likeable PC who actually shows some agency, options to initiate sex on your own terms (sometimes, where plausible), quite elaborate body status system.
  • Rain's Rave, mainly for the fetish content obviously. While probably not an intentional feature the lewdness grind/"corruption" is very easy so you can actually play most of the game as a sex-positive slut with basically no repercussions and even get an alternate approach to "combat" to some extent.
  • Leviathan, though calling her a "character" is a bit of an overstatement. Not much in terms of story and a lot of the sex is technically rape but she takes it well.
  • Island Survival game by Crotch, similar to the previous one except for the MAJOR SCAT WARNING! I'm not even really into scat but it suits the context, the game has a lesbian option and even being unable to understand a single word it just felt good running around taking matters into your own hands and getting things done.
  • Degrees Of Lewdity savescum FTW! Ironically enough despite being a "rapetown simulator" at its core your weak little orphan girl (or boy) actually has a lot of agency in context. Fighting or complying with rapists, prostitution, flirting, propositioning consensual sex, walking around drenched and filled with cum. Oh and it has a bestiality stat...
  • Parasite Infection because even with the implied mind control you as the player character can still choose to have sex and spread the parasites to the pleasure of everyone involved.
  • Lust Doll Plus doesn't have much actual content yet but plenty of customisation and you can get pregnant with slimes.
...should I be worried human men feature so little on that list? :unsure:


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2018
Games i like ,,,and i stress games here cause visual novels ARE NOT GAMES .......

Girl life - its a little on the grind side of things but i like that its got a good randomize and the choices you make are yours....it heavy on time management and more of a sand box, you can be as good or naughty as you want .which makes it perfect.... downside is to make it load images right is very tricky.......2. Roundscape.....cute RPG maker game...lots of content ,the combat is a bit grindy like most Rpg maker games but its a cute fantasy game with multiple chooses and paths ,lots of replayablity . 3. A new dawn-by white raven ...cute RPG maker game...lots of content and humor ..4 Claire's Quest, Calicross. and defenestration .....text games would be Corruption of champions and... Trails in tainted space (tits)...


Oct 20, 2019
I would like to see more female protagonist adult games that aren’t exclusively written for the male gaze. That’s the main issue with female protagonist games in my opinion; by the end of the game, the mc is merely a shell of their former self driven solely by their lust for the d.
Less of that please kthx. Write her like an actual fucking person.

the sex object female mc is also super overdone and I do actually enjoy corruption games...most of them by the end of it just make me feel...really dirty in the bad, not sexy way. As a woman myself I can’t help but feel sorry for her poor pussy. Ow.

If you want a more detailed list, I will be happy to make one later.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2018
silly and fun games would have to include , “Panthea – leave2gether” ...great art work and humor ..........Zoe's Temptations ....the Proteus Effect ...........good girls gone bad....


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2018
I would like to see more female protagonist adult games that aren’t exclusively written for the male gaze. That’s the main issue with female protagonist games in my opinion; by the end of the game, the mc is merely a shell of their former self driven solely by their lust for the d.
Less of that please kthx. Write her like an actual fucking person.

the sex object female mc is also super overdone and I do actually enjoy corruption games...most of them by the end of it just make me feel...really dirty in the bad, not sexy way. As a woman myself I can’t help but feel sorry for her poor pussy. Ow.

If you want a more detailed list, I will be happy to make one later.
YES Please, you may know of some I have missed , would love to see what you come up with :))
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Mar 5, 2018
<Bad english>

Not really into Female protag, but always have noted how most of the time the male partner of the fprotag is so bland, is so easy to cheat on him, is easy to hate him, is easy to feel happy for his disgrace, very few times i see games when the fprotag is the one we hate and want for her to happen bad things because how she deal with her male partner (I'm talking in corruption games with fprotag with a heterosexual relationship). Maybe Business Fashion have a hateful fprotag.

Things i like and want to see...

- Blackmail without rape. If you asking me how is that possible, then think about a fprotag that have kill someone and want to hide what she do, the blackmailer don't even have to talk, she blackmail herself and do anything for you. There should be a lot of cases, when she is reluctant but she KNOW she have to do it and the situation evolve.

- Hateful characters that remain hateful, but at the end they paid or succed. Rapist, blackmailer, sugar daddies, bullies...

- A 'shining armor hero', sometimes, i just want a story that at some point a good male character appear. I know we men are assholes... but they are two or three good.

- Rape, Why rape? Because it can be used to evolve the fprotag, rape can force a the girl to the path the author want her to go. And can evolve into a lot of kinks.

- Futanari (maybe this is out of topic), not the trans tag, but a female with the ability or capability to have a dick and a vagina, honestly, u can make a good game with a female with both sex (u can add sexual content, psychological, drama, comedy content and so on).

- More 3d games with fprotag... i don't really even know a lot of them outside honey selector.

Let me see with game i like with fprotag...

Good Girl Gone Bad (just for fap, not really enjoy the story, kinks are always welcome and with so many choices that game have...)

Business Fashion (I hate the point and click thing... but it have a solid story for a porn and a character that i hate!)

Elena Life (again just for the fap... and mostly her daughter content with her)
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Game Developer
Feb 11, 2019
well... I want more of the same...RPGM cum dumb
just lack of the sexy 3D style female protagonist
don't want more realistic story or what ever of that
as long as the story fun the scene hot
I don't care about believe able realistic annoying personality of real life woman they're talking about
for more information
I like anime girl series japan girl
they had a personality that not like the stereo type personality
they cute they think less they stupid
and these forums criticer call it not realistic
like... only woman they know is only a realistic one...
any person can have any personality mind set wisdom etc
why the protagonist need to have the personality and wisdom at their rule of expectation?


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2018
well... I want more of the same...RPGM cum dumb
just lack of the sexy 3D style female protagonist
don't want more realistic story or what ever of that
as long as the story fun the scene hot
I don't care about believe able realistic annoying personality of real life woman they're talking about
for more information
I like anime girl series japan girl
they had a personality that not like the stereo type personality
they cute they think less they stupid
and these forums criticer call it not realistic
like... only woman they know is only a realistic one...
any person can have any personality mind set wisdom etc
why the protagonist need to have the personality and wisdom at their rule of expectation?

this was said jokingly....... right ??????? and the biggest problem with that Japanese style is the CENSORSHIP ...original artwork is better .....