What's the right amount of girls in a harem game?


  • 2-3

    Votes: 5 3.2%
  • 2-3 + optional/side girls

    Votes: 8 5.1%
  • 3-5

    Votes: 18 11.4%
  • 3-5 + optional/side girls

    Votes: 36 22.8%
  • 5-7

    Votes: 9 5.7%
  • 5-7 + optional/side girls

    Votes: 20 12.7%
  • 7-9

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 7-9 + optional/side girls

    Votes: 11 7.0%
  • +10

    Votes: 3 1.9%
  • +10 + optional/side girls

    Votes: 48 30.4%

  • Total voters


Jul 29, 2020
I didn't see this poll posted anywhere, so I figured it was about time someone did it.

It's a self-explanatory poll. Just vote for the amount of girls you all think is good for a harem game and explain why, if you want to.

I know there's lots of people here who hate harem games, but please don't start flame wars here people. I'm just curious and wanna hear from those who like them.


Apr 13, 2022
If its gonna be a harem game might as well go all out and have as many women as possible
Pretty much. Though...

Really depends on the scope of the game honestly. Its not a one glove fits all type thing IMO.
That and the ability of the dev. Admittedly some girls are oft one off scenes with a few main ones being the ones with the majority.


May 22, 2018
As many as possible really, it's more a question of time/effort limitations than any preferences. Unless the story is small scale(mainly takes place in a single house and so on).
Of course one shouldn't over extend and develop 20 routes at the same time. I'll take 3 well developed characters over 10 single scene characters any day.

Deleted member 229118

Active Member
Oct 3, 2017
4 girls is the most balanced.

The more girls the more forgettable and interchangeable they are.
At that point there just one night stands instead of a harem.

As many as possible really, it's more a question of time/effort limitations
This is the main issu.
One of the appealing thing about superpowered is the sheer amount of custom designed girls.
Ever single one with there own personality, clothing style, and looks.
But your ability to interact with them is limited.

Likewise some games have random generated girls who all become interchangable and with the same personality.

A good harem game in my opion is less about the amount of girls and more about the girls being more then just dickwarmers you use randomly.
Slaves tent to be better for find, fuck, forget.
Harems games i expect a bigger focus on who the girls are then how many there are.
I rather have a large game with hunderds of woman each with there own personalty, clothing style and looks but realisticly speaking that is too much work for to little reward.
Its better to have a small group of well thought out harem woman then an army of woman who all act the same, look similier and dress similer.

Now make no mistake.
There is a certian joy into dehumanizing slave.
Making them all dress the same, have the same hair, name them the same.
Destroying every induvality there suppose to have.
But that is about slave management games.
When it comes to harem i want people i can corrupt, manipulate and control.
Keyword people aka having a mind and personality of there own and not just stats to manage.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2018
I like to see relationships and interaction (not just sex) between the girls, which quickly disappears as number of people go up, so a smallish harem. if they're not interacting it kinda feels like they're separate and it's no harem anymore, just a collection of horny singles. it should work like a family even if it's not a family.

Beatrix Kiddo

Aug 25, 2016
Around 4-5 I would say. As others said, add too many characters and they'll start becoming shallow and boring. And even if you take the time to develop each one of them, there's a point when I simply can't care for that many. My mind will focus on the few I find more interesting and the others will simply feel like a chore.


Jul 29, 2020
Around 4-5 I would say. As others said, add too many characters and they'll start becoming shallow and boring. And even if you take the time to develop each one of them, there's a point when I simply can't care for that many. My mind will focus on the few I find more interesting and the others will simply feel like a chore.
Isn't that an advantage of having many girls then? The freedom to choose which girls you'd like to keep and ignore the others? Everyone's got different tastes after all.

And apparently, that includes with the amount too. It seems there's no clear cut answer. Some like fewer, some like more. Good thing there's plenty of games to please everyone's needs.
Thanks for the responses everyone.


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2018
I did a similar question some time ago (not a pull though) asking the right amount of girls to balance story and quantity


I was (and still am) making a harem game. I decided to start with 5 girls, and once those 5 girls have their main story developed, I'll work on 3-4 more girls and that will be the "harem". I might add some more random girls for 1 or 2 extra sex scenes but no deep story or LI with them.
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Oct 15, 2018
I don't think there is a right amount, but 3 feels too little and more than 10 can feel overwhelming.

There are things that I would consider good in a harem game. Definitely quality over quantity. For me, the story is essential to a harem game. Why are the characters in your harem? How do they relate to you _and_ to each other? Characters don't exist in a vacuum, or in a 1-on-1 relationship with you.
Another thing that is important is that characters should be distinct. Distinct in looks and in personality. You can give them an initially easily identifiable archetype: slutty, sporty, submissive, dominant, tsun, yan, classy, studious, serious, inexperienced, etc. Then flesh those out to be more than 1 dimensional. Give them goals and aspirations and allow your MC to help them.
Create plot lines between the characters and outside influences, either threatening or strengthening your harem.

The Headmaster is in my opinion an example of a harem game done well.


Active Member
May 25, 2020
5-7 + optional girls (ONS or fuck buddies), I don't mind if there are more, I just don't want there to only be 1, 2, 3 or 4 girls in the game, even limiting yourself to 5 is a bit too low since then you just focus on those characters and you get bored soon plus there is no mystery to the rest of the game, also love how spontaneous the encounters can be with random girls, like that Karen scene in Grandma's House where she complains to a bartender, the MC takes her to the toilet and reprimands her for being annoying by fucking her huge ass whilst spanking it and then cumming in her.

That's the kind of energy I want in games : high amount of girls, interesting set ups, great positions/camera work, fuck the story, present a wide array of fetishes, make the girls thicc...etc.


Aug 4, 2020
2-3 main and slowly developing girls with in depth backgrounds and personalities, 3-5 kinda-main but quickly developing girls with less connection to MC, 3-10+ side pieces who act as cum release valves and a place to dump fetishes (trans, thicc, milf, etc.)


Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2020
I'd say max. 5. More and they tend to be forgettable and the story starts getting confusing. There are some exceptions, but not that many.

In a game with less girls, it depends on how interesting the main girl(s) is/are. If a game has only one LI but she's not interesting / not my type, then the game is more or less lost. With more girls, the chance of one clicking seems higher.

I'm not a big fan of side girls either. I think they just cheapen the experience.
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